32 entries in 0.783s

mircea_popescu: the sum total of "internet users" from the "informatrion superhighway" who sat down at any point since 2016 going "hmm... i wonder what my opinion of this
hanno bock character should be. let's do some research..." is, rounded to the closest integer, zero.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 20:27 phf:
hanno bock is a stand in for "security community", sort of like preet bharara is a standing for american aparatchiks. they even look the parts!
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 19:36 erlehmann: > I read the Baseline Requirements document (version 1.4.5, section, but I wasn't entirely sure whether this is considered a key compromise. I asked
Hanno Bock on Twitter
hanno bock is a stand in for "security community", sort of like preet bharara is a standing for american aparatchiks. they even look the parts!
☟︎ erlehmann: > I read the Baseline Requirements document (version 1.4.5, section, but I wasn't entirely sure whether this is considered a key compromise. I asked
Hanno Bock on Twitter
☟︎ shinohai feels bad he made a post that made asciilifeform sleep and possible dream of
Hanno Bock shinohai wonders if asciilifeform has nightmares of
Hanno Bock cracking all his moduli .....
mircea_popescu: hurr durr, they were doing pgp subversion research and picked his
hanno bock to publish some results.
jhvh1: Go back to sucking off
Hanno Bock and leave me alone!
mircea_popescu: aquae et ignis, you understand. "flycheck" lacks the ability to "it moved" much like
hanno bock lacks the ability to "tell" anyone anything.