255 entries in 0.54s

fluffypony: also because
Monero = coin in Esperanto, so Bitmonero literally means Bitcoin
fluffypony: bitmonero ==
monero, the guy that launched it wanted merged mining and other bullshit, the community voted against it, he tried to put it in anyway, so we forked it away from him into
Monero mircea_popescu: hey fluffypony do you plan to eventually sell the
monero idea here once it reaches some sort of maturity or do you just plan to wait indefinitely for b-a to figure it out ?
☟︎☟︎☟︎ assbot:
monero-project/urs GitHub
xmj: why is
monero more awesome than everything else?
monero-project/bitmonero GitHub
gribble: Nick 'fluffypony', with hostmask 'fluffypony!~fluffypon@coreteam.
monero.cc', is not identified.
punkman: fluffypony, how's
monero these days?
assbot: Dave's Data: Minting Money with
Monero ... and CPU vector intrinsics
monero, barbeque and an ale?
assbot: Poloniex Welcomes New
Monero (XMR) Markets
fluffypony: nobody's forcing anyone to find
Monero interesting
benkay: so the dealer can't say i sent coins to that address with
benkay: if the shipment gets intercepted on the way back to me,
monero's not going to save my ass
fluffypony: the
Monero blockchain won't reveal your balance, when you spend, how much you spend, or on what
benkay: in which case, even
monero's SOL.
fluffypony: gmaxwell has a test implementation of it, but judging by his comments in #
monero-dev he doesn't like its fit with BTC much
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: Isn't
monero the same bullshit since it isn't Altcoin, the only worthwhile altcoin
fluffypony: I'll be over here in the
Monero corner giggling evilly
fluffypony: yes - talking about
Monero in particular
benkay: how would one draw a distinction between, say Ethereum, Bitcoin and
punkman: fluffypony: so why do you like this
Monero thing? wouldn't you rather have cash tokens based on bitcoin?
fluffypony: asciilifeform:re:
monero et al:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/CryptoNight <- the wiki says that, the whitepaper says otherwise. even the site says "Our algorithm requires about 2 Mb per instance" - whoever edited the wiki is clearly a turd.
mircea_popescu: had a discussion with gmaxwell a few days ago about ring signatures, and he agrees that it could be done in a kludgy way in BTC, but it's an unlikely thing to happen, so
Monero will possibly carve out a nice niche among the darknet markets crowd << that's exactly right, it could perhaps be implemented but if it is it'll be a private extension.
Apocalyptic: <asciilifeform> re: '
monero': 'Egalitarian proof of work' << do we need to read past this line ? // my thoughts exactly
fluffypony: benkay: that's moot, I'm already heavily invested in BTC (the equivalent of "learn Common Lisp" by analogy), finding
Monero interesting and possibly worthwhile does not change my position on BTC but is, rather, a direct result of the knowledge already accumulated
fluffypony: had a discussion with gmaxwell a few days ago about ring signatures, and he agrees that it could be done in a kludgy way in BTC, but it's an unlikely thing to happen, so
Monero will possibly carve out a nice niche among the darknet markets crowd
fluffypony: BingoBoingo:
Monero is different - I tend to abandon the rest because they're all Bitcoin forks
fluffypony: all the rigs are off atm, got a few EC2 instances mining
Monero but will switch them off in a few days
fluffypony: Apocalyptic:
Monero, but as its not forked from Bitcoin its a bit of a bitch to integrate
davidlatapie: joecool: about what? My own blog, mintcoin blog,
monero blog?
davidlatapie: I'm French, manager of Mintcoin, core team member of
Monero (and other things probably not important here)
Quanttek: that's probably
monero's biggest challenge: fixing the code and making the code more readable
assbot: Bytecoin
Monero CryptoNote
pankkake: why
monero and not bytecoin? aren't they the same thing basically?
Quanttek: mircea_popescu: just a lurker and community manager of
monero who wants to stay up to date
fluffypony: JorgePasada: I like VertCoin because it keeps my GPU frames in business; I'm peripherally interested in PPC because of PoS; I think X11 based coins like Darkcoin are playing with some interesting concepts, and I am VERY interested in (the new) Bytecoin's ring signatures (although I prefer
Monero as it's Bytecoin's code but without the dodgy premine/possibly faked blockchain data)