22 entries in 0.728s
a111: Logged on 2017-04-27 22:46 phf: it is not in fact phf who posted this nonsense but an adversary, a sybil attack is in progress!
phf: it is not in fact phf who posted this nonsense but an adversary, a sybil attack is in progress! ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'The paper propose a new proof-of-work mechanism that improves decentralization and reduces the risk of 51% attack without increasing the risk of Sybil attack. This new mechanism introduces a series of principles such as Career open to all talents, without distinction of birth, Distribution according to labor and All Men are created equal.'
phf: come to think of it sybil is not the right word in this case, on application level there's no psuedonymity and you only talk to people in wot. on transport level an attacker can construct a valid looking (struct layout wise) pgp packet, which in my naive spec implementation is handed over to gnupg. now you have a bunch of potential attack vectors here, but assuming there's no memory attacks in gnupg, race conditions in gpgme,
thestringpuller: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/42n7r0/how_to_sybil_attack_bitcoinclassicconsiderit_with/ << LOL. The Toomim's are getting hit with Sybil attacks now.
adlai: testingthisstuff: also fyi, even the tor developers admit to the ease (~$1M) with which a large-scale sybil attack can be mounted against the network
mircea_popescu: also hanbot has it : idempotence IS fundamental to bitcoin. but unlike shit like sybil attack, or pgp, which were scarcely used or thought about before we came around,
mike_c: I'm sticking by it. Once you know what a sybil attack is, this is a good venue to learn why what you know isn't quite right.
mike_c: Adlai: my point wasn't that we're a bunch of geniuses, more that there are better venues to learn something in depth like what is a sybil attack.
asciilifeform: 'd' - 'what is meant by a sybil attack?'
mike_c: mircea_popescu: maybe not. could be a much dumber reason. "It's all one node just with 600 addresses. This is what happens when you fucking pay people to sybil attack the network."
Adlai: dev behind popular open-source-closed-dev spv wallet is also behind a sybil attack to correlate transactions with jurisdictions... so that's why local trader is so cheap!
thestringpuller: how does that prevent democracy? (a sybil attack)?
assbot: 16 results for 'sybil attack' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sybil+attack
asciilifeform: !s sybil attack
kolinko: what I meant is - if you have a system of 15 parties, each one of them signing messages with their own gpg keys, that can be quite secure against the sybil attack. the attacker would have to steal keys of 8 independent parties.
kolinko: well, sybil attack is really only a problem in systems that rely on anonymous parties
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com sybil attack
thestringpuller: perhaps the sybil attack has already begun...
mircea_popescu: which is a degenerate form taken by sybil attack in the degenerate wot that escrow is
artifexd: I have not. A sybil attack is something that I thought I understood.
thestringpuller: artifexd: have you looked at the wiki article yet? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack