232 entries in 0.518s
BingoBoingo thinks it would be fair to say Linux is silk shirt, FreeBSD is wool shirt, OpenBSD is hair shirt, and NetBSD is rolling around naked in poison ivy
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://djbnetbsd.drivehq.com/PC/NetBSD/Z50/index.html << netbsd on that machine.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: odd little bugger. the usual nice 'thinkpad' keyboard, but inside - a 'mips' cpu. normally ran embedded winblows (yes, for mips!) from 16m rom. but easily hackable to use netbsd or linux.
BingoBoingo: netbsd's cost was too high in the need to know it existed at the time
asciilifeform: netbsd ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: debian - no idea. netbsd - almost certain.
BingoBoingo: NetBSD because he knows he can't beat Theo in a profanity war
BingoBoingo: decimation: At this rate Linus is going to become a NetBSd dev
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Yeah, talking about specific hardware I cooked before trying to gen GPG keys using the NetBSD PGP implementation
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Know any way to seed an entropy pool in NEtBSD on MacSE/30?
BingoBoingo used NetBSD's GPG fork on my MacSE/30 this fucking spring
midnightmagic: It works. When teams can't work directly together, as in NetBSD and OpenBSD, the two teams can cooperate very effectively as separate teams.
midnightmagic: working on a codebase of sufficient size is not reasonably doable for a single person, even if that person is working full-time. Temporarily divergent codebases similar to, e.g. NetBSD and OpenBSD, are an excellent example of the fruits of multiple, medium-sized groups working on partially-divergent codebases who together created more in a cohesive whole than either group did on their own.
BingoBoingo: Other than that... It is a better option for that Mac SE/30 than Netbsd
mircea_popescu: who wrote their own tcp stack ? netbsd ?
gribble: (wtf [is] <something>) -- Returns wtf <something> is. 'wtf' is a *nix command that first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. In most *nices, it's available in some sort of 'bsdgames' package.
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I won't confirm or deny it. Maybe Open BSD, maybe NetBSD, maybe FreeBSD.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Only off by a few decades. When he was kicked out of netBSD Computer to me meant the spider trap Apple II+ in the basement.
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Actual for obscure and old hardware OpenBSD seems to have better hardware and human support than NetBSD. At least that seems the experience on 68k machines
herbijudlestoids: try netbsd
pankkake: netbsd makes many claims about architectures, but many are also broken
pankkake: well I hope netbsd devs actually understand the code their are touching
BingoBoingo: pankkake: Consumer electronics manufacterers love NetBSD.
pankkake: no one cares about netbsd either
BingoBoingo: Sure, urbit was from scratch, but it can't find anyone capable of actually building anything from scratch. Minix is that ancient thing, couldn't sell textbooks anymore and then they just ripped NetBSD and people still don't care about it.
BingoBoingo: It's like how apparently MINIX 3 i supposed to be a big thing when they just made small changes to the MINIX kernel and just ripped the old NetBSD userland.
BingoBoingo: NetBSD the 68k version
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: B&W mac running NetBSD, Trying to create an RSA key pair of decent size on it.
BingoBoingo: It might be. It's a fucking motorola 68030 chip. NetBSD is alway lacking in the minority architectures.
BingoBoingo: So... in other news NetBSD has their own GPG like program called NetPG. Built on the Mac SE/30
BingoBoingo: pankkake: I haven't crossed that bridge yet with NetBSD
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Maybe/Probably. I've found a QR code gun for its weird Serial port though. The only reason I'm thinking SE/30 is NetBSD won't build on the Mac Classic I have as it requires the 030 or 020 plus coprocessor.