21 entries in 0.578s

a111: Logged on 2016-12-05 16:47 asciilifeform: in other lulz, very far away, '
Autodesk will stop the sale of perpetual licences of all its software on January 31st, 2017. The purchase of new licences by both new and existing customers will only be available by subscription after that date. ... Why is
Autodesk transitioning to subscription licences? Subscription licences offer customers a lower entry price, greater choice of tools and the ability to pay-as-you-go. With its shift a
adlai: gernika: that's just how
autodesk was, but it was a pretty cool office. i'd probably kill a family member (no-nuke-o) to work there again.
ben_vulpes: dude
autodesk fusion 360 does the DUMBEST POSSIBLE THING for EVERY constraint
autodesk must have some interesting proprietry libraries
Adlai: +mircea_popescu | so research what, << oh, if you were asking what i did at
autodesk, it was much more interesting
Adlai: playscape has been burning VC money for years and downsized 33%,
autodesk terminated my employment due to "being unable to accomodate working from home or at odd hours"
Autodesk Israel R&D Center
autodesk are actually moving towards open source for their newer products, although since it's a bottom-up effort, existing products will remain closed source indefinitely
fluffypony: I'm not an advanced enough AI to use an
Autodesk product