26 entries in 0.77s
BingoBoingo: In the case of casinos and cambios the science police are usually preceeded by the Special Forces Police who show up in the time between the robbers leaving and the science police standing around
BingoBoingo: The police are not to be confused with the science police who show up to places the police weren't and make a big show of doing something.
sarah443: The police are a joke, if you have ever seen that show 'First 48'
BingoBoingo: "The idea for these arrests came from something called the Minneapolis Police Experiment (MPE) of 1981-82. In the experiment police offices were given pads with one of three words written on them... The results show counseling resulted in a future assault in 24% cases, send was 19%, and the arrest option resulted in a future assault in only 10% of the cases. Perhaps a cheap way of cutting down future domestic violence."
asciilifeform: esp. considering that if you show up with so much as a slingshot in public, but for some non-usg-approved reason, you will at the very least be relieved of your valuables (incl. slingshot) by police.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 15:09 mircea_popescu: for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever. ☟︎
a111: 15 results for "police show", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=police%20show
asciilifeform: $s police show
ascii_butugychag: the famous '80s scotus case where 'police are not ~required~ to show up even if they know the hour of your advance murder' thing
asciilifeform: e excessive force. He found that the Hartes had not been defamed by the raid or by the publicity surrounding it. He also ruled that the police were under no obligation to know that drug testing field kits are inaccurate, nor were they obligated to wait for the more accurate lab tests before conducting the SWAT raid. The only way they’d have a claim would be if they could show that the police lied about the results, deliberat
ascii_field: 'The police major—perhaps in mind of the nationwide spate of police killings by thugs—decided to speak to this loitering person. The content of the conversation is not yet known. The cop did tell the idiot to show his hands. The idiot refused to show his empty hands. The cop shot him in the leg—I bet that shit hurt! The major then took off his own belt and used it as a tourniquet and the last I heard the boy bl
asciilifeform never lived in a mansion, but has lived in streets where the police show up every day, and ones where didn't see a single one in a decade of staring out window
ascii_field: mats: try to think like usg. police show up, you are alive and slum bunny is dead. prosecutor: 'proof that he had the bolt in. otherwise he oughta be dead.'
asciilifeform: 'If the police doesn't show up, off you go to your business. If the police does show up, butcher the civillians.' << already sop, palestine, etc. - just minus the bank part
mircea_popescu: decimation: wonder how many lei it takes to get the local romaninan police to 'overlook' your immigration << it's a civilised country. if you don't break the law they don't care. if you show up at the border without proper paperwork you get fined 500 lei (~100 euro) and generally forbidden to reenter for 5 years.
asciilifeform: as the police choppermeister where i live cheerfully admitted during a public show&tell.
asciilifeform: (i once spoke with a police chopper man during a local 'show & tell', asked about armour. he answered 'you gotta be kidding')
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> Almost like the police want a riot << i bet you at least half the police want a riot. logically : 1) all these sweet toys they only get to play with if there's a riot ; 2) police funding depends on riots, their salaries may be on the line in all cases except if there;s a riot ; 3) these uppity niggers ? fuck them!!1 let's show em who's baws.
Mikayla: phoned the police. A year later they're yet to show up.
assbot: police show. - Imgur
asciilifeform: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/28/us/police-shooting-kills-crew-member-working-for-reality-show-cops.html << mega-lol
mod6: show me what a police state looks like
dub: Diablo-D3: then I would show up on your property with the police and a lot of earthworking equipment to restore the damage
mircea_popescu: but in any case, people tend to confuse things. police gets called cause "omg naked person", they have to show up (cause they were called, it's how it works)
Namjies: Someone will complain and police will show up.