500+ entries in 0.048s

hey, I preserved as much of the history as I could
hey trinque, minding the previous
point and earlier
point and
questions, why don't we set a time to discuss where you're at and what the next steps are ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-02 17:35:02 mod6: mp_en_viaje:
Hey there, Sir. Now that you're back to CR (glad you had a good trip), plz to process mpex withdrawls when you have an extra few minutes. Thanks in advance.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-04 10:38:48 mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have]
asked of me" : "
hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have]
asked of me" : "
hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
mp_en_viaje: upon you return, you recount how it went. one of the things you say is "
hey, do you know the one with the two nuns and the...", on the basis of a fellow latex salesman unknown to us having told you a dirty joke over drinks one night in the hotel lobby, after coming back from the business and before going up to the personal assistants in the rooms.
mod6: mp_en_viaje:
Hey there, Sir. Now that you're back to CR (glad you had a good trip), plz to process mpex withdrawls when you have an extra few minutes. Thanks in advance.
billymg: trinque: also,
hey, i've got about a week left here in austin. if you're not too busy let me know if you'd be up for a drink or some steaks
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-28 01:17:51 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell billymg
hey, you still alive ?
mp_en_viaje: i can't be arsed to drag out where in the log this point was made for ignoramus asciilifeform 's benefit,
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell billymg
hey, you still alive ?
mp_en_viaje: !Q later tell billymg
hey, you still alive ?
mp_en_viaje: speaking of which
hey hanbot_abroad it's femInin not femenin. i can see why you'd make the mistake, but they're right, it's femina not femena ; and besides
famen's a word.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-18 20:10:44 mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because
hey, she followed the
mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because
hey, she followed the famlby t
mircea_popescu: yet one in three or four or whatever's still way the fuck more than absolute zero, which is what you'll get out of "
hey, [name i picked out of the hat], do [thing i picked out of the hat]".
mircea_popescu: then again have you seen my/his (
hey, if dumbass bois can be denoted by complex pronominal constructions of little sense and even less purpose, why can't i be my/his!!!!) bash kb+ one-liners ? the man's insane!
trinque: and ftr my word is not law. if you were sane you'd have said "
hey trinque, I am thinking of introducing this class" and arguing with me why it should be introduced.
hey bvt, thanks for the update, how goes ?
mircea_popescu: wasn't the workers, it was...
hey, do you remember the annoying woman in the pawnbroker ?
lobbes: Although, it looks like in some cases it will
default to selecting the end of the paragraph when done across tag boundaries
whaack: if the text one's selecting is all within a tag, then the selection tool will properly match. But if you cross a tag,
like so, then the markup will interfere
hey mircea_popescu there's some kinkish noobgirl potential in #trilema-hanbot. not going to suggest she pm you, naturally; feel like coming by to say hello?
mircea_popescu: yeah, speaking of which,
hey Mocky what became of your site with all the mockybot stuff ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-26 09:52:57 mp_en_viaje: in other housekeeping,
hey diana_coman lobbes wouldja mind taking alf's derpy alt-bitcoinwizards off the loggers header list ?
mp_en_viaje: in other housekeeping,
hey diana_coman lobbes wouldja mind taking alf's derpy alt-bitcoinwizards off the loggers header list ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 04:39:28 mp_en_viaje: whaack,
hey, that's not even bad.
mp_en_viaje: is the very simple "we each have these herds of sluts we're competing" basis, upon which donizetti came and offered a useful tool : "
hey guise ? ima write a piece no human female born out of human female can EVER fucking sing. it'll just be fucking impossible. you can watch them die trying, crash and burtn on the stage, all their natural girly hopes and aspirations and the rest of the coy behaviour debris eviscerated for y
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 04:06:31 mircea_popescu: unrelatedly :
hey trinque, now that there's actually multiple functional castles the time's prolly come to update the deedbot voice model into awareness of this situation. so how about a patch making voice in #trilema dependent on ~my~ wot, rather than deedbot's own ; and similarily in any castles that ask for it / you come to an understanding with the lords thereof, so they can use the voice model there if the
mp_en_viaje: lotta windows users are like that, most of their keyboard usage is repetitive pressings on the same key. which is i suppose how people even came up with the "
hey, make the screen a single button and be done with it" next node of "improvement"
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-02 16:41:29 mircea_popescu: so instead :
hey lobbes, please fix these and give me a one-line-per-post dump, formatted like "INSERT INTO tril_posts(id, post_author, post_status, post_type, post_name, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_title, post_content); INSERT INTO tril_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ("articleid-1", 44);", wheren the ids start with 90800 and the time is now+3 hours whenever you start doing it.
mircea_popescu: so instead :
hey lobbes, please fix these and give me a one-line-per-post dump, formatted like "INSERT INTO tril_posts(id, post_author, post_status, post_type, post_name, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_title, post_content); INSERT INTO tril_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ("articleid-1", 44);", wheren the ids start with 90800 and the time is now+3 hours whenever you start doing it.
mircea_popescu: so in practice it's like... "
hey, now you're old enough to be forbidden this great palace where all the cool shit is"
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: oh
hey, how did the conference call go then?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-21 06:43:55 mircea_popescu: it seems to me that "special purpose os" is a contorted circumlocution for "an app". it futher seems to me that the proposition "
hey, you know how to do the thing we don't know how to do ? let's do what we know how to do instead and call it good!" is fundamentally weak, ethically (ie, that it's not driven by anything but convenience) ; and that the "make your os for a purpose" thing is undistinguishable from it
mircea_popescu: it seems to me that "special purpose os" is a contorted circumlocution for "an app". it futher seems to me that the proposition "
hey, you know how to do the thing we don't know how to do ? let's do what we know how to do instead and call it good!" is fundamentally weak, ethically (ie, that it's not driven by anything but convenience) ; and that the "make your os for a purpose" thing is undistinguishable from it.
mircea_popescu: they got a list of like 5 things, and god help you if you're trying to find something
other than that.
hey diana_coman, what's your article with the woman's difficulties, (sexy, smart) pick one ?
mircea_popescu: jfw,
hey, it's a free slavery thing, people can do their own part
mircea_popescu: and in other diana_coman lulz, asciilifeform now thinks somebody wants to "convert" him.
hey you! you didn't fucking leave, ~you got kicked out~. for being a moron. part and parcel of the very substance of that being a moron is your utterly ridiculous relationship to reality. stop tryina fucking retcon the past into something more amenable to your howling idiocy.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-11-05 08:41:55 mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "
hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-05 04:46:58 mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "
hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "
hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
hey hanbot how's this sound : "You, with bread and knife at hand, yet die starv't, uncomprehend't."
mp_en_viaje: o btw, i nearly forgot!
hey trinque , are alf's funds confiscated yet ? partay ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:38:08 mp_en_viaje: and since doing this,
hey spyked ? you ever been across ocean ?
mp_en_viaje: and since doing this,
hey spyked ? you ever been across ocean ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 00:57:27 mp_en_viaje:
hey trinque, you feel like taking the tiny concert goer over to cr for a coupla weeks ? you pick up your own airfare ima cover your stay with the fellow.
hey trinque, you feel like taking the tiny concert goer over to cr for a coupla weeks ? you pick up your own airfare ima cover your stay with the fellow.
mp_en_viaje: i'm mentioning it specifically because
hey, why not, but normally wouldn't have, again on the expectation that "his lordship" is not hollow pretense, but actual and factual description. this is what it describes : a man who needn't be told the obvious. naught else, it's all it is.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-02 02:14:00 mp_en_viaje: o look at that, phf logger also quit sometime last night.
hey trinque, you about for entitrely unrelated issues from a few hours ago ?
mp_en_viaje: in today's keks :
hey lobbes, if i try to add "/me nods along benevolently." as a comment it says "stale page", but if i remove the leading slash it doesn't anymore
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 19:13:37 mp_en_viaje: obv if i wanted to pay less i'd have made the award less. i don't, not because "it's what it's worth" (which very eminently isn't, true market value of the item's prolly in the $70-$150 range, depending where you buy it) but because tryina prime the pump, so people can go "
hey, we made something out of crumpled wad!", why not.
mp_en_viaje: obv if i wanted to pay less i'd have made the award less. i don't, not because "it's what it's worth" (which very eminently isn't, true market value of the item's prolly in the $70-$150 range, depending where you buy it) but because tryina prime the pump, so people can go "
hey, we made something out of crumpled wad!", why not.