57 entries in 3.112s
mp_en_viaje: ven mycenian greek
mircea_popescu: ven. for instance trilema.com/s resolves to http://trilema.com/2017/s-a-furat-mireasa/ ; whereas trilema.com/sa resolves to http://trilema.com/2010/sa-admiram-vulpoiul/
cazalla: wouldnt e ven pay to fuck
mircea_popescu: is it related to the "ven" bs nefario was pushing at his stallman-attended scamference ?
asciilifeform: 'The advertised unit is a keychain that plugs in through the headphone jack of a mobile device, meant to interact closed-source app to provide impenetrable crypto. This crypto is said to use a one-time pad (OTP) system. The design, photos, prototype, and social networking vibe feel all too similar to the vaporware you’d expect a San Francisco based startup of 5 college students to poorly slap together and unload to unsuspecting ven
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> btw BingoBoingo i submit something like "troubled hrc fundraisers despair of ever receiving support from bitcoin, comically look to ven in desperation" or such for the next roundup (sauce http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556416 ) << AHA, it's a firm mebbe for next one. Didn't fit flavor of recent electoral one. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: shinohai the ven thing, it has nothing to do with blockchain, or with technology generally. it's the funniest thing you ever saw, a sort of etsy-paypal, made by the same sort of stunted minds that tried to push doge.
mircea_popescu: btw BingoBoingo i submit something like "troubled hrc fundraisers despair of ever receiving support from bitcoin, comically look to ven in desperation" or such for the next roundup (sauce http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556416 ) ☝︎
a111: 29 results for "ven", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ven
mircea_popescu: !#s ven
mircea_popescu: in other lulz... hillary shit-ton is going into "digital currencies". VEN!
assbot: 25 results for 'ven' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ven
mircea_popescu: !s ven
mircea_popescu: i vaguely recall some atrociously hipsterish derps going on some sort of ven rampage with...
ben_vulpes: not to be confused with the "hubculture" "ven"
copypaste: i like you cazalla. I'm amazed anyone here ven knew who I was
Vexual: i saw angelina jolie one time, and she dint ven connect my wifi
ozbot: VEN / EUR (VEN/EUR) price chart, 10-days, Kraken
kakobrekla: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/v2/pair/ven/eur/kraken/10-days
mircea_popescu: o yeah, which reminds me, how is ven, the revolutionary currency of the internet nefario discovered somewhere ?
bounce: s/ven/sn/
ninjashogun: More to the point - for our purposes - you would not have lent the young Steve Jobs $5000 yourself, even if he had to repay 10x the amount, 50x the amount, 100x the amount, ore ven 500x the amount (at any point in the future) All of which would have been in his power.
mircea_popescu: technically it could be a new ven
mircea_popescu: matybe, i'ven ot really been following the entire "green technologies" stuff.
jurov: Stan Stalnaker is Founding Director of Hub Culture and the Ven, an asset-backed Internet reserve currency that along with Bitcoin and Ripple, is leading the digital asset market.
mircea_popescu: "unemployable youths"! don't mix my cocksuckers into your ven voodoo
mircea_popescu: i hope thety do it on a ven platform
mircea_popescu: cause you're stubborn! ven has come such a long way since last autumn
mircea_popescu: Sep 20 16:18:30 <kakobreklaaa>>Learn about our historic commodity and carbon credit trades using Ven.
mircea_popescu: Sep 20 17:04:40 <nefario>kakobrekla: you think Ven is scamconomy? then WTF has bitcoin turned into?
mircea_popescu: Sep 22 03:16:29 <mircea_popescu>you're a ven developer.
mircea_popescu: Sep 22 03:32:07 <nefario>Yeah I'm dropping ven
mircea_popescu: Sep 22 04:42:06 <mircea_popescu>stick to ven.
mircea_popescu: Oct 15 04:19:18 <mircea_popescu>i tend to recall this ridiculous Ven thing being a bluechip asset.
pankkake: I'm sure they're only doing it because Ven paid them
pankkake: "The value of Ven is determined on the financial markets from a basket of currencies, commodities and carbon futures."
mircea_popescu: remember ven ?
pankkake: ven was some hype private currency a while ago
kakobrekla: dafuq is Ven
ThickAsThieves: "Choi is the general counsel at Payward, the company behind the Kraken bitcoin trading platform. She conceived the idea for an SRO with Stan Stalnaker, the founder of Hub Culture, a social networking service that operates the Ven virtual currency."
smickles: wow, i'ven't the mind to understand that
mircea_popescu: i tend to recall this ridiculous Ven thing being a bluechip asset.
mircea_popescu: stick to ven.
nefario: Yeah I'm dropping ven
__Atlas__: I don't see Ven doing well in 2013 with food shortages.
__Atlas__: Ven...
mircea_popescu: you're a ven developer.
nefario: kakobrekla: you think Ven is scamconomy? then WTF has bitcoin turned into?
kakobreklaaa: >Learn about our historic commodity and carbon credit trades using Ven.
nefario: buy some ven, book some time in the place and ask yourself
copumpkin: on their front page, they have a "Ven" hyperlink
nefario: I think it's going to be a really handy way for people with bitcoin to move in and out of things like ven
nefario: and have a floating marketplace for Ven itself
BTC-Mining: Wait, so it's an actual IPO from VEN??? I'm puzzled, why would they do that on GLBSE?
BTC-Mining: VEN?
nefario: BTC-Mining: did you have a look at VEN?
rg: its not $140 ven