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mircea_popescu: that is always
frege. or w/e, spinoza if you prefer, or so on. a whiole school of lens polishers.
mircea_popescu: you understand, in
frege's day "inquiries into the nature of numbers" were VERY uninteresting to kids in teh gymnasium
mircea_popescu: but yes -- russian translations of kant, fichte, heidegger, husserl, spinoza,
frege absolutely acceptable ; heck, even ro ones are fine. french is getting iffy.
mircea_popescu: but i would have thrown
frege against a wall had he "impossible" something i oculd trivially disprove.
mircea_popescu: and while he's incapacitated,
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-21#1587343 << to briefly revisit the whole "greeks were actually smarter than you" thread : naive set theory (as expoused by, say,
frege) runs into a problem known as russel's paradox : should the set of sets that don't include themselves include itself ?
☝︎ Framedragger: note, strawson,
frege would say that the king of france *expression* fails to provide a *(logical) proposition*. i.e., it does not have one. imho this is a valid thought, i.e. the matter is not 100% clear.
Framedragger wonders how "let's axiomatize from set theory,
frege/russell style" would go for 1st year students tho :p
Framedragger: i wonder, maybe some of
frege's stuff can be read in english in 'relative' (i'm naive yes) safety. for example his foundations of Arithmetic
mircea_popescu: anyway,
frege's own example is much better than the latter retellings in english. he used der Abendstern and der Morgenstern.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness, math is an AWFUL example for this matter. because, well, in honesty a "simple" notion such as the notion of a number is still patently ununderstood by the species altogether. and for that matter minimal effort to even comprehend it starts with what,
frege ? a coupla centuries ago ?
mircea_popescu: decimation not even what i had in mind. i think i ruined someone's life with
frege earlier in the logs.
mp_colonist: everyone with this pedestrian "oh magic derp". who the fuck of all these would be scientists actually understands, not in the sense of has-read-
frege-and-so-on, but in the sense of has sat down an hour quietly to think on the subject - who i say understands numbers ?
mircea_popescu: pretty much all the germans, once one's old enough.
frege. husserls. kant. heidegger