118 entries in 0.602s
asciilifeform: but seems like posix diff is actually retarded, and cannot operate on file system basis at all, but only by lines!
pete_dushenski: "The researchers have found that it's possible to trick the Android app wrapping system so that an image can be wrapped up with malware, and delivered inside an innocuous wrapper app, which gets past both security apps and Google's Bouncer. The basis of the attack is a custom encryption package (which they dubbed AngeCrypt) that makes the malicious APK look like a valid PNG image file (other image formats work as
asciilifeform: (easiest solution: forget file system in the 1st place, just use raw block device. and then you don't even need msdos for anything.) ☟︎
asciilifeform: if seriously considering this, note that you will need a number of nontrivial bolt-ons - ability to mount >2gb file system, for one thing
mats_cd03: 23:16:36 <+asciilifeform> mats_cd03: practical-file-system-design << old favourite of mine.<< i am also busy consuming 'principles of program analysis' by nielson and friend.
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: practical-file-system-design << old favourite of mine.
mats_cd03: www.nobius.org/~dbg/practical-file-system-design.pdf << i have been enjoying this recently. re: BeOS, but a decent primer on how file systems work, too.
nubbins`: the fonts in the .ai file weren't outlined, and i don't have the fonts on my system
mircea_popescu: By default, systemd saves core dumps to the journal, instead of the file system. Core dumps must be explicitly queried using coredumpctl4. Besides going against all reason, it also creates complications in multi-user environments (good luck running gdb on your program's core dump if it's dumped to the journal and you don't have root access) ☟︎
BigBitz: "Now that I have recovered everything except the wallet file the actual loss should be pegged at less than $2,000, twelve hundred of which is the cost point of our new backup system."
dignork: asciilifeform: the dish looks bigger on wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System#mediaviewer/File:Active_Denial_System_Humvee.jpg
pankkake: 0.9 changed many file locations, the build system, etc. so it's pretty much all or nothing
pankkake: I like btrfs' smart compression system; if the file doesn't look compressible it stops trying
mod6: and yah, i do happen to like the GEOM encrypted file system layer to freebsd, more so than probably the linux one. maybe im just more clued on that one. but its no substitute for gpg'ing every damn file.
kakobrekla: >Today the registration system will be opened, and I will be able to post a list of the delegates. If they want to stay anonymous, pseudonymous or the like, I will only post what I am allowed to. I will also disclose their principals. (You know, a delegate has to file a letter of attorney for every organization (s)he represents, to be considered a legal representative. Unless (s)he just represents him/herself.)
Ukto: I made an autoamted system for other ppl to upload the yaml file into my system
mod6: then when the user goes to trade, they'll need to enter their passphrase to decrypt the encrypted private key stored on the file system so the application can decipher the return tx statements from mpex
mircea_popescu: the safe side, a dump of all users' final STATs, encrypted with their keys and clearsigned by the exchange will be released before closing, in whatever manner will be deemed at that time efficient, as for instance on a p2p file sharing system.