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ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 21:04:31 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning
dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption c
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning
dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption continues to be slashed, howe
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-20 21:17:29 asciilifeform: lobbes: i imagine getting rid of
dependopotamus must rock, even more than 'expel the cow and the goat' in the chelem tale. suddenly all the surfaces 2x cleaner, the bag o' benjies 'magically' fuller...
mp_en_viaje: no, afaik tha tguy was in same boat as pete_d, where the girl's daddy's the victim and the dude's just... you know, like those little male spiders ?
dependopotamus accessories.
mp_en_viaje: in other news, dude lobbes dodged a
dependopotamus bullet ?
mircea_popescu: but... yeah irc was also unemployed and otherwise
dependopotamus item.
mircea_popescu: basically, it's southern queenie, aka
dependopotamus, dedicated to sensual pursuits such as being fat and chugging coors vs the nothern jap, aka pantsuited hilarity, the fonda line, whatever, dedicated to intellectual pursuits such as being appreciated.
mircea_popescu: it's "students". you know, like
dependopotamus' "children demand moar cheese"
nubbins`: "The
Dependopotamus is a paradox. She is an utterly useless woman with a high sense of entitlement and self-importance." <<< completely and utterly unlike the guy who wrote this article, huh?
nubbins`: each
dependopotamus husband sowed the seeds of his own misfortune, yet presents his life as something that "happened" "to" him, rather than it being a direct consequence of his poor choices
nubbins`: the authors of these "
dependopotamus" articles are maybe the saddest spectacle i've ever seen
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I think you wrote on geek wanting to be gifted a woman in his closet who doesn't need for anything.
Dependopotamus trope is the inverse of that.
mircea_popescu: "While dimwitted, the
Dependopotamus is a shrewd beast who knows that there is one surefire way to trap a man: Bear as many of his offspring as possible. Since having a baby in the military is free thanks to the dependency benefits, shell be in a constant state of hosting and developing new fetuses that she isnt certain are from her husband or one of her many lovers."
assbot: 3 Signs A Woman Is A
Dependopotamus | Thought Catalog