2287 entries in 0.884s
kakocnut: o hi pgp
ThickAsThieves: pgp ^
gribble: GPG contracts pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://polimedia.us/trilema/2012/gpg-contracts/>; GPG/PGP Basics - A.P. Lawrence SCO Unix Consultant: <http://aplawrence.com/Basics/gpg.html>; [Announce] GnuPG 1.4.13 released - GnuPG and GNUTLS Mailing List ...: <http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2012q4/000319.html>
tk993: Is there a way to view my private PGP key? Is there a reason to or is it just stored somewhere on the computer... mainly I want to make sure I exported my public key properly.
mjr_1: ;;later tell pgp just testing
bpvanoort: should it be in my pgp folder?
mircea_popescu: http://polimedia.us/trilema/pgp/
bpvanoort: i do that, then i decrypt in pgp but i dont get the freenode: line
mircea_popescu: so bill gates is making a mpex clone complete with pgp and everything.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: AFAIK you don't have a monopoly on PGP
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yes, pgp.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and he's doing this on pgp ?
mircea_popescu: benkay there was some pretty good discussion with pgp on this, lemme d ig
Guest00001: mp no way to change pgp key ?
MJR_: pgp is more important, but i think stunnel is good protection from ddos
MJR_: i like pgp plus stunnel...
jurov: nor pgp
mircea_popescu: pgp o fuck yes i confused them. bitinstant it was.
mircea_popescu: pgp yea.
Diablo-D3: pgp: wont be after asicminer unleashes a 200th load all over your face
Namworld: pgp: I have traded over 2500 BTC on ~250 BTC...
mpexbot: pgp: 68.88
mircea_popescu: pgp 1 is a max for calls, it has no particular relaiton to puts.
Bugpowder: pgp No lag = more trades
KRS1: pgp: so you never really have to eat out huh ;)
orkaa: pgp, urlpls
mircea_popescu: pgp yeah.
KRS1: pgp was spot on
mircea_popescu: pgp people like coinsetter are part of a lengthy tradition of dunning-kruger. the controlling example is one kludge, an out of work bank clerk who figured himself a banker
mircea_popescu: pgp it's funny but i think gold is doing a bitcoin.
mod6: i wonder if these contracts will be PGP signed by both parties? i guess someone would have to inquire further...
mircea_popescu: pgp o o
error4733: pgp http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1c7v6z/buttercoin_open_source_highperformance_bitcoin/
mircea_popescu: pgp mining at the very least has the impact that when btc goes under mining cost miners move from selling to buying.
mircea_popescu: pgp the idea is for someone who has the ability to make fiat settlements to run the future.
mpexbot: pgp: 101.38
b0n1: pgp, i know this
mjr___: pgp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaKCM8myJ9I
b0n1: pgp, bitinstant sounds good, but i am from germany
mjr___: pgp: volume is not really very a good indicator
Skarr: pgp - while the lag-times are still rising, the system is functionally dead. I take the tiny-volume orders as just that - evidence that the engine remains, for all practical purposes, fully choked.
KRS1: bugpowder: $39, pgp $42
KRS1: I think pgp called it too
kakobrekla: pgp yeah its retarded
orkaa: pgp: have you seen our prime minister? :)
KRS1: u are lucky pgp..
kakobrekla: pgp :)
kakobrekla: lemme check here, pgp you sure you werent in somalia/slovakia/somethingelse?
mircea_popescu: pgp why guess ? http://jezus.si/graf/dashboards/bitcoin/details/lag/
mircea_popescu: pgp just think if the engine weren't 50x faster
mircea_popescu: pgp i am not saying the bot is right here. i am just saying, it's not directly obvious to me how it is wrong and how much.
mircea_popescu: pgp i agree.
mircea_popescu: pgp i wouldn't say mispriced necessarily.
mpexbot: pgp: 80.66
mircea_popescu: pgp his point is valid tho, should never be quoting above 1. rough edge there.
mircea_popescu: pgp no, they did i think
joecool: <pgp> I thought they were putting the code change in on apr 17th <<
mircea_popescu: pgp i might be confused, but afaik it was announced as already done
mpexbot: pgp: 80.66
mircea_popescu: pgp they have absoluterly no idea what any of the buttons do,.
mircea_popescu: pgp and oil and silver
splnkr: cool pgp just to be clear when i said 'people can use them' i meant people can go from one to the other and not have a whole new learning curve again for the basic deposit/withdrawal processes
mircea_popescu: pgp that is an issue.
KRS1: i'm with you pgp
gesell: pgp: getting lots of free BJ's from max keiser
MJR_: pgp: huh?
ChaangNoi: pgp doubt it
alex12: pgp: picks look interested ...
MJR_: pgp: did you test the data? i emailed you the link, wanna see if it'll work right out of the box on your machine
Scrat: pgp: a true multimaster system requires two phased commits
Scrat: pgp: which should still be enough, considering modern cpus can do billions of calculations per second
mircea_popescu: pgp keiser's scamthing.
mircea_popescu: <pgp> definately further downside... <<< i dunno about this mommentum mindset.
mircea_popescu: pgp it's been suspected.
mircea_popescu: pgp yes
TomServo: pgp: that's the word on the street
error4733: pgp, yes
mircea_popescu: pgp it was down for half the day
Scrat: pgp: it pulls data from bitcoincharts
mircea_popescu: pgp i like you spell volatility right. it's so rare
gesell: yeah, gox should switch to the PGP protocol for all orders :)
mircea_popescu: pgp no but srsly. da people are done complaining about mpex fee
mod6: well pgp this is the most important thing in our generation, its hard not to pay attention.
jcpham: pgp i hope you mentioned to them about the manipulation
Scrat: pgp: you can join #bitcoin-market , amphipod seems to have a telepathic connection to exchanges
mpexbot: pgp: 227.18
Bugpowdurr: pgp
Scrat: pgp: gotta visit the website. bitcoinity is behind
kakobrekla: pgp http://jezus.si/graf/dashboards/bitcoin/details/lag/
ThickAsThieves: pgp is that what bot uses?
mircea_popescu: pgp i dunno but everyone mining it has real long penises...
mircea_popescu: pgp so what, have trade engine check with clearing ?
Bugpowder: pgp yes, though during high volatility the price gap increases
mircea_popescu: pgp i still don't see what changes. when money comes in order is moved into active.
mircea_popescu: pgp why the fuck check ?
Scrat: pgp: I doubt thats the culprit. that would allow anyone to turn captchas into gox lag
jurov: pgp, their price?
benkay: if you're well connected, you generally don't have to suffer the same problems that normo's do anyways, pgp ;)
mircea_popescu: pgp i wouldn't mind working with one.