500+ entries in 0.058s
TomServo: ckang: As lobbes hinted, Mystery Science Theater 3000. A commonly ripped off name, I've discovered. http://www.yuchtar.com/Tom.jpg
TomServo: I can't believe I guessed correctly what she meant before the reveal. Namespace dyslexia somehow clued me.
TomServo: Wasn't that the power ranger response to MP request to specify bitcoin?
TomServo: I expect MP will love "Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the documentation," ☟︎
TomServo: Yup, they are not interesting.
TomServo: asciilifeform: perhaps I've been too generous... perhaps.. phf has it.
TomServo: I fell down the gopherhole after phf mentioned it.. came across a pseudo-tmsr 'bitreich'.
TomServo: Wish I could help with any current woes, if that's possible lemme know. ☟︎
TomServo: He's better now, nbd.
TomServo: Ah, looking brighter now.. oldest just finished a 3-day visit at Children's with pneumonia.
TomServo: oops
TomServo: exception goes away, meaning folks are generally expected to make a new key when P exists?
TomServo: Makes sense.
TomServo: ah
TomServo: Perhaps I misremember, didnt' asciilifeform renew a key and maintain ratings?
TomServo: trinque: and forego any existing ratings?
TomServo: ben_vulpes: Surprised this has not been done. I'll add to the (geological!) list.
TomServo: I think a new key is neccessary in my case and figured if changing nicks, that'd be the time.
TomServo: That would be my preference, but if you're telling me there is no benefit in it, I wouldn't bother.
TomServo: Wouldn't a FG powered kochrsa be preferred over no FG?
TomServo: ben_vulpes: I'm talking about changing my irc handle, such as yourself.
TomServo: lobbes: Continuity break? As I understood there was a (perhaps annoying to trinque) process for renewing keys.
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783810 << Coincidentally, this is my real name, aha. Which is also on the list, getting new key under real name. ☝︎☟︎
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783801 << Understood. Blog is on the short list. ☝︎
TomServo: Sucks, I think getting that gear there was a critical piece.
TomServo: For clarification, is the S.NSA gear verboten? Are phf's flight/courier arrangements still on the table? ☟︎
TomServo: I'd very much like to see this endeavor succeed and would gladly offer assistance. I don't want to get out line if this discussion is for L1. ☟︎
TomServo: Relatedly, https://www.blockstream.com/2018/01/19/blockstream-bids-farewell-to-gregory-maxwell.html (won't archive)
TomServo: Now she'll have to step up to emotional support ardvark.
TomServo: I'm dying here.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: You might consider pointing your switch toward the back of the rack for better cable management. Gain 1U if you can double up with your qntra server. (but I would put it at the top)
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-07#1782364 << prolly more than half are not, but the overclocked ones typically are ☝︎
TomServo: some! contain no beer at all! strickly Windsor Canadian Whiskey ☟︎
TomServo chuckles
TomServo: right! well in northern wisconsin there are CLASSES of beers in cars
TomServo: I doubt there is one. Perhaps I misunderstood 'road sodas' when converting to local parlance.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: We call those 'travelers' in my parts. A 'roadie' if you're uncouth.
TomServo: :D
TomServo: Agreed, I'll admit the overclocking really threw me. ☟︎
TomServo: Well, running hard and diddling overlclock settings + babysitting detail are different things, I think.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: I see also, just thought it was worth mentioning.
TomServo: I think trinque 's point about hardware import difficulties is important to consider when stressing the gear, is all.
TomServo: This seems like strained reasoning to justify overclocking for what I see is a minimally appreciable gain.
TomServo: but the air between machines isn't moving, right? if not by convection? ☟︎
TomServo: but i've also never racked overclocked servers and would expect no joy to come from it ☟︎
TomServo: that's fair, no
TomServo: ben_vulpes: not sure about any air gap, all the racks i've seen are pretty pretty tight ☟︎
TomServo: That was my point, I don't see it being worth the effore given cpu cheapness.. even with the VAT. ☟︎
TomServo: If not full throttle, is it really worth the effort compared to throwing in another system?
TomServo: If overclocking, why not go full throttle?
TomServo: I've not kept up-to-date, but in my understanding of successful overclocking is often dependant on specialized cooling systems expected to be in a mini or full tower.
TomServo: I can likely order gear as well, but I don't expect that will be a problem.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: that's true, but you should have plenty of warning before needing to consider torching your gear
TomServo: Seems to be begging for heat and reliability issues when the goal should be reliability.
TomServo: I think you're on the right track not paying the price premium on the latest and greatest and eating the power.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: I would expect cores and I certainly wouldn't be considering overclocking in a DC environment.
TomServo: (or setup fees)
TomServo: this was $4460/mo USD and doesn't include any data service
TomServo: non standard 52U
TomServo: same again for B side, 20 kw
TomServo: Provisioned capacity cannot exceed 150% of commitment.
TomServo: & B” circuits should not exceed specified kW of draw.
TomServo: be shared by the circuits listed below. The total draw between the connected “A
TomServo: will provide specified amount of kW capacity from Primary (A Side) to
TomServo: If it is any help, some info from a quote for US DC circa 2016,
TomServo: Ah, then I misunderstood.
TomServo: ahah
TomServo: That's true, but weren't you discussing stuffing 4 mini itxs in one case? with vertical exhuasting cpu fans?
TomServo: Yes, very much principly a power concern.
TomServo: If not dense, prolly not an issue. But if it starts filling.. I'd be worried.
TomServo: Airflow is crucial in a dense environment.
TomServo: Well, I'm a bit miffed at the idea of stuffing consumer gear in racks, but I've not tried this. Seems risky.
TomServo: Yes, a bit.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: In my experience the plastic slats are intended to better maintain hot/cold isle airflow.
TomServo: I would rather not.
TomServo: There appears to be "- 36 MONTHS PROSUPPORT AND NBO ON-SITE SERVICE" included in the price, which - shouldn't be required, right?
TomServo: I'ma comin'.
TomServo: heh, just recently acquired the fg. Didn't want to start a blog just to emit noise.
TomServo: Glacial as far as? Having kids certainly didn't help my pace.
TomServo: Network "Engineer"
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Next is likely getting a copy of mp-wp up and running, posting some fg test results.
TomServo: Reading logs daily, got my node running. More in time.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Been here since 2012 I think, prolly got some more years left.
TomServo: https://archive.is/t0xSC << somewhat interesting tale here, featuring 'dark web' drug purchases and murder-for-hire in lieu of a divorce. Also possible parallel construction.
TomServo: asciilifeform: got it, thanks.
TomServo: asciilifeform: Am I mistaken there are 2 types of fg? 1 usb, 1 rs232 ?
TomServo: ah!
TomServo: danielpbarron: wasn't it 600 a week or two ago?
TomServo: asciilifeform: aha, I just noticed danielpbarron lowered his price.. so I was curious.
TomServo: asciilifeform: what is the current price for a fg? ☟︎
TomServo: shinohai: And making donations to charity!
TomServo: And here I was giving giving OSTK credit for /supposedly/ keeping the bitcoin income rather than using bitpay like everyone else.
TomServo: Doh, I missed, apologies.
TomServo: As far as failures go, this one is pretty great: https://archive.is/FueB0 .
TomServo: U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro cited "flagrant prosecutorial misconduct" in her decision to dismiss all charges against the Nevada rancher and three others.
TomServo: In other news, A federal judge dismissed all charges against rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and another man on Monday. ☟︎
TomServo: aha, I recognized the name, didn't recall the connection
TomServo: asciilifeform: it dropped by the time I thought to archive, https://archive.is/iYTlp
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-08#1748919 << something like this? https://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/miniwebproxy ☝︎