39 entries in 0.915s
asciilifeform: ^ the scammonkey responsible for 'xmr' iirc
Mocky: oh hey, thepiratebay comes out of the closet. page footer: "By entering TPB you agree to XMR being mined using your CPU. If you don't agree please leave now or install an adBlocker"
a111: Logged on 2018-05-30 15:19 asciilifeform: in other lulz, via BingoBoingo's links, 'The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists. In order to survive, we need shekels. Send BTC or XMR. This site will be shut down if we don’t win this.'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: XMR is the "ring signature" thing fluffypony defected to
a111: 33 results for "xmr", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xmr
asciilifeform: !#s xmr
asciilifeform: wtf is xmr anyway.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, via BingoBoingo's links, 'The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists. In order to survive, we need shekels. Send BTC or XMR. This site will be shut down if we don’t win this.' ☟︎
zineKing: xmr? eth?
jurov: oh, someone pumping xmr?
Bugpowder: It does worry me, but I put that into the known unknowns category of risks. And pricing risk adjusted EV, still makes sense for me to hold a signifcant crypto fraction in XMR as printer of new bitcoin. It’s harder these days to print BTC without MPOE-bot.
Bugpowder: and if every transaction from supporting vendors was paid with XMR, still only looking at $20,000 / day.
kingking190: i made some really good money on XMR
punkman: 0.001 xmr/btc eh, I bought/sold some around 0.005, glad I didn't stick with it
kingking190: i wish XMR would go up
kingking190: i like to trader LTC and XMR
assbot: History of Monero [XMR] development in 2.5 minutes with music - gource visualisation : CryptoCurrency ... ( http://bit.ly/1OXGuPP )
fluffypony: CrazyLoafer: Risto holds XMR, and he's vocal, but he's not responsible for directing it in any way - https://getmonero.org/knowledge-base/people
mircea_popescu: which was xmr again ?
CrazyLoafer: BTC, LTC, XMR, some other smaller alts
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for plonky with note: PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
fluffypony: !rate plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
fluffypony: ;;rate plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
gribble: You rated user hegemoon on Wed Jul 2 08:48:10 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: smooth PPEUR for XMR trade, no issues.
mircea_popescu: "24hr Volume: 646.141 BTC / 195.554 XMR / 2838.69 XUSD" nuts.
mircea_popescu: seems it only exists to trade xmr this thing, since https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_str styill spends 90% of the page listing the xmr market. weird.
mircea_popescu: is stellar xmr ?
mircea_popescu: "Expenditure for the year comprised of 3 totals as some costs could not be settled in BTC or were preferably settled in XMR. Our expenditure was 190.513492 BTC + 1 891.31 XMR + US $5 732.80, which is around the 212 BTC mark. Thus the shortfall of 164.5 BTC was paid out of the Core Team's own pockets in the hopes of recovering the funds later on (ie. just in case anyone was wondering, not only do the core team not get p
adlai: and then the guys who bagheld xmr through the great bear market of 2014 all take a group dump on the people who bought non-scarce goods
punkman: 70% down since I sold all my xmr, good call
assbot: The Truth About Monero's Risto Pietila (rpietila XMR)
mircea_popescu: punkman: I made a bitcent trading XMR, I r tradar nao! << dare i ask what xmr is or would that spoil the whole trader thing.
punkman: fluffypony: there was some pool site that had XMR, but it linked to some bitmonero thing
punkman: I made a bitcent trading XMR, I r tradar nao!
assbot: Poloniex Welcomes New Monero (XMR) Markets
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: https://www.poloniex.com/press-releases/2014.07.23-Poloniex-Welcomes-New-Monero-XMR-Markets
fluffypony: and instead did an analysis of XMR on the back of yesterday's Poloniex announcement
fluffypony: but when XMR is rocketing then often Bittrex is slow to catch up
Ukto: trying to turn up another gige, and their brocade XMR is being stupid over port negotiation