42 entries in 0.591s

kakobrekla: i lost track of node, are dulap, zoolag and
incitatus still in game?
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 14:58:22; kakobrekla: dulap.b-a.link,
incitatus.b-a.link, zoolag.b-a.link is set
mod6: <asciilifeform> interestingly,
incitatus synced and stayed synced today << ahh ok, thanks for the heads up
ascii_field: on a not entirely unrelated note,
incitatus has been steadily ~100 blocks behind
mod6: ok restarting & connecting to dulap and
incitatus assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 14:58:22; kakobrekla: dulap.b-a.link,
incitatus.b-a.link, zoolag.b-a.link is set
kakobrekla: dulap.b-a.link,
incitatus.b-a.link, zoolag.b-a.link is set
☟︎☟︎ phf: connected to
incitatus few minutes ago, got verack, version and handful inv's. now it's timeouting again
phf: not surprisingly
incitatus doesn't respond
phf: so the end result of
incitatus going online was an exercise in sending a version packet to a node to elicit some sort of response