24 entries in 0.458s
BingoBoingo entertained the afrodescendiente bitches in old country, awful
ergonomics BingoBoingo: <mod6> some proper anal right there << Also great example of the importance of selecting the woman for
phf: asciilifeform: proper
ergonomics is a novel thing for me, as documented in logs
mircea_popescu: "AK-47: Crude and inaccurate bullet thrower designed by and for illiterate peasants. Chambered in a caliber that manages to cut the ballistics of a proper .30-caliber battle rifle in half without passing on any weight savings to the grunt.
Ergonomics only suitable for Russian midgets. Archaic cable trigger spring, crummy sights, no sight radius to speak of, no bolt hold-open device, and a clumsy safety. Favorite infantry
phf: you also rely on very deliberate, minimal tooling. i could for example use nano to write short python scripts, but i need intellij to wrestle with large codebases, and "professional" programmer tools have notoriously bad
ergonomics. emacs is notorious for giving its users rsi, etc. but i agree, it can all be remedied with literacy
ben_vulpes: i have a hard time giving a shit about the
ergonomics when it's covered in finger-snipping blades already.
mike_c: Mats_cd03: the
ergonomics of my keyboard & mouse make a huge difference for me. also the angles from my elbows to wrists to hands while working.
cads: it's a prototype to testing fit and
ergonomics pankkake: desk
ergonomics are my first question to employers, before pay
mircea_popescu: smickles cool. still coming to terms wuith the
ergonomics of this entire satoshi insanity.