21 entries in 0.934s
a111: Logged on 2014-02-16 22:04 asciilifeform: they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't
have to do any work but
to dip them'
mircea_popescu: the " the price inevitably dips" theory works A LOT better if it doesn't
have to dip under 6k.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812288 << yeah, YOU can. way before pretty much anyone else, and certainly way the fuck before the masses can a) be told that yes, in fact, the act of purchasing something involves them paying! b) thereby realize they will
have to retrieve monies c) emit a mournful moo d) reach into bottomless purse/euromanpurse/
dip hoof into each of eleventeen pockets e) find a button! f) remember that bunion/ill aunt/weather s
☝︎ phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-28#1573903 << that is one of the best games ever. i
have many memories of high school drunken debaucheries, where a small clique would periodically
dip out, one by one,
to perform their next move in heroes on the family computer
☝︎ pete_dushenski: reddit is like a pseudo-stake for people who don't otherwise
have one, but care
to dip their toes in now and again
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2014 22:04:18; asciilifeform: they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't
have to do any work but
to dip them'
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2014 22:04:18; asciilifeform: they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't
have to do any work but
to dip them'
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2014 22:04:18; asciilifeform: they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't
have to do any work but
to dip them'
saifedean: the point from looking at evolution is not
to mimic the life of ancient humans, it is
to figure out what are the things that make our lives better and what makes it worse. humans love
to dip in streams, seas and rivers, and washing copies that. humans only recently developed condoms, and sex in condoms does definitively suck. having unwanted kids sucks more, so you do
have to don one, but you would still rather not.
chetty: a lot of girls seem
to have that problem, the issue as far as I know is ensuring people don't double
dip with photoshops
fluffypony: once darlidada gets
to like June last year he's going
to have to dip into personal logs
Bugpowder: should
have locked it and waited
to see if there was a
dip ThickAsThieves: just addressing that things
have to dip pretty damn low
to be worth the risk of sitting on fiat
mjr__: i even think that it is possible that if they
have halted sales due
to demand, that they caused the