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gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Wed Nov 28 21:49:14 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 2 days, 20 hours, 40 minutes, and 0 seconds.
thestringpuller: http://codinginmysleep.com/block-reward-halving/
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Wed Nov 28 21:32:13 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 2 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes, and 0 seconds.
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Thu Nov 29 02:40:44 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 6 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 0 seconds.
Chaang-Noi: we having a halving party?
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Thu Nov 29 02:33:41 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 1 week, 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes, and 0 seconds.
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Thu Nov 29 02:24:05 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 1 week, 0 days, 3 hours, and 0 seconds.
jurov: happy halving day
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Thu Nov 29 04:58:28 2012 UTC | Time remaining: 1 week, 2 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds.
Namjies: A good net against a price drop and if price stay stable or raises with reward halving, the margin could increase.
Namjies: With the reward halving coming up
Chaang-Noi: when is halving day?
mircea_popescu: there's no reward halving or anything.
rdponticelli: Yeah, is a sensible time to buy hardware, so close of the reward halving....
B0g4r7_: A halving of assets, to go along with the halved block reward.
BTC-Mining: Difficulty adjusts itself... less bitcoins will be entering the market, especially after the block halving.
Bugpowder: with reward halving coming and difficulty ramping, people are realizing that there won't be that much in dividends coming out in a few months
kuzetsa: by then, things should've stablized from the reward halving and the ASIC launch(es)
[\\\]: So whats the gameplan for asic? obviously diff is skyrocketing and reward is halving
mircea_popescu: yup. and the rewards are halving
mircea_popescu: but the halving is in writing.
mircea_popescu: i'd be more worried about december halving. i don't think at the curent bumbling pace the various companies will manage to deliver enough asics for diff to double
mircea_popescu: from halving of block reward and from eventual asics
mircea_popescu: i doubt it too, esp with the reward halving
kakobrekla: it will be reflected by one or combo of the following: btc price drop, diff rise, reward halving