348 entries in 0.914s

mod6: I should have examined/tested your
mpi vpatches, alf. I'll continue to try to be a second pair of eyes, reading them. There's no substitute for reading. For those following along, take note.
mircea_popescu admires how the "finished"
mpi managed to take a whole day of 3 people's time and shakes his head displeasedly.
mod6: now, on the other hand, yeah, i saw the second_cut vpatch link removed from loper... but I went ahead and updated my sandbox to have alf's latest & greatest
mod6: alright, im about to check your new ones here. i can confirm that the original '
mpi-genesis.vpatch' (f254bedf1e3241eb9de17232b630a0614f1cc54ff9c5407d87d79174e211833bcfc0135c89b4abcab2446acd93137a8e1b0798704ad7e4d498cc52c836c82c2b) gets dropped on the floor because of the addtional timestamps.
mircea_popescu: atm there's bot, lam-par (terrible name), fg,
mpi and ffa.
diana_coman: basically this "sane-
mpi" tar.gz: www.loper-os.org/pub/
mod6: where is the de-facto
mpi tarball?
diana_coman: and I ran it : v99 --wot .wot --seals .seals patches a mpi_second_cut.vpatch
diana_coman: but it seems to think there are no descendants on it (so v d
mpi-genesis.vpatch returns empty)
diana_coman: tch: Error! Could not find vpatch "mpi_second_cut.vpatch" ; when I run v a mpi_second_cut.vpatch I get: Error! Could not find vpatch "mpi_second_cut.vpatch"
diana_coman: mod6 or asciilifeform, can you help? I'm trying to press asciilifeform's second patch for sane-
mpi and V complains that it can't find the vpatch file although it is there (and I checked the sig too and it's all fine); I'm running your V, version thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz.mod6 ; I have the following folder structure:
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1ZwgW/?raw=true; Here's the error when I run v press verbose . mpi_second_cut.vpa
mircea_popescu: leaving the mpi_second_cut as the basic root for further/other work also.
mircea_popescu: i expect it'll be patched into
mpi. which she's going to also sign to genesis. sorta like how i signed mp-wp, and unlike how you didn't genesis it, or did you ?
ben_vulpes: perhaps shoulda said "needs a stan/
mpi style gutting"
diana_coman: it uses the
mpi part and quite substantially so works
mircea_popescu: diana_coman so what's your call, rather write as
mpi branch or rather stand alone ?
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, we can do it yes; I guess the question is where to start i.e. no point in starting from koch that I can see; starting from asciilifeform 's sane-
mpi would be one; adds and deletes stuff
phf: i added readme to
mpi patchset also
mircea_popescu: anyway. my conclusion is ima do the eu-crypto as a new genesis, because really most of the koch crap in
mpi (esp the prng crap) got dirtched
mircea_popescu: i meant, rather than make a genesis for eu-crypto, just make a branch of your
mpi phf:
mpi-genesis.tar.gz is not a vpatch though
phf: but oftentimes when i post a patch something comes up anyway. like the recent
mpi release by asciilifeform is a vpatch, but it lacks a genesis, which breaks all kinds of assumptions (e.g. the tree visualizer wouldn't work at all)
diana_coman: I looked through the relevant
mpi part but I can't say I get it to that degree to be able to figure this out
diana_coman: so, changed those 2 lines to pkey.n = mpi_copy(skey->n) and pkey.e = mpi_copy(skey->e) ; correct?
diana_coman: hm, public rsa uses mpi_powm; secret rsa uses crc; still though 100 fold
a111: Logged on 2017-11-02 15:20 asciilifeform: also 1.1s seems like a pretty long time for a 4096b modexp on traditional
diana_coman: :) thanks asciilifeform ; and once again a big thank you for carving out that
mpi part - it helped a LOT
diana_coman: chugging along, collecting some data on the
mpi-sane-based rsa stuff
phf: asciilifeform: i wanted to add your
mpi to btcbase patches, but realized that it's not a valid vpatch, since it doesn't have a genesis. i'll add an exception to mechanisms (right now it just 404's and all kinds of broken, basically), but!
a111: Logged on 2017-04-04 15:46 asciilifeform: hey i deautoconfed gpg's
mpi lib 100%
ben_vulpes: i guess i can --verbose and get the
mpi values?
a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 01:02 asciilifeform: automake is a work of evil, first thing i did when sawing off the
mpi lib is to nuke it.
mircea_popescu: there's a pile of incidental nonsense (such as min length for name but not password hurr ; such as 2.0.30 current doesn't even fucking compile, such as etc) that shouldn't disappear under "oh,
mircea_popescu: so when feeding the prime generator, it doesn't just feed ap ointer, but unwraps the thing through
mircea_popescu: ok. and this does not actually correspond to the numeric format as used by gpg's bignum because
mpi reasons.