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mircea_popescu: anyways, contrary to the purportings and pretences traditionally
required by their culture, i do kinda suspect ye pantsuit gets pretty well overwhelmed in this here copacetic copse of #trilema
mircea_popescu: while ~everything was built on it (putting it intellectually way ahead of, say,
THE ENTIRE COLLECTIVE OF LISP USERS & their collected historical products, or anything else "the civilised" Western world has to offer), nevertheless it really fails more often than it delivers.
mircea_popescu: it couldn't be, in 1985 cluj, a case of "come meet me
at X for Y". it always had to be "[unless they're out]" as a coda. unless theyre's a [too long] queue, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: i mean, you can "ban", but the ban's gotta specify something, and whatever it specifies will be an arbitrary, user-
selected string, such as ip or box name or w/e
mircea_popescu: and secondly, the rpublic isn't intended to work this way. you're supposed to hear about the patches you hear about. you aren't happy with the patches you hear about,
make better friends.
mircea_popescu: will have to say what others think. imo if you can manage to make a
select/dblclick NOT also catch the footnote literal anchor, footnotes in codeblocks are great things
mircea_popescu: there's a self-obvious reason socialism existed traditionally as the political mode of
subsistence peasants, and then became an urban matter once industrialization produced of idle and useless vagrants in sufficient quantities.
mircea_popescu: most of the humiliation coming from the
Кто ты по жизни? line, "how come your nudes lag so much behind trilema ? i thought you were supposed to be cool and like, notable and shit ?".
mircea_popescu: but that's the idea : what i mean by " we systematize the pile" is that first we make a large pile, then we
select from it to make a smaller but correctly structured pile, and then we use the pile to fix cs where needed (and also we convert some portion of the larger pile left out, that's worth doing)
mircea_popescu: the main problem (and the reason i don't come across as much of a lisp fan) is that since the 80s complexity exploded significantly ; there's no more space for proto lisp as represented by
mel ; nor for the classical lisp as represented by the defunct moron club.
mircea_popescu: traditionally lisp coding consists of spending some time to ~well~ understand your problem ; the internal ast of
this digestion is not well fit for language (even though yes, the bleeding edge of human technologies & understandings as represented by trilema
mircea_popescu: chema/?b=Compared&e=be#
select][bit], then eventually a small pile of actually useful and working code is left behind, implementing 108% or so of what the old pile actually did while removing 98% or so of what it had no business doing"
mircea_popescu: the function is just a wrapper on the exact same thing, wp_list_comments('type=comment'); is exactly
SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' and comment_type = 'comment'
mircea_popescu: what's left is the one remainder in the hands of this yet-
another ex-republic (ex, through its failure, conscious even if disavowed, an' in any case vehehehery carefully constructed out of vehehehehery carefully curated [
http://trilema.com/2 mircea_popescu: ave1, probably some
selection of the build scripts is a good idea. even if we end up changing them later, afaik for all the hate nobody builds shit any other way atm
mircea_popescu: on trilema/s xmlrpc.php as a private fix (which still dun work correctly, for some yet undiscovered reason spaces get eaten), but anyways,
select should output no empty e.
mircea_popescu: $
select_tail = "?b=".substr(strip_tags($excerpt),0,12)."&e=".substr(strip_tags($excerpt),0,4)."#
mircea_popescu: ive who buries random objects a foot apart in the dirt, fish like corn cobs alike, because that's what he's doing. even if the former returns empty handed and the latter happens to strike a combination that works, nothing changes : one's human and the other not, one's rational and the other's just some flavour of
mircea_popescu: item is imo moderately didactic, demonstrates
selection-by-enumeration &
selection-by-threshold in the bundle. can do errything.
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to it : html was written by people who had not even a cursory familiarity with what resource location might even mean. consequently, there is no actual way to locate subsets within resources, even if continuous. the only available primitives are, either spurious linefeed, or else partial
mircea_popescu: then no
select is even needed, like the bible, #168:35 goes directly there
mircea_popescu: i dun imagine paragraph-
select is how people expect to use it.
mircea_popescu: the problem here is that
select behaviour is social, and implementing a weird
select for your blog is likely to cost more in that than in provides in whatever it provides
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, if you
select whole paragraphs and them only, you can get away with div at very minor cost (ie, there may be slight diff between "normal" para and
selected on some browsers)
mircea_popescu: yes. "a one cell table" is just a clunkier div. and the problem with div (
instead of span) is that it... breaks the line where it starts.
mircea_popescu: (subsidiarily, i also want to
select inside a logline maybe twice aweek, which is hundred of cases by now)
mircea_popescu: if one just goes by the persuasion tradewinds, this lever's permanently stuck to position one ; and ridiculous nonsense flows downstream, superficially visible as "
old men in power have been behaving badly" or w/e currently fashionable cri de guerre of the retard camp.
mircea_popescu: the only available support for such bootstrap is this kind of indicia, "why are my self-perceived needs conflict with my betters' designs". it could,
surely, be the case they're fucked in the head. i'm sure they often are.
mircea_popescu: maybe what you're trying to
select isn't something you should be
selecting as part of what you're trying to do because what you;re trying to do is actually broken upstream. ODDS ARE.
mircea_popescu: ie, if "
selection doesn't work for me" "why not ?" "because what i want to
select recurs", give some thought whether indeed "
selection is broken and should be fixed". WHY do you want to
select something THAT RECURS, and recurs so much it actually doesn't allow you to extend the context slightly, one character at a time, resolving your problem ?
mircea_popescu: whereas on trilema you have the whole power of the mp-wp
selectylanguage at your disposals, you don't need the line numbers because you can just
select w/e actually interests you
mircea_popescu: loggers as extant suffer from being built manalone style, from scratch, as such the only possible in-page
selection is an ad-hoc (but very functional, as it happens) by-line.
mircea_popescu: moreover, functional technology (as epitomized by
Bitcoin) is definitionally, necessarily and unavoidably anti-socialist. so much so that reliably one can use the reverse heuristic : if something doesn't shit on the needy, doesn't it make it harder for the stupid and more expensive for the poor, that something is most likely shit, not technology
mircea_popescu: so do me a favour an' never spend your cycles sitting there trying "to figure out" what "
your destiny is". it ain't anything, you're not a livresque personage. not YET. and you don't HAVE TO BE, either.
mircea_popescu: once you divide by 0, you'll get any other result you want ; once you buy
this pantsuit idiocy of "try to guess what
your life might mean in context", your life will be an endless AND DOOMED quest to rid yourself of pantsuitism.
mircea_popescu: i don't instantly see the benefit of an alternative. some things do not benefit from alternative, eg a knife which first has you "
select which side to be sharp" is a worse knife that is sharp on one side.
mircea_popescu: all the way round to the archetipical anal child, sitting in his room "meditating" about "winning the lottery" -- because
might as well.
mircea_popescu: where the fuck is the "oh, mp, here, forth!" answer when
one asks ? what, "oh, but mp, i meant comfortable in the sense of exactly opposite of comfort, because i subscribe to
imperial nominative conventions, everything's gonna be called the opposite of what it actually
mircea_popescu: (to give out the full helping of lulz : as far as anyone knows, mod_php doesn't even exist. the
cannonical repository sports a lulzily empty link ; the backup is
our old friends' myspace, wherein the source is given as ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap which, needless to say, doesn't resolve. nor do the "mirror s
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-06#1934003 << i don't know if didactic's the word, rather evaluatory. we want to know what exact dragons lay there, in the general, and you declared yourself interested in lisp, so it seemed a very natural fit ; then you self-
selected the task and i didnt have any objectiosn, for these reasons.\
mircea_popescu: yes, it is true, illo tempore, in ages long past, with
expensive paper process, this was a useful approach. but today, it is counter-productive.