27 entries in 0.998s

phf: asciilifeform: right, i'm not arguing your original statement, just trying to understand this part of thread. if i wanted to grok electrodynamics, can get scan, or easier to just walk to friend and get
landau of the shelf. doesn't matter that he has millions of other books, or that there's an archive of book scans somewhere. mp's point seems to be that the activity should be treated as tomb raiding either way, rather then "i have a
mircea_popescu: L. D.
Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics in Continuous Media. hurr.
ascii_field: or if you're a l333337 d00d,
landau & lifschitz vol. 1-5
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not
landau. later contributors can footnote it.
mircea_popescu: punkman L.D.
Landau and E.M.Leifshitz. all the math one could ever want.