500+ entries in 0.042s

jfw: re GNAT, it occurs to me the better question is not "what does mp_en_viaje have handy" but "what am I going to
test and require of the user and support by explaining at whatever level necessary?" Which is not a question for mp_en_viaje at all as stated.
diana_coman: jfw: listen, you do a full
test-run of everything so that you can properly guide someone step by step and you know 200% what is required and at what point.
diana_coman: jfw: why don't you take the zip, do the
test run and then you know and can tell ?
mp_en_viaje: honestly, the stuff pizdi's dumping in the
test blog is perfectly fine. why can't you just dump the missing logs into her ?
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: I don't think it'll record line changes. Though I honestly did not
test if it would break it
lobbes: I could bring it in now even, it just is logging to my
test site
diana_coman: ... that; for illustration, here's the
output from vtree and antecedents on eucrypt_oaep_fix_checks.vpatch (ran in the same
test dir that can be had from
here); antecedents gives the correct path genesis->ch6->ch7->ch9->ch10->oaep_fix_checks, but in vtree's output it's very hard to tell that ch10 is meant as child of ch9 rather than ...
bvt: diana_coman: fixed link; ty for your
test set, i have the fix (totally my bad), which I can upload today in a few hours (as a vpatch) if you still have a timeslot dedicated to v.sh tomorrow, or if you prefer it with a writeup, i will publish it until thursday.
mod6: asciilifeform_whogaveblox << I'm more open to comments on this one too, I don't see a big issue with it being in the tree. I'm also using this one in a
test environment (for quite some time now). Haven't seen any issues with it at this time. It would need a simple regrind. Can do it this month as well.
mod6: mod6_excise_hash_truncation << This one in particular is nice, and I've been using it in my
test environments for a while. I'm fine at this point with adding it in, it just needs a regrind (again). Can work on that this month.
jfw: mircea_popescu: I get the sense this is more about the user than the tool then. I'd reckon it's equally dumb to call a function with global side-effects from an "if"
test, since it's supposed to be just asking a question, not "doing things"
diana_coman: billymg: I don't get why is the code separated from the rest of the text as such; for one thing the
test article there for instance did not work well at all on zoom in/out in my firefox
mircea_popescu: mitigating circumstances can be applied to lighten punishment for failure, but what's the point of applying them before the
test, or to eschew the
test ? life's not different by virtue of mental fiction. that's what has to be done, that's what has to be done.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-10 11:31:17 dorion_road: trinque, you've
foreshadowed using a minimalist busybox system, which Gales is. Giving it a
test run and writing and article about what the positives and negatives are compared to cuntoo would go a long way to help killing idiocy. If you made time to do it by jan 15, adding your insight while others are working on it would help us
dorion_road: trinque, you've
foreshadowed using a minimalist busybox system, which Gales is. Giving it a
test run and writing and article about what the positives and negatives are compared to cuntoo would go a long way to help killing idiocy. If you made time to do it by jan 15, adding your insight while others are working on it would help us
bvt: dorion_road: comment published and answered; i can do a
test run of gales after returning (20 dec)
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-30 13:30:48 diana_coman: at any rate, the hour was spent: ~10 minutes figuring out the change and making it directly on my blog so that the results were clear; ~30 minutes for full vpatch process: retrieve+press current v-tree to head; make code + manifest file changes;
test press of result & check + final sign; ~20 minutes for write-up + upload + overall final check.
mircea_popescu: arguably a press + vdiff +
test press + sign shouldn't be half an hour, but it seems to me by now we're trying to measure the measuring tool, it's not even clear the measurement tolerance is narrower than the width of that "shouldn't". by how much shouldn't it be half hour.
diana_coman: at any rate, the hour was spent: ~10 minutes figuring out the change and making it directly on my blog so that the results were clear; ~30 minutes for full vpatch process: retrieve+press current v-tree to head; make code + manifest file changes;
test press of result & check + final sign; ~20 minutes for write-up + upload + overall final check.
diana_coman: so in v time-costs and all that: changes took ~10 minutes including figuring out wtf to change (because I'm no expert in either mpwp or php) and then the rest up to 1 hour was making vpatch +
test-press + write-up; pshaw.
spyked: aaand should be fixed. will
test next time notifications queue up like that
mircea_popescu: in other wtf, awk does not have a native date increment ; people do insane shit like awk -F"\",\"" '{cmd="date -d \"$(date -d \""$0"\")+10days\" \"+%Y-%m-%d %T\"";cmd | getline datum; close(cmd); print $0 ",\""datum"\""}'
test.csv >
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-11-20#1951619 << when I make an actual post of an article, it drops the entirety of the content I was trying to post. If I'm updating an article, it drops the entirety of additional content I was adding. Looks like your comment
test behaves differently. In any case, it behaves strangely
lobbes: oh, and the whole "text running over the sidebar" issue does indeed seem
local to my blog. My css is probably just borked
ossabot: Logged on 2019-07-21 08:57:32 diana_coman: hm, current vtools still don't handle move of files or what am I missing here? I made a simple
test with moving one file to a different location and as far as I can see, it's still delete + create, no move
billymg: anyway, will have two patches up shortly, one for the fix and one for a
test of that behavior
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 19:59:48 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if after all you dun need a znc , leave the thing switched on, i'ma reformat when next
test pilot volunteers, until then will run trb , i want proper
test of trb perf on apu1. but if you decide you want a znc, su znc ; znc -c will run promptistic configurator. then reboot, and you'll have it.
mp_en_viaje: it can be argued that this is the ~principal~ utility of www in the first place, that it permits things such as "reading trilema" only as a 2ndary bolt on. what it's for is to turn a
half hour trudge into a five second job.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 19:59:48 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if after all you dun need a znc , leave the thing switched on, i'ma reformat when next
test pilot volunteers, until then will run trb , i want proper
test of trb perf on apu1. but if you decide you want a znc, su znc ; znc -c will run promptistic configurator. then reboot, and you'll have it.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 19:59:48 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if after all you dun need a znc , leave the thing switched on, i'ma reformat when next
test pilot volunteers, until then will run trb , i want proper
test of trb perf on apu1. but if you decide you want a znc, su znc ; znc -c will run promptistic configurator. then reboot, and you'll have it.
mp_en_viaje: i'm not against zncing through your own machine so you can piggy-back
test on what you suppose is ddos (but isn't) ; but the utility to me just about zilch -- for one thing if czech tubes take a break, i'll lose the znc connection just as well as i lose the direct. i suppose it'd save on revoicing, but honestly i have that setup to be entirely painless as it is, 1s op.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: mind publishing a torture
test with pics and all that too?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 14:13:44 asciilifeform: still not calculated what to charge for these, and must do so quickly. i'ma give folx month '
test drive' tho, given the untestedness of the whole orchestra .
diana_coman: otherwise yes, I had banned in on the previous smg
test server and simply got on with libressl
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-13 16:48:02 diana_coman: aha; I actually had the mysql precise thing in one of the backups but rather deeply burried so at the time of the
test I went with this mirror; but as I was saying, by default I rather tend to unplug the network cable when installing systems.
diana_coman: aha; I actually had the mysql precise thing in one of the backups but rather deeply burried so at the time of the
test I went with this mirror; but as I was saying, by default I rather tend to unplug the network cable when installing systems.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: can report that dev server is also built and had a
test run locally with dev client; compilation there messier because of the whole stuff with gnat.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje production server & db successfully running on my local
test-setup so that part at least seems all right; tomorrow I'll look at the dev server too.
diana_coman: now ofc how the fuck to "
test to exhaustion" here, not like I have the full range of amd and I'm not living in a dc either, ugh.
mp_en_viaje: so, i guess 1 can lay pending for a while, see what comes of this
diana_coman: hm, I suppose now I'll have to
test it on various amd I have around
mp_en_viaje: as things stand right now, in point of fact as diana_coman might well point out, the ~one argument available from strict minigame pov as to why even get
test server there was "save on the hassle of trying to reproduce env".
diana_coman: so while I have backups of both production and
test systems and code and all that, I don't really know what to aim for here exactly
diana_coman: 3. for as long as CS esp is not yet *fully* excised out of the dev/
test server, that might *also * need non-Cuntoo
lobbes: trinque, sure I can
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 17:11:48 lobbes:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942586 << I anticipated this response, but not sure how you figure utterly insane. I'm not asciilifeform nor diana_coman for e.g.; I'm still pretty "green" at programming and need to research each design phase and thoroughly
test my implementations as I go to make sure it is correct. Oftentimes discover "shit, I fucked up, need to redo this part". I.e. learning as I go
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 17:11:48 lobbes:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942586 << I anticipated this response, but not sure how you figure utterly insane. I'm not asciilifeform nor diana_coman for e.g.; I'm still pretty "green" at programming and need to research each design phase and thoroughly
test my implementations as I go to make sure it is correct. Oftentimes discover "shit, I fucked up, need to redo this part". I.e. learning as I go
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942586 << I anticipated this response, but not sure how you figure utterly insane. I'm not asciilifeform nor diana_coman for e.g.; I'm still pretty "green" at programming and need to research each design phase and thoroughly
test my implementations as I go to make sure it is correct. Oftentimes discover "shit, I fucked up, need to redo this part". I.e. learning as I go
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 07:10:49 diana_coman: both
test and production servers backups seem fine and up to date at a minimal inspection; full
test means setting them up and there's the involved issue of full environment for them (versions of everything and so on); for this reason I'd say end of this week (Sun 13th) rather than "today"
diana_coman: both
test and production servers backups seem fine and up to date at a minimal inspection; full
test means setting them up and there's the involved issue of full environment for them (versions of everything and so on); for this reason I'd say end of this week (Sun 13th) rather than "today"
lobbes: (No selection working on above
test blog, so can't link to portion specifically. Though folx can laugh at my solipsistic rantings as they scroll toward the 03:00 mark I suppose)
mp_en_viaje: imo is better because at least creates ~a record~ of the type of problems we're solving which not only might spark refinements downstream, but will also constiute a phenomenologically blessed
test set for any such refinements, permitting ~RATIONAL~ acception or rejection if/when it comes to.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There seems to be a racket where a loading with get a weird ricer name like .50 BEOWOLF or .300 BLACKOUT get some USG
test firings and go on to market the round as things normally get marketed to jugalos,etc based on edgy/cool name
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 23:20:25 asciilifeform:
test of action line
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 23:20:25 asciilifeform:
test of action line
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 23:20:25 asciilifeform:
test of action line
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 23:20:25 asciilifeform:
test of action line