17 entries in 0.965s
asciilifeform: housefly even better 'scientist' them, can buzz in glass jar for days after mouse expires
mp_en_viaje: squirrel, eys. animals, as oft discussed here, make for some excellent scientists. both your raccoons and my jar-captive mouse etc.
a111: 13 results for "mouse jar", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mouse%20jar
asciilifeform: !#s mouse jar
mircea_popescu: anyway, i was looking for the story of the mouse chewing at the jar lid hole with his tiny teeth
asciilifeform: sorta like mircea_popescu's jar mouse , only superficially 'hated the glass'
asciilifeform: hey, mouse+glass jar
mircea_popescu: my mouse knew it was in a glass jar.
asciilifeform: 'mouse in evacuated jar dies' 'sauce?'
asciilifeform: 'The rabbi's wife tries in vain to stop her children, aged four and eight, fighting in her bunk. Her neighbours, kept awake by the din, swear at them. A woman screams because a mouse has run over her face. Bedbugs drop from the higher bunks onto the lower. Another woman screams because the little boy in the bunk above her has spilled the jam jar he uses as a chamber pot all over her. Somebody has whooping cough. Another little
asciilifeform: perhaps best comparison is to the mouse in the jar
mircea_popescu: obviously, i'm a great student of the mouse school of jar handling.
asciilifeform: 'meow mix' as jar mouse.
asciilifeform: suspected bot (what living thing is that persistent? possibly only mircea_popescu's jar mouse...)
jurov: <hanbot> which reminds me, recall mircea_popescu's bit with the captured mouse in the jar? << actually, if rats are given transparent lid they go into full learned helplessness
hanbot: which reminds me, recall mircea_popescu's bit with the captured mouse in the jar?
mircea_popescu: A woman screams because a mouse has run over her face. Bedbugs drop from the higher bunks onto the lower. Another woman screams because the little boy in the bunk above her has spilled the jam jar he uses as a chamber pot all over her. Somebody has whooping cough. Another little boy begs his mother not to beat him because in his sleep he wet the bunk he shares with her. She does and he squeals. A former night-club danc