900+ entries in 0.059s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There are 2 problems here. 1. ISP falls over 2. Uncloaked bouncer means sophisticated attacker can masquerade as lazy sparrow farting attacker
BingoBoingo: Most of Pizarro is back. Now we have to figure out how to bring 2 Rockchips and dulap back without them autoconnecting to Freenode cloakless
mp_en_viaje: actually, i guess it's lulzyrelevant. the "Eh, dar dacă pun un articol cu o țâță, cu o bucă, cu o tipă îmbrăcată sumar sau, cum a fost ultimul, cu 2 tipe plimbate în lesă prin oraș…pac, 10.000 de vizite în primele 3 ore, de m-au sunat oamenii de la firma de hosting că ce se întâmplă, că le pun serverele în cap!" passage roughly translates to a) obscure idiotic blog organised by the remnants of [http://
mp_en_viaje: ived from something it very much is not making identification a lot more doubtful than they need to be, it's like nominalist sabotage ; 2. you specify a fixwidth, in FUCKING EMS. wtf, ems are for glyphs, it's like giving your height in delta-pascals.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939815 << how's this for a proposedly "better" algo : 1. syncer is given target T ; 2 sincer loads tip of T (as the whole day page, DP), compares to its own record ; 3. if comparison results in any difference, syncer produces list L in the format of #count, own line, T line and moves to 4. which consists of repeating algo for DP-1.
trinque: outage of approx 2-3min
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 16:06:25 asciilifeform: diana_coman: aite. proposed algo , is a manually-triggered item that 1) takes a 'breakage point', i.e. last known correctly logged line represented by tuple [chan, index] . 2) finds its timestamp 3) drops errything in db postdating said timestamp 4) walks list of peer loggers, fetches for each enabled chan, errything from last-known-idx i to i+500 5) 4 is repeated until returns <500 6) then takes the ~longest~ s
asciilifeform: tho even then you would have to impose conditions re what happens when 2 or more peers disagree.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: aite. proposed algo , is a manually-triggered item that 1) takes a 'breakage point', i.e. last known correctly logged line represented by tuple [chan, index] . 2) finds its timestamp 3) drops errything in db postdating said timestamp 4) walks list of peer loggers, fetches for each enabled chan, errything from last-known-idx i to i+500 5) 4 is repeated until returns <500 6) then takes the ~longest~ such result, from the s
mp_en_viaje: think for the sake of argument how "not losing" china'd have looked : 2/3 of cardinals born over there within less than a century ? last italian pope in 18th century ? last euro pope so long ago nobody over here even remembers it ?
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers : about to rotate in new bot ; expect ~45s of dead time. 3... 2... 1..
mp_en_viaje: imo ideal design is more like 7 floors, going -3 dungeon -2 storage -1 garage 0 receiving 1 master's bedrooms 2 harem 3 servants 4 pools and amenties / terrace
BingoBoingo: I suspect something like the schloss takes ~1 girl/year a week to clean (give or take factor of 2 maybe 3 margin of error).
diana_coman: that's like saying neah, still better swimming the ocean naked than having a boat, what's a boat gonna do, need at least 2!!1
asciilifeform: (just 1 noad aint gonna do anyffin useful in re seaworthiness, need at least 2)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: https://www.deseret.com/1990/2/27/18848505/uruguay-gives-ok-for-a-duel-to-the-death is 1990, might find more recent if I dig more
mp_en_viaje: Tatiana Vanesa Díaz Severi. "El diagnosticó medico estableció que presentaba 2 orificios de arma de fuego sin salida, uno en fosa lumbar derecha y otro en mama izquierda."
asciilifeform: iirc it needed 2 metres to get to specced speed aha
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 11:28:29 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939158 << instead of arguing the point, i'ma invite mp_en_viaje to take cheap chronograph and compare 2 barrel lengths in same caliber. ( where flash is white, gas is still pushing . is part of why folx even bother with long barrels. )
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939158 << instead of arguing the point, i'ma invite mp_en_viaje to take cheap chronograph and compare 2 barrel lengths in same caliber. ( where flash is white, gas is still pushing . is part of why folx even bother with long barrels. )
deedbot: diana_coman rated whaack 2 << my pageboy; writes at younghands.club and ztkfg.com
deedbot: diana_coman rated thimbronion 2 << my pagebody; writes at younghands.club and thimbron.com
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of shrysr from 1 to 2 << my pageboy; writes at younghands.club and s.ragavan.co
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 1 << he used to be an euloran elder and tinkerer of bots.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of jurov from 3 to 2 << drifting away
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of esthlos from 2 to 1 << he could have been someone
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of diana_alt from 1 to 2 << AC / DC or my alternative self with reduced capabilities.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of bvt from 2 to 9 << His Lordship, ; writes at bvt-trace.net
asciilifeform: the slow, blunt 45 is moar of a police interest item than for any kinda war. there's an infamous case where 2 drunken red army sargeants had 'duel at dawn at 50 paces' w/ lendlease 'thompsons' . both scored, neither penetrated the wool greatcoat.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 12:00:43 mp_en_viaje: that'd be the supernova : 1. go in, 2. kill all the dudes 3. chain all the women nude to poles, let the kids crawl out of them come to terms with the megalanguage.
mp_en_viaje: that'd be the supernova : 1. go in, 2. kill all the dudes 3. chain all the women nude to poles, let the kids crawl out of them come to terms with the megalanguage.
mp_en_viaje: but the cost to own / cost to carry still a factor of 2 over what it coudl/should be with saner autoclaved cellular concrete filler and etcetera. whole poured concrete walls are for you know, river dams and things, wtf, heating that, preventing water seepage, it's a bundle.
mp_en_viaje: and romania has fttd ~everywhere, 2-8mbps for 2-3-5 eur/mo
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 17:52:50 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, very nice work ; but this seems untenable on the face. i mean, even the san francisco "premium" bezzleworld's been losing 2-3-5% a year, each year, since 2015 or so. and 2s and 3s ealirer, 5s and above these days, 2019 may well close more like 7%
mp_en_viaje: but if during 2 you move it, then it resets at 1
mp_en_viaje: was another thing, some other preditorial wasp, where it 1. drag to nest ; 2. inspect nest ; 3. deposit in nest.
asciilifeform: for 'lively' son of peasant, as i understand 2 'radiodecay' paths, 1 to brigand, 1 to 'kulak' (of whom, seems , was also 'stable %' historically)
mp_en_viaje: idiot, given the choice between "fix some idiocy inside" and "fuck up some shit outside", ALWAYS goes for door #2.
mp_en_viaje: this was tried for like 2-3 years, then king came out with soil binding and gag orders.
mp_en_viaje: killed like 2/3 of the workforce ; as a result the fucktarded peons started agitating about how tyhey should get to choose where to work, get more wages etc
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: it varies by factor of 2+x! depending on 'pressure'
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, very nice work ; but this seems untenable on the face. i mean, even the san francisco "premium" bezzleworld's been losing 2-3-5% a year, each year, since 2015 or so. and 2s and 3s ealirer, 5s and above these days, 2019 may well close more like 7%
deedbot: diana_coman rated maxim_mivo 2 << says he's CEO of MivoCloud, my ISP in Chisinau where Ossabot resides.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 1-2k $ / m^2 seems astonishingly high for an orcistan. but then again i aint expert on subj
mircea_popescu: in order for this system to retain its utility throughout the board, i believe the whole array should be offered to castle owners. thus for deedbot to manage voicing in a castle the owner would have to specify the castle name, what x value he wants, whether lobe 2 is on and if so what threshold y to be used.
mircea_popescu: 1 must be on for there to be a voice model in the first place. #trilema was traditionally 1 on, 2 on, x = 0, y = 0. with this castle update #trilema is moving to 1 on, 2 off, x = 1, y = undefined.
mircea_popescu: there's two lobes to qualify for voice in a castle : EITHER 1.(rating above x by the castle owner) OR 2.(sum rating over y by his lordship as he defines it.)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 22:38:25 asciilifeform: the other thing, the adhoc traditional line select is human-friendly, very fast to grab a line url, whereas mircea_popescu-style selector less so, gotta find unique start/end text, when citing from trilema it usually takes asciilifeform 2-3 shots to nail down the correct snip
asciilifeform: lobbes: understand also that the problem aint limited to '2 loggers agree'. clocks -- drift. arbitrarily. needs also to agree re links with ~past self~
asciilifeform: so , say you have a logger of whatever type (either traditional or mircea_popescuine) and 2 of these dun agree re when a day ended -- bang, you get links that dun lead to the desired text. cuz they try to use the fucking date.
asciilifeform: even to actually use the unix epochal time, is dodgy. cuz, again, no 2 tmsr boxes are ever likely to come to an accurate agreement re what unix.epochtime it is 'now'.
asciilifeform: because currently no 2 logotrons actually agree on what reich.time it is.
asciilifeform: the other thing, the adhoc traditional line select is human-friendly, very fast to grab a line url, whereas mircea_popescu-style selector less so, gotta find unique start/end text, when citing from trilema it usually takes asciilifeform 2-3 shots to nail down the correct snip
asciilifeform: incidentally, if anyone can think of a cleaner way to parse the 2 types of link ( [][] and naked htt.. ) than what's given in asciilifeform's reader.py , i'd like to hear about it. ( presently there's a quite ugly 2-step transform, as apparently it is impossible to regexp-transmute a grammar w/ 2+ patterns in 1 step )
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in world of chinesium : 'lichee' co. is selling a 2.5x3cm arm7 w/ 32MB on-chip an' various periphs , for 7 $ in qty .
mircea_popescu: in practical terms makes exactly 0 diff if you 1-rate or 2-rate noobs. plenty of space to 9.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 08:23:44 mircea_popescu: damn, rating > 1. so 2 trhough 10 inclusive.
mircea_popescu: !!rate hanbot_abroad 2 http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-25#1937858
mircea_popescu: !!rate diana_alt 2 http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-25#1937852
mircea_popescu: !!rate mp_en_viaje 2 my travel key.
mircea_popescu: !!rate nicoleci 2 i own her
mircea_popescu: damn, rating > 1. so 2 trhough 10 inclusive.
bvt: mircea_popescu: i.e., in this context my rating remains +2, hence no self-voice in #trilema?
mircea_popescu: !!rate nicoleci 2 slavegirl
mircea_popescu: !!rate billymg 2 promising noob
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-22 16:37:18 lobbes: With that out of the way it has been going smoothly, and I'm mainly making up for lost time now. It would seem I'm on track to hit my deadline though. I will probably have some demo output for mircea_popescu to look at by the end of the day
mircea_popescu: i can barely remember 2 in 3 of the modern, english ones.
lobbes: With that out of the way it has been going smoothly, and I'm mainly making up for lost time now. It would seem I'm on track to hit my deadline though. I will probably have some demo output for mircea_popescu to look at by the end of the day
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-19 15:19:56 asciilifeform: ( lobbes : dun fughet to 1) verify and then 2) strip out the pgpisms in this dump , when eating )
asciilifeform: ( lobbes : dun fughet to 1) verify and then 2) strip out the pgpisms in this dump , when eating )
asciilifeform: i'ma guess 3 -- clitler , 2 -- sovok, 1 -- bismarck ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: plox to colour in the picture -- who were 1, 2, 3 ?
snsabot: Logged on 2018-12-01 15:45:29 mircea_popescu: the "consummer affair" is the gringo's exact version of the "thinking man gave up", coming 2 decades later. (ie, next generation of ustards copied prev generation of soviets. like they always do, btw)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:54:41 BingoBoingo: Anyways, the state of the US left is such that the ONE anti-war candidate did not make the latest round of primary debates. Tusli Gabbard: veteran, active reservist, and woman of color can't consistently poll over 2% enough to get on stage
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the state of the US left is such that the ONE anti-war candidate did not make the latest round of primary debates. Tusli Gabbard: veteran, active reservist, and woman of color can't consistently poll over 2% enough to get on stage
asciilifeform: or 2 for price of 1, wainot
asciilifeform: they stood up under flag of 'africa' when, per legend, drowned the sqrt(2) fella.
mircea_popescu: or for that matter charles 2.
mircea_popescu: "intel angajeaza" the 1-2% or so of recyclable bois, and otherwise babyolon angajeaza the 4-6% of fuckable girlies.
mircea_popescu: the hierarchy of consume-more-than-produce young females is very strictly 1. girls who found themselves a sponsor, who fucks them and pays their rent ABOVE 2. morons living in state-run orphanage. the SAME EXACT thing applies to boys too, just because you pay your own rent doesn't change the disposition in the field, doesn't make up down and down up.
mircea_popescu: that was part 2, as to journeyman economic conduct.
feedbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/09/mp-wp-bot-work-plan-week-2/ << lobbesblog -- mp-wp bot work plan: week 2
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936364 << to drive everyone up the wall : my degree was actually ~2-3k a year ; an' i'm pretty sure i made more during a brief foray in teaching there (while still a student!) than the whole thing cost. AND said degree includes (besides philosophy an' socilology) ALSO JOURNALISM
lobbes: I managed to pay for my first two years (via the much cheaper 'community college' option) with pure cash from my saving from working at the grocery store. The final two years (at the more expensive state school) are what killed me. And I mentally checked out around 6th grade, so my GPA was laughable (literally was in the 2.3 range I think); no scholarships for me.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 04:08:46 dorion: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934639 << I came across http://bbgentoo.ilb.ru/ , which appears to do a decent job of preserving distfiles. e.g. has nearly entire php-4.x series, except ~actual weightlifter~. even has php 2 and 3 tarballs. there is also what appears to be a portage tree dated 2011-01-31. I downloaded, but haven't yet cracked it open.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-11#1935593 << traditionally the process in dealing with personal failure is 1. "here's what i did wrong" ; 2. "here's what ima do to not do that again in the future".
mircea_popescu: i suppose it is also terse, missing out on about 2/3 of the introductions does save some space.
lobbes: How's this: I'm going to begin by attacking Thing 2 in this comment (grr the new server-side selection does not work for comments it seems?), after which I should have more info on my ability and the time it should take. I can give you a better estimate then I hope
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-06#1934235 <-- iirc the irc spec states that server sends ping when client is idle. src: http://archive.is/2pGUp#selection-2315.60-2315.386 (should be under 4.6.2 Ping message)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i expect you'll want mechanical disks for this item. lemme know the types , will procure'em ( when the crate is flown, mircea_popescu will have 2 own boxen, the current smg , and its spare ; piz will have the 2 vacated boxen, which mircea_popescu can either purchase or lease , lemme know which prefer . ea. takes up to 4 disks . )
diana_coman: meanwhile, after ~2 hours, I *finally* finished the log-reading of over-night logs, go me; it just strikes me that with #o I made myself even *more* to read, lol.
mircea_popescu: the translation's far from terrible ; the item's important because a) it plainly discusses the slave trade (which, yes, underpinned most of the imperial economy eight years ago) and references a coin that's a.1) unatested anywhere else in the (voluminous, and pompous) imperial paperwork and a.2) isn't the official coin.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 00:30:19 asciilifeform: trinque: 2-3 moar 'wins' like this and what will be left , will be mircea_popescu writing his memoirs.
bvt: i don't think that zombie socket can interfere with current code -- the local side of the socket gets unused random port automatically. this would be an issue only when bind(2) was called on socket before connect
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 04:08:46 dorion: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934639 << I came across http://bbgentoo.ilb.ru/ , which appears to do a decent job of preserving distfiles. e.g. has nearly entire php-4.x series, except ~actual weightlifter~. even has php 2 and 3 tarballs. there is also what appears to be a portage tree dated 2011-01-31. I downloaded, but haven't yet cracked it open.
dorion: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934639 << I came across http://bbgentoo.ilb.ru/ , which appears to do a decent job of preserving distfiles. e.g. has nearly entire php-4.x series, except ~actual weightlifter~. even has php 2 and 3 tarballs. there is also what appears to be a portage tree dated 2011-01-31. I downloaded, but haven't yet cracked it open.
dorion: 2. I modified the build/Makefile and build/Makefile.rotor to build the aarch64 toolchain, bdb and openssl.
asciilifeform: if i knew why some folx are good for a year, others -- 2, 3, etc. i promised, would say.
asciilifeform: trinque: 2-3 moar 'wins' like this and what will be left , will be mircea_popescu writing his memoirs.
asciilifeform: as i currently understand, if one were to 1) SO_REUSEADDR + 2) force it closed before attempting any connect -- oughta cure