19 entries in 0.242s
mircea_popescu: is there actual substantial meaning translated thereby ? /me shall have to meditate
mircea_popescu: so, phf : how about you start clearly communicating yourself, beginning with a complete, correct and true to life adnotation of said discussion in your own hand, because this "ima go meditate on things until everyone involved forgot what i was meditating on" isn't a workable approach to intellectual life. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: but, the working of the wool shear is not for the sheep to meditate upon.
mircea_popescu: i must now retire and meditate in sadness over the miserable fate fate had in store for me this morn.
mircea_popescu: actually, let's meditate together upon the following item, perhaps it resolves some subtle issues :
mircea_popescu: (the sheer ridoinculousness of this, where usg has managed to recrearte for it in 2018 the situation of thje ottoman empire in 1878 is something everyone's quite pointedly invited to meditate upon. PANTSUITISM DOES NOT WORK, and stop asking women. anything.)
mircea_popescu: you gotta sit and meditate, it's getting ridoinculous
mircea_popescu: or sit around and smoke and meditate. the "absconse scottish lord" figure in british literature very much typifies the trope.
mircea_popescu: i shall now retire to meditate upon this most unexpected development.
mircea_popescu: ima go have pie and meditate on the implications of this.
mircea_popescu: i shall be off to eat a lot of cake and meditate.
mircea_popescu: ima have to meditate on this.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform aka punishment room. small room no windows where bad girls go to meditate.
mircea_popescu: "Lest this all seem merely amusing, meditate on the fate of those who have tampered with words before. The behaviorists ruined words like "behavior", "response", and especially, "learning". They now pl-ay happily in a dream world, internally consistent but lost to science."
mircea_popescu: "But compare and contrast (by which I mean meditate upon) the alt coin with max keiser’s alt coin and you’ll perhaps… you’ll come to something."
mircea_popescu: but compare and contrast (by which i mean meditate upon) the alt coin with max keiser's alt coin and you'll perhaps you'll come to something.
mircea_popescu: meditate on this point.
mircea_popescu: but fundamentally karpeles gets to sit in a jail cell and meditate over his "mpex is illegal" bs.
mircea_popescu: just needed to meditate a little lol