32 entries in 0.661s

mp_en_viaje: delegation works on tasks you've mastered, not on tasks you've no fucking idea how to do. there's a great component of "get hired aka apprentice with masters" in tmsr, don't fuck it up with dumb lazy
precious cuntlet antics mircea_popescu: "selamgano.wordpress.com is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site." and the whole rest of the
precious cuntlet / inca priestess.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:42 mp_en_viaje:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923443 << but of course. once
precious cuntlet ends up importent into any process flow, you know for a fact it won't get undone willingly -- it's either burn it down or forget about it. (pc is this thing, you've surely seen it, the dumb chick who thinks she's got a "career" out of "following 3 ring binder". the exact other half of the dumb chick who thinks "nobody can call her a slut" because she's dressing poorly
mp_en_viaje: rather decided to
matasareanu herself all over the altar of her
precious cuntlet mattering in the world.
mp_en_viaje: eg -- some "self-serve" items will do table service for me, some will come over to tell me i gotta go to them, and run into the "you already walked here, now take out your pen". 100% DO NOT take out the pen, because if the
precious cuntlet's dumb enough to actually march over to
whine at me about her incronssequential worldview failing in practice, she's sure as fuck not about to drop it. she's
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923443 << but of course. once
precious cuntlet ends up importent into any process flow, you know for a fact it won't get undone willingly -- it's either burn it down or forget about it. (pc is this thing, you've surely seen it, the dumb chick who thinks she's got a "career" out of "following 3 ring binder". the exact other half of the dumb chick who thinks "nobody can call her a slut" because she's dressing poorly
☝︎☟︎ mp_en_viaje: it's altogether about replacing
precious cuntlet as-she-is with a virtual imago that's more in line with her self-expectations.
mp_en_viaje: consider the orc
cuntlet's perpsective. she's
precious, wen to school, is dental hygienist or w/e. vehehehery preoccupied of bodily integrity and other "single daugther of two parents +4 grandparents" aging society
issues mircea_popescu: there's this purely idiotarian usgistani view of "oh, young woman always better than old wife". really, bitch ? cuz why, cuz the
precious cuntlet can't take without breaking down a 1% of what the tried and tested old ho can swallow unblinking ?
mircea_popescu: then the INSTANTLY!!!!! turns into minutes, that turn into long hours and longer days, weeks and whatever, eventually the idea forms in the
precious cuntlet's brainbox that no, just because she's never heard anyone call her stupid before dun mean jack ; and all this "consensus" of silence is in the end exactly that : a consensus OF SILENCE.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> you know how "alt right" picked "soros" to be "the evil billionaire behind everything" ? do you suppose THAT is what prevents the "mainstream left" from identifying the evil billionaire behind their
precious cuntlet losing the
precious election and everything else ? << "mainstream" left has as an anchor that "individual people can
mircea_popescu: you know how "alt right" picked "soros" to be "the evil billionaire behind everything" ? do you suppose THAT is what prevents the "mainstream left" from identifying the evil billionaire behind their
precious cuntlet losing the
precious election and everything else ?
trinque: douchebag: and when you bring these chicks in here, tell them A) register, B) don't expect trinque hops off what he was doing to immediately cut txn for their
precious cuntlet C) once they withdraw, balance is 0 again, because duh
mircea_popescu: so that's it,
precious cuntlet importantly declares "i approve of this thing" and that's all her job's worth, she's done.
mircea_popescu: well, sorta like libtarded
precious cuntlet in 2018. "i wonder why nobody writes to me on fetlife!!!" "where's your nudie shots ?" "ummmm..."
mircea_popescu: and what he's virtue signalling is one of two things : either "i am ready to be elevated into a criminology beca at spaceship" or else "i am ready to be given a
precious cuntlet you no longer need to rule all things around me".
mircea_popescu: empower the alt-reality fictions of worthless "
cuntlet, so devoid of any value or impoirtance she couldn't even fdind clerical employment in her home country.
hanbot: aha. !#s
precious cuntlet mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo meanwhile
precious cuntlet coin reached TEN FARTZILLION, so there!
trinque: that just feeds into the
precious cuntlet narrative in head
mircea_popescu: which neatly sends the
cuntlet syndrome straight into metaphysics, "there's a thing beyond the sensible which makes me valuable, let's call it emotions and you could never understand".
mircea_popescu: girly ends up persuaded that she has a very valuable something she must take great good care of between her legs -- her
precious cuntlet.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 18:26 asciilifeform: what exactly is a '
precious cuntlet'
mircea_popescu: possibly the lowest
precious cuntlet factor i ever encountered in my life ; and i personally credit the active male population and high density.
mircea_popescu: basically the fundamental problem is that
precious cuntlets want their
precious cuntlet to be worth money through it not being used ; whereas the only way it could ever be worth anything would be through intensive usage.
mircea_popescu: borders are quite closed, to eg, esl
precious cuntlet.
mircea_popescu: and i swear if i see another one of these ustard
precious cuntlet ledes with "o nso and so date so and so insignificant schmuck just like the author was being part of an imaginary sequel of seinfeld" ima kidnap some "innocents" and sell them in gabon.