1200+ entries in 0.083s
asciilifeform: ever wonder why heathens still fascinated, like chukchas with radio found in taiga, with 'bittorrent' ? it's because warez goes at ~line rate~ over 'bittorrent'. and at maybe 2/3 line rate on http on a good weather day. why? cuz bt , despite authored by idiot, ~let go of tcpism~ ! ☟︎
asciilifeform: mushroom rms's narrative is , granted, nonsense, where 'bolix sold soul to devil, lmi -- not sold'. both sold to devil, 2 diff devils. lmi's gambit was 'we'll self-fund by hand-soldering machines to sell back to mit'
asciilifeform: that kernels is an exact equiv. of http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-arent-two-antipsychotics-better-than-one-the-most-important-article-on-psychiatry-part-3-adnotated/#identifier_2_86297 . and prolly born via exactly analogous process.
asciilifeform: they do a http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3440#selection-127.2-257.37 and jz .Not_Found, eh.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-30 14:22 ave1: jurov: Thanks!, I'll try it, but are all these lisp (sbcl, ecl etc) version 2 or 1?
jurov: ave1: CLTL2 means "Common Lisp the Language, 2nd edition", it's not about Lisp-1 vs. Lisp-2 distinction.
ave1: jurov: Thanks!, I'll try it, but are all these lisp (sbcl, ecl etc) version 2 or 1? ☟︎
deedbot: diana_coman paid BingoBoingo invoice 2
feedbot: http://ave1.org/2019/lisp-documenting-my-encounter-with-step-2/ << ave1 -- Lisp, documenting my encounter with, step #2
asciilifeform: ( phunphakt: 1980s mipsen not only crashed, but would actually ~smoke~, if 2 identical tags! they had ultra-simplistic dual-ported sram as the table, would result in short circuit ! )
asciilifeform: 1 observation : given that the tags ~must~ be unique (an iron mips will actually hard-crash if you manage to -- it aint easy -- stuff 2 entries 2/ identical tags into the table) it may be possible to use some variant of crc as 'hash' for 'hash table' or similar (catch is, it gotta be ~fast~. as in, coupla instructions at most.)
asciilifeform: 1 naive solution i considered, was radix search, but with straight 3byte index, that's a 2^24-entry (4bit ea, i.e. index, so weights 1MB) table, would blow the pc cache to hell.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-02 03:21 asciilifeform: meanwhile!! http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/1.jpg , http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/2.jpg
mp_en_viaje: i believe it's the correct approach, have fixed-size repeaters, like so : 1. plug into FG, will load up a 4kb chunk of random ; 2. unplug, it repeats the chunk permanently while powered.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-24 13:32 asciilifeform: grr phf is it gonna take 2 months for the thing to be in btcbase.org/patches so i can link to it ?!
BingoBoingo: When I load it in my browser I get redirected to http://younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/#comment-4, which I suspect is how it should be generating the link in the first place.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: the problem is that it fails to add the 1 there i.e. this resolves correctly: younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/comment-page-1/#comment-4
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: the comments links seem broken on younghands.club; is there more weirdness with the mp-wp install? e.g. http://younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/ links to http://younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/comment-page-/#comment-4 that 404s
a111: Logged on 2019-07-28 12:08 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other mega discoveries nobody hears about, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.joc.8b00336 << total kinetic/thermodinamic control discovered in hexafluoro-2-butyne reaction with bis-furyl dienes
a111: Logged on 2019-07-28 12:08 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other mega discoveries nobody hears about, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.joc.8b00336 << total kinetic/thermodinamic control discovered in hexafluoro-2-butyne reaction with bis-furyl dienes
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other mega discoveries nobody hears about, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.joc.8b00336 << total kinetic/thermodinamic control discovered in hexafluoro-2-butyne reaction with bis-furyl dienes ☟︎☟︎
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-26#1925066 <-- the irony being that thetarpit comments implementation is dependent on the www server discussed in the post. the good part about this is that I should be able to do something about this soon; prolly not in the next 2-3 posts, but much sooner than I was before starting work on this. ☝︎
ave1: My first fault was to not directly write these thoughts down. Now I have (1) a backlog of items already taken in (2) had to spent an hour making the post.
asciilifeform: iirc in erry city police station in usa, erry yr they get 1 or 2 folx walking in and insisting they killed kennedy / 'did 9/11' / etc.
mp_en_viaje: and 2/3 of it uphill.
asciilifeform: it's 2-3 notches of circle of hell farther from ~physically going~ to salt mines, but still ugh
mp_en_viaje: 2. "Hiya, just looking for some fun with new faces in the usual sorta way." << if this isn't the whole mating game...
asciilifeform: claims '226 PATRONS $2,339 PER MONTH'
asciilifeform: btw thing already sometimes spills into 2 cpu (there are slave threads for uart and clock)
mp_en_viaje: because obviously, webchumpatron problems, tryna plug the value leaks, they figure if they misrepresent wanna-be-platform.com as a sort inca, sitting mysterious and unreachable on the top, and then let the wanna-be-platform.com/random-dorks do the work, then thereby... who kn
deedbot: BingoBoingo paid Mocky invoice 2
asciilifeform: all of this is 1) exceedingly gnarly , from 'fits in head' pov 2) requires a writable-and-executable memory segment. i.e. massive open wound.
asciilifeform: grr phf is it gonna take 2 months for the thing to be in btcbase.org/patches so i can link to it ?! ☟︎
mp_en_viaje: (what happened was that 1. i was looking through search results for "daughter encounter", the why we'll not include as we can't regress this storytelling forever into endless past ; and then 2. ran into dude killed for being dude, which i suppose is kinda sad, but w/e, america rite ; and then 3. fell on "Take It For Daddy: A Rough an
shrysr: with a combustion equipment mftr for 2 years...wasn't enough... migrated to canada. Spent a year desperately 'looking for a job'. Decided to start prep to switch into data science at this point....
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, how appealing does the following sound to you : 1. run an instance of logbot, feeding the log into your mp-wp db, so that each day is publishd as a new post ; 2. have a special category for these, such as "logs" or w/e ; add a special search page, such that if one introduces a term is fed a list of days that include it, with the term preselected in the page by url.
mp_en_viaje: for one thing, the sheer volume -- larger things can be collected, but then they'd have to be of much lower coherence, something like "the gutenberg database of english literature" ; while similarily coherent things also exist (tho i'd argue it's still a "5, 3, 7, 2 and 4 are similar to 179" sort of similarity) but then they'd have to be much, much tinier.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-20#1923917 << there was also a s.mg attempt where diana_coman tried to preserve all linux (in the manner of trb, naive speccing at the time). also fucking died, over explodig complexity (basically, there's no way to control for repetition, end up having to store GB-size^2) ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: why's that ? name is what's b/w the 1st 2 / , neh ?
asciilifeform: was scene where 2 d00dz sitting by a table, and it is full of mobos, rifle optics, cpus, unspeakable wirings, etc
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923558 << hash reference is useless for this purpose, because of the very meaning of a hash -- you can't get the hashed source back out of it. the hash worked well enough for trb because ~everyone has ~all versions and so it's a narrow and well documented domain. the hash will not work (and, experimentally, in plenty of cases you weren't involved with, failed to work, because the domain is 2+ degrees of magnitude v ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-14#1922400 << meanwhile the cause for this was discovered : yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/yahoo/yahoo-min.js yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/event/event-min.js yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/connection/connection-min.js all 404 ; so whatever's your timeout that's how long pages take to spuriously load. ☝︎
asciilifeform: the unsolved puzzlers, for that experiment, are, in order of pain : 1) buildroot w/ musl 2) 100% gcc-4.7 process 3) nic emulation . ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-17 21:57 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in envirowhinerism noose : asciilifeform uncrated a 'window' type air conditioner to help in torture room; and found 1) cost ~2x than last time bought one 2) plastered with 'explosion hazard' warnings. apparently europistan banned ~all~ freons, new-type, old type, and as result EVERYONE gets cooling compressors fulla... butane. 3) internal insulation is... styrofoam. the white,
a111: Logged on 2019-06-27 13:48 asciilifeform: on top of this, add the fact that sovok was really 4 separate items, as diff. as e.g. roman 'kings' period vs republic vs empire : 1) lenin epoch 2) stalin 3) hrusch 4) 'stagnation' and wrap-up.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in envirowhinerism noose : asciilifeform uncrated a 'window' type air conditioner to help in torture room; and found 1) cost ~2x than last time bought one 2) plastered with 'explosion hazard' warnings. apparently europistan banned ~all~ freons, new-type, old type, and as result EVERYONE gets cooling compressors fulla... butane. 3) internal insulation is... styrofoam. the white, ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: I think I've found peak self important Argentine derpery: https://archive.is/wRbNu 1. Expecting Uruguay to act agaisnt a fishing vessel Argentina doesn't like because Argentina's charges against the boat are "public knowledge" though entirely domestic to Argentina. 2. Sticking to the Malvinas and trying to insist Uruguay derp with them over some British sheep islands not named New Zealand.
asciilifeform: interesting architectural approach, also, 2 cpu, 1 runs a unixlike, the other -- a handwritten asm thing that actually talks to the iron, and presents self as 'iron' to the unixturd
mp_en_viaje: i didn't even start with it ; the actual history as it unfurled is fucking emblematic. 1 "oh, steamos ?" 2. nowait, no os, idiots ; 3. ahahaha, THEY HAVE NO GAMES, how can they survive 4. omfg bbq NOBODY DOES HAVE ANY
mp_en_viaje: 1. most of the "need" and "use" you perceive is entirely imaginary, resulting from the intersection of your WSOD and their marketing efforts and 2. most of the actual utility comes from older stuff in the first place, and will be delivered better by resurected older stuff than by the newer stuff.
asciilifeform: ( i expect one can use any whatsoever. my patch will only cleanly work with 2.6+, 2.4.x had very different api for deviceisms )
asciilifeform: btw for thread-completeness -- the 'weird-endian' puzzle had simple answer : turns out the mips arch uses 'little' representation for the instructions per se, even on 'big' machine. the rationale for this, was that the instr. length is fixed, and jumps into unaligned addresses are forbidden (i.e. iron will not load an instruction from an addr that doesn't end with 2 (on 64bit -- 3) zero bi ☝︎
asciilifeform: it was ~2.4~ that some folx are keeping alive, cuz it would fit, with trimming, into <1M. but if yer using 2.4.x you will need a contemporary userland.
asciilifeform: never found any reason to keep alive 2.6.x, hand-cut later kernel can typically sit down in same footprint even in small irons
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i don't have anything running a 2.x, and haven't for some years ( ye olde 'wrt54g' was i think the last piece of iron i had which ran one )
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922889 << i thought we were mostly using 2.6 - 2.9 sorta thing ? is everyone really on 3 branch ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: ftr : horse's mouth, where above. aaand, soon after: 'Mon Dec 1 19:06:32 UTC 2014 ... Remove the support for generating mips1/2/3/4 code since it has been deprecated for more than a year now. Also remove the unnecessary kludges in packages for it.'
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: there have been so far at least 2 coming over into #ossasepia and by the looks of it possibly alive
a111: Logged on 2017-12-25 18:07 mircea_popescu: so, to get on the same page here, the general strategy is, 1. construct undisruptable comms ; 2. disrupt usg&friends comms ; 3. disrupt usg&friends physical presence.
asciilifeform: get quote from 2-3 telcos or whatever is to be had where you are
mp_en_viaje: actually, i guess nothing like 2 bitcents, it ain't 2014 anymore.
mp_en_viaje: actually, i guess nothing like 2 bitcents, it ain
mp_en_viaje: girlattorney, so sell his, get 2 bitcents or w/e for your trouble
girlattorney: so i just used 2-3% life of the ssd, not a big issue (i'll only sync once hopefully)
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: re rdp -- this is not only troo but is how microshit sells their winblowz 'server', 'have >2 !'
BingoBoingo: "The IPCC climate sensitivity is about one order of magnitude too high, because a strong negative feedback of the clouds is missing in climate models. If we pay attention to the fact that only a small part of the increased CO 2 concentration is anthropogenic, we have to recognize that the anthropogenic climate change does not exist in practice."
mp_en_viaje: i dunno, maybe it's because i'm new at this whole math thing, but 246 / kg aka 246k / ton in no combination i can think of yields 1.2 millions out of the qtys described.
BingoBoingo: "En el primer semestre de 2019 se colocaron en el exterior 4 toneladas; el año pasado había sido 1 tonelada. Las exportaciones reportaron divisas por US$ 1,2 millones al cierre del primer tramo del año. Según datos aduaneros, el principal comprador de caviar este año fue Rusia, que pagó US$ 246 por kilo. Un año antes, el valor había sido de US$ 194 por kilo; la mejora de precio fue de 27% en la comparación interanual."
Mocky: i would have bid up to 12 in order to win the auction. but in any case two bidders are not much of a market when one presumably has the dollars today but only bids up to 2/3 and the other will bid up to 3/3 but is liek, 'can i bid today and pay 10 days hence?'
mp_en_viaje: it is a measure of idiocy, this, when in a market trading at x, you're stuck trading at 2/3 x.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-09 14:19 mp_en_viaje: we're talking 2/3 sorta margins here, i dunno if it's obvious, but merely 6% or so was enough for me to set the bozo bit on all of fucking norway.
mp_en_viaje: we're talking 2/3 sorta margins here, i dunno if it's obvious, but merely 6% or so was enough for me to set the bozo bit on all of fucking norway. ☟︎
auctionbot: Buy order # 1051: 2835 WFF, Wire Only Heard: 354mn from Mocky outbidding jurov. Ending: 2019-07-08 13:34:53.247970 UTC (2 hours 0 mins)
auctionbot: Buy order # 1051: 2835 WFF, Wire Only Opening: 400mn ecu Leading Bid: 370mn ecu Ending: 2019-07-08 13:34:53.247970 UTC (2 hours 18 mins)
auctionbot: Buy order # 1050: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 52mn from Mocky outbidding PeterL. Ending: 2019-07-08 13:34:39.955285 UTC (2 hours 53 mins)
asciilifeform: ( for thread-completeness, the missing pieces afaik are : 1) handle speshulcases of 'div' and arithm. overflow trapping -- neither apparently used in linux, but presumably used ~somewhere~ 2) iron timer slave thread 3) nic 4) disk i/o 5) cuntoo port ! )
asciilifeform: lol -- sovok 'univermag' frozen in amber
asciilifeform: that same type of switch, at ~2~ ends , in each stop
asciilifeform: ( for the innocent: at no public function in washingtonistan is 'falung gong' ever absent, and the presence is always in the form of 2-3 platoons of chix holding up posters of where supposedly 'they take us apart alive for organs' )
BingoBoingo: The biggest danger here with lines is when the tills run out of change. The very sad mass people movers will even have signs begging folks to buy their tickets with the 2 peso coin
asciilifeform: for that matter, where was the 'genius' who even thought to price bottle '2.73' or what it was.
asciilifeform: 2.
bvt: i see, when the last person who was there when the isp was set up retires... ; the internet situation in germany is outrageous -- dsl everywhere, highest prices for shittiest quality, providers (2 or 3 that are still there) making sure that no fiber gets to the customers, etc (iirc they invested heavily in copper 'cause "isdn is the future!" in 90ties).
mp_en_viaje: this even way the fuck loftier 2 meaning, that "the message was transmitted by ~ONE OF THE~ hounds" of this sartori comedian. because he's so lofty and important and practically speaking a nation in himself, he can't even fucking talk, like trump. he has a humongous (you better believe) horde of vechili & other nigger handles at his beck and call. he's just that fuckign cool, what.
mp_en_viaje: but moving on : 2 . "El mensaje lo transmitió uno de sus asesores, ; además que los periodistas que no estuvieran de acuerdo, tenían que presentar la renuncia y que no les correspondía el despido"
asciilifeform: audience -- maybe coupla 100k of fans, some of the fattest folx i've ever seen in person who could still walk on 2 legs
billymg was very depressed when he learned ~2-3 years ago that "his" money was not in fact his at all
asciilifeform: pet of asciilifeform is (2 gens out) from there.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-01#1921192 << I am unsure whether it is an aid or a hinderance. douchebag and other passers by have suggested the share thing may be a hinderance. On the contrary to the back monkey theory http://trilema.com/2019/qntra-sqntr-statement-on-q2-2019/#selection-59.160-63.0 doing 1.2 qntra pieces daily month after month seems to be the major activity in my life keeping me more or less sane. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it said "your single-path-impredictable-and-unreviewable theorems" ; they'd be these 1. "theorems", as the term is used here, ie, constructions of the mind, which are 2. single-path as in, there is only one possible way to get there (unlike true constructions of the mind, which can always be reached from a multitude of nodes, the implication being that these are mere masks on specific structures of psychogenic noise, not bon
mircea_popescu: there's no "i'll be a living organism only doing 2/5 of the things living organisms must do". this is not an available option.
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as human industry that does not benefit from company ; the strange behaviours of baruch spinoza and such are 1. not a tradition but an accident and 2. something the old masters ~regretted~ as an unfortunate result of misguided youth, wasn't their fucking option and choice.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1921068 << it's the same thing as two years ago, and i fear two years from now too : 1. write "i am going to X" ; then either 2a. do x or else 2b-1. explain why you didn't do x AND 2b-2 explain what you're going to do differently, ie, CHANGE, about yourself, so as not to be in the b branch again ; and then later 3. review how well 2b-2 has been working out for you and CHANGE SOME MORE. ☝︎
asciilifeform: i had -- a laffably small bag o'coin, nao 2/3 spent.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu still convinced that ' asciilifeform doesn't think it out properly ' rather than ' trying to take off 'cessna' weighing 2 tonne , loaded with 20 ' ?
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 17:47 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i can see his irritation , also, 2 other worms this yr have all but stopped giving silk -- mod6 , phf -- 'for no apparent reason'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i can see his irritation , also, 2 other worms this yr have all but stopped giving silk -- mod6 , phf -- 'for no apparent reason' ☟︎
asciilifeform: structure of piz is convo that has to be had, but it is really 2 very diff convos depending on whether http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1920862 or not, so prolly oughta be had 2nd, rather than 1st. ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1920640 << henry 2 also had heir. ever heard of john lackland ? ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: consider the facts : 1. a permanent erection is a medical emergency. 2. every single female can, in fact, fuck permanently. 3. there's more than one of them as per the definition of the harem.