9100+ entries in 0.087s
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-29#1890613 << in any approach, this is roughly the issue in vzla also : socialists tryna hard to discuss their internal problems, wholly owned and entirely due TO SOCIALISM in terms of external influence. trotsky was "fascist" don't you know, and maduro is "authoritarian" and whatnot.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2019-01-25 17:21 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in 'holy fuck, i thought we hit rock bottom but then heard a knock from below' lulz,
http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mcleod/index.html << 'professor of engineering' tries to argue in favour of old-fashioned , carmichaelizable primality litmus ~instead~ of m-r, on acct of the 'rarity of carmichael #s' .
a111: 2019-01-23
<Mocky> being chucked into the air?
<asciilifeform> lol what die. i dunget the whiners, either, what sorta office inmate wouldn't kill for month of vacation ( even unpaid )
<< Maduro's Venezuela has some pretty sweet beaches now forbidden to USG.blue according to intel.
<mircea_popescu> Jacob completed his secondary education in Moscow and thereafter studied at Tbilisi State Academy
<< i read "thereafter" as "therefore" and was very confused/amused for a minute
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:59 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706369 << how about focusing on your own fucking problems! clean up that pizza wrapper! cook for fucking once. go out and walk that misfortunate dog of yours. instead of pretending to "solve" the problems of distant others for the transparent reason that you can avoid having to confront not having done ANYTHING in a whole decade this way.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "He/She/You can == Puede"
<< no you belongs there.
mircea_popescu: specifically because density is uniform, if you ~only~ check say 64 bit numbers as witnesses (ie, nothing smaller than 2^63) there's a set of composites
< certain limit that'll pass ; whereas if you only check 1-63 bit numbers (so the same ~number~ of numbers) there's a set of composites that'll pass, but they're LARGER than the same limit.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889396 <-- there is a !1list command (no extra args) that lists subscriptions for the user who PMs it. however, it doesn't work in chan and I didn't document it due to its spamminess. feedbot will reply with one rss feed per line, not sure if it would be more appropriate to list rss feeds in a paste or something. curious to hear opinions re this
☝︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
http://trilema.com/2010/pe-ei-pe-mama-lor/ << ever read thgat one, incidentally ? 10 bux tax on fastfood to balance out the externalized costs they dump on health budgets (and to signal to women they'd better drop the act and start cooking daily) ; and 500% excise on windows for stupidity.