30 entries in 0.482s

mircea_popescu: (note that for the needs of this discussion - i know because grandfather told me is a nec plus ultram of
buluceala. it's how people know the earth is flat.)
mircea_popescu: the notion that meritocracy means "EVERY meritous individual" gets a place is
buluceala out and out, and has nothing to do with meritocracy. such a socialist rewriting of the concept is an insult to humanity in the first place ; but to sit and wonder why the cardboard cut "in the shape of a car" and with car written on it doesn't take you places... c;mon.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-15 14:37 asciilifeform: the basic unsolvable boojum here is that 'meritocracy' is ultimately a form of
ascii_butugychag: i'd conjecture that 'africanization' is at its height when the 'food dispenser' ~responds to human
ascii_rear: the very sweet lure of zapping '