23 entries in 0.541s

mircea_popescu: ajahjaha check it out, "
haymasfuturo" qatar version! jesus these people.
mircea_popescu: to mussolini's mind, the strange movements of halves of airplanes overhead seemed to promise ~more future~ than the predictable movements of the southern iron guard. germany
mircea_popescu: he thought to himself, is this me, is this my life ? am i not better than this perhaps ? maybe
haymasfuturo ?
mircea_popescu: and in other news, they were going to open the school year today, so they went on strike instead. soberania!
mircea_popescu: anyway, i suppose with any luck the alien invasion discovers cold fusion as an apple app or something. you never know, right ?
hay mas futuro.
mircea_popescu is looking forward to hearing just how badly mismanaged the country was and just how much
hay mas futuro is really left in the vaults.
mircea_popescu: i must confess buffett sold me on his "
hay mas futuro por norteamerica" or whatever it was.
mircea_popescu: one of the lulziest electroal slogans here (in the line of "podremos vivir mejor", of course) was... "
hay mas futuro"