136 entries in 0.638s
mircea_popescu: but the idea being that sybil attacks succeed when and only when the nodes are too agreefull.
thestringpuller: how does that prevent democracy? (a sybil attack)?
assbot: 34 results for 'sybil' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=sybil
asciilifeform: !s sybil
asciilifeform: aka sybil, dos, etc. attacks
BingoBoingo: Well, if you try to build a whole chain of Simplified Payment Verification... Probably going to get Sybil attacked to hell
assbot: 16 results for 'sybil attack' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sybil+attack
asciilifeform: !s sybil attack
moriarty: mircea_popescu, i've done a sybil on localbitcoins though :) just so i don't get pinned down as the guy with shitloads of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: but this also happens to be the definition of a sybil vulnerability.
mircea_popescu: kolinko if you have a process to go from 1 party to two, then you have a sybil problem. and to have 15 you necessarily must have had that process.
kolinko: what I meant is - if you have a system of 15 parties, each one of them signing messages with their own gpg keys, that can be quite secure against the sybil attack. the attacker would have to steal keys of 8 independent parties.
mircea_popescu: anyway, sybil attacks are specifically not a problem in anon systems. if you go for a romp in a gay cinema, to be fucked by a random man, it makes no difference to you who fucks you, so you can't be sybil'd by definition.
mircea_popescu: and the arsed problem is not something to brush aside. the better your sybil protection, the more expensive their pointless expense.
mircea_popescu: you are wrong in the first. sybil attacks are a problem on all systems that rely on identity to any degree.
kolinko: well, sybil attack is really only a problem in systems that rely on anonymous parties
mircea_popescu: sybil attacks, and why would they be arsed to care about your needs.
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com sybil attack
thestringpuller: perhaps the sybil attack has already begun...
TheNewDeal: There once was a bot named gribble. With humans, he would not quibble. If he had but one weakness/ it sure wasn't meekness/ but reputation attacks from Sybil
asciilifeform: 'voting pool' idea << sybil magnet
assbot: 15 results for 'sybil' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sybil
benkay: !s sybil
mircea_popescu: which is a degenerate form taken by sybil attack in the degenerate wot that escrow is
mircea_popescu: <HeySteve> I'm still stuck on this Sybil thing :) if you identify a puppet troupe, is there a mechanism to neutralise it beyond information-sharing? << no, by definition.
HeySteve: I'm still stuck on this Sybil thing :) if you identify a puppet troupe, is there a mechanism to neutralise it beyond information-sharing?
HeySteve: hey fluffypony and mircea_popescu, been considering the Sybil problem
mircea_popescu: because the cost is not a discouragement to the sybil, if it has a way to turn a profit
fluffypony: incentivised ratings also opens the incentives themselves to Sybil attacks, no?
fluffypony: have there been any identified Sybil attacks on the WoT?
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: wrt making Sybil attacks harder, isn't there/couldn't there be a GPG-like system that uses a common private key for a single owner, but also hash some sort of easily identifiable GUID as part of the pubkey/signature to indicate which machine it is on? that way an attacker's work becomes slightly more complex, as they need to not only create profiles but have a fresh VM/install/whatever for them ☟︎
artifexd: I have not. A sybil attack is something that I thought I understood.
thestringpuller: artifexd: have you looked at the wiki article yet? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack
kakobrekla: sybil entities
asciilifeform: the wot as we have it now is perfectly sybil-able
amidvidy: The author also wrote kademlia, this is his effort to design a DHT that is resistant to Sybil attacks