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a111: 26 results for "\"graduate student\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22graduate%20student%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "graduate student"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> graduate student just as 100% idle hopeless underproducing hyperconsumer with or without rule. << Only not completely hopeless if graduated in 2012 and found proto-republic in 2013, to be evaled after arriving in Montevideo
mircea_popescu: this is perl-on-suto aka "graduate student"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but anyway, no. "graduate student" is 100% the human composition of wikipedia, reddit etc.
mircea_popescu: no graduate student is a person, nor ever was, wtf already.
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuvPhAuQFD4 << "this is over. what are you ? face facts. you're a schmuck, calling himself "graduate student" who shags my receptionist and then wants to sit at the grown-up table talking science. but it's my fault. i aaaalmost took you seriously. please go away! we have absolutely nothing to talk about. you have nothing in your pockets! you are not an agent here. you are not an agent at all!"
mircea_popescu: graduate student just as 100% idle hopeless underproducing hyperconsumer with or without rule.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 20:44 asciilifeform: in other butthurts, https://archive.is/nw25r >> 'For M.I.T. students, this waiver keeps us from having to pay a bill of about $50,000 every year — a staggering amount, but one that is similar to the fees at many other colleges and universities. ... But under the House’s tax bill, our waivers will be taxed. This means that M.I.T. graduate students would be responsible for paying taxes on a $80,000 annual salary, when we actually e
asciilifeform: in other butthurts, https://archive.is/nw25r >> 'For M.I.T. students, this waiver keeps us from having to pay a bill of about $50,000 every year — a staggering amount, but one that is similar to the fees at many other colleges and universities. ... But under the House’s tax bill, our waivers will be taxed. This means that M.I.T. graduate students would be responsible for paying taxes on a $80,000 annual salary, when we actually e ☟︎
mircea_popescu: sort-of like how unemployable & unmarrigeable (in a word -- entirely unmarketable) "graduate student" is all into haskell, and africa-inclusive python etc.
mircea_popescu: the slavegirls are rarely solo when we meet. generally they're in a committed relationship / engaged / whatever. about half the time the beta in question is the "graduate student" type who compulsively answers questions on quora etc.
mircea_popescu: ah. well, from a simple "cs competency" perspective, doing a trb build first is very good practice. i'll familiarize you with what's here a minimal bar of qualification and anywhere else above the reach of graduate students somehow. and it'll show you the power of the tools and the quality of the engineering.
mircea_popescu: "ne day while working with the MACSYMA group, I was around when someone was assigning offices—or desks, really, since offices were generally shared. “Where is mine?” I asked, somewhat jokingly. As far as I knew, only graduate students were entitled to offices. The person doing the arranging didn’t realize I was joking and responded in seriousness that he didn’t know and would try to find one for me. Of course
mircea_popescu: of charge. In addition, housing, meals, transportation and a living stipend may also be provided on a need basis, so that of the 16,700 undergraduate students at UNICAMP, over 2,200 receive some support. Undergraduate education at UNICAMP operates in three campuses: the School of Dentistry in Piracicaba, the College of Applied Sciences and the College of Technology in Limeira"
mircea_popescu: " E.g., my graduate students in differential geometry could calculate quite hard integrals to know the area or the length of a curve but were not able to answer the question what the geometric sense of the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 − 2Hx + K = 0 is, where H and K are the average and the Gaussian curvature of a surface."
asciilifeform: 'This was a graduate student who successfully ran the gauntlet of the Princeton interview process with a publicly posted CV that contained wild falsehoods about his grant receipts ... ' << this is sorta like counterfeiting usd. when the counterfeiter-in-chief cranks up the press and doubles the toiletpaper in circulation, that is blessed by the crown. when some schmuck ? headzoff
mircea_popescu: "On Friday, Kipnis published another piece in the Chronicle, revealing that, in a twist that's ironic on more than one level, she is now the subject of an investigation into graduate student complaints that her earlier column and a subsequent tweet violated Title IX, the law that prohibits sex descrimination in education."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness, this is a trope of contemporaneity. thoroughly broke "feminist" graduate student reduced to waiting tables for rest of life will STILL not "surrender". ie, admit the banruptcy of his own stupidity, to himself.
asciilifeform: decimation: have you -met- a modern graduate student ?
decimation: as a 'graduate student'
ascii_field: 'Wolfram, for his part, responded by suing or threatening to sue Cook (now a penniless graduate student in neuroscience), the conference organizers, the publishers of the proceedings, etc. '
mircea_popescu: Poor, misguided random internet person- your donation to MIRI/LessWrong will not help save the world. Even if you grant all their (rather silly) assumptions MIRI is a horribly unproductive research institute- in more than a decade, it has published fewer peer reviewed papers than the average physics graduate student does while in grad school."
xinxi: yeah, I drank a lot when i was an undergraduate student.
ninjashogun: And we did that with not just one graduate student (or pair), but we did it with 10,000 of them - all over the world. Per year. For 100 years.
ninjashogun: benkay- here's a way to think about the 'lottery argument'. Do you think it would be a net gain or a net loss for the economy if we took IBM's market cap -- $192.19B -- converted it to cash, and then funded about $200k into a graduate student's new "company" (about the money Google was funded with).
mircea_popescu: The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Graduate students might move there, I hear they lack self respect...