22 entries in 0.686s

BingoBoingo: Most of the boxe's power ended up simply
being a sort of "
fleet in being" reserve.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-25 00:08:42 asciilifeform: trinque: that
being said, mircea_popescu's 'uci' is prolly closest thing to 'sane vpn'. but not exactly
in scope of piz, we dun have a
fleet of 1e6 pwned boxen or anyffin of the kind.
mircea_popescu: Mocky yes, actually. both as current "checkpoint" mechanism and otherwise. but you gotta also familiarize self with "
fleet in being" concept, discussed
in logs pluriously.
mod6: "
In naval warfare, a "
fleet in being" is a naval force that extends a controlling influence without ever leaving port."
in this sense, a good iB
in back pocket as you say plays the strategic role of "
fleet in being",
in that it protects the old shit from too violent a crisis.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> i suppose should prolly call it
fleet in being for historical reasons, but anywya. << gotcha
mircea_popescu: i suppose should prolly call it
fleet in being for historical reasons, but anywya.
mircea_popescu: "A Sansha super carrier called a Revenant is worth approx. 300bil ISK due to
being rare
in the game. Probably worth more now due to the recent loss from Grath
in Pandemic Legion. 1st person to lose one. Seems to be a setup, where Black Legion had a massive
fleet waiting to counter drop them."