34 entries in 0.579s

http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957253 - I was due for a re-read on ye olde
crime of being an
american, huh. Reflecting on when the article first found me, probably 2015ish, my reaction was to continue the path
of distancing myself from the mob, but also to keep a distance from this perceived cthulhu pointing the gun at me for the happenstance
of birth. The hospital analogy makes
mircea_popescu: Following Cohen's line
of reasoning, one could say that Jewish-
American organized
crime played a role in the emancipation
of the Jewish-
American community from the ancient stereotypes. However, Cohen's description
of Jewish gangsters ignores their criminality and immorality. These tough characters were still gangsters who extorted, exploited and murdered other members
of the Jewish-
American community for profit. They forced J
pete_dushenski: "“They fight in the morning and they tax in the afternoon,” said Louise Shelley, the director
of the Terrorism, Transnational
Crime and Corruption Center at George Mason University." << this is apparently incomprehensible to the
american mind. "whaddya mean there's a time
of day when they don't tax ?"
lobbes: trilema.com/2012/the-
american << twas this one, no?
BingoBoingo: The greatest
crime of American cheese is that it is radically overpriced as a nutritional measure
of last resort.
assbot: The
crime of being
American pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: The
crime of being
American pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: The
crime of being
American pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
jurov: I worry they won't let me take it through customs... The USA is stopping Bitcoin production and it is practically a
crime here. They have already frozen the assets
of the largest
American bitcoin repository... I tried to bring my bitcoin miner to Czech and ended up in a room for 90 minutes being interviewed by airport police...