4200+ entries in 0.206s
danielpbarron: in case you care, i registered an address too
Overand: I'm someone who knews (or knew) xanthyos and
danielpbarron in meatspace.
danielpbarron: this OP_RETURN stuff has nothing to do with the consensus system or blocks
assbot: Logged on 22-12-2014 23:16:46; Anduck:
danielpbarron: well, let me know when you've parsed it so you can verify that the signature isn't there, making the contract not valid
danielpbarron: probably.
danielpbarron: so what happened before at mpex isn't relevant?
danielpbarron: the copy is at the mpex.
danielpbarron: well, mpex doesn't have it apparently. or if they do have, they hide it
danielpbarron: alright.
danielpbarron: ok. what part is unclear?
Anduck: prove me wrong,
danielpbarron Anduck:
danielpbarron: if you fail to do that signing and verification, it is evidence of that the said signature -does not exist-
danielpbarron: well, i am not talking about "gpg verifying", i am talking about verifying.
Anduck: that may very well be so, could i just not discuss this matter with
danielpbarron in peace without your childish interruptions?
danielpbarron: well, let me know when you've parsed it so you can verify that the signature isn't there, making the contract not valid
☟︎ Anduck:
danielpbarron: verified that the contract needs grubles signature to be valid and the said signature is missing?
danielpbarron i got it but there were several other issues
danielpbarron, wow, they have kids too
danielpbarron: so then show me the contrast - where in the Bible does it explicitly allow polygamy?
danielpbarron: "husband of one wife" is pretty unambiguous, as is "his own wife" and "her own husband"
danielpbarron: he expressly mentions he gave them certain laws previously because their hearts were hard...
fluffypony: [21:42:07] <+
danielpbarron>it doesn't condemn having multiple wives either <- that's not true
danielpbarron: who does these implants?
danielpbarron you know, im pretty sure that pic was in here maybe half year ago, we lulzed at it.
danielpbarron: 12:07 <+Luke-Jr>
danielpbarron: "spam" and "fee" have no direct relationship << yes they do. if I spend an old output, no fee required; i spend a new output with no fee, tx doesn't get spread
danielpbarron: "spam" and "fee" have no direct relationship
danielpbarron: the gambling front is just a way to get someone else paying the cost of bypassing Bitcoin's primary spam prevention (tx fees)
danielpbarron: they're not the victims
danielpbarron: your argument is like saying "cyanide is bad, so I shouldn't consume vegetables"
danielpbarron: no, just stamping out your strawman
danielpbarron: I said nothing of the sort.
Adlai: oh it got
danielpbarron Luke-Jr:
danielpbarron: Christians have a responsibility to learn the Faith, and are guilty if deceived by their own neglegence
danielpbarron: no Catholic churches today follow the antipopes; those who do follow the antipopes and attend his churches are at risk of being damned, yes (though as Adlai infers, their culpability depends)
danielpbarron: i was born in hartford, so it's always gonna be "home" to me on some level.
danielpbarron: 11:27 <+thestringpuller>
danielpbarron didn't realize you were based in CT. << where you at?
cazalla: Vexual, you with the special k, BingoBoingo and
danielpbarron with the robo
ben_vulpes: <
danielpbarron> heh, i've robotripped a few times <<
danielpbarron you are delightfully eccentric
danielpbarron: right, god's supposed to drop that new city on jerusalem
danielpbarron: strictly speaking, that's not heaven
danielpbarron you'll find that most things around here are overly ad-hoc in their implementation
nubbins`: ;;gettrust assbot
danielpbarron assbot: Logged on 10-12-2014 06:35:49; ben_vulpes: <
danielpbarron> well my having not done it doesn't matter as i'm no longer a lord << when did this happen?
ben_vulpes: <
danielpbarron> well my having not done it doesn't matter as i'm no longer a lord << when did this happen?
☟︎ gribble: You have not yet rated user
danielpbarron mats:
danielpbarron: my grandparents watched the second plane hit from a high rise several blocks from the towers
danielpbarron: I'm aware of the pentagon missile, but the towers?!
danielpbarron: dude, what?
danielpbarron: not really. I might be the “pgp sucks” guy tho
gribble: Nick '
danielpbarron', with hostmask '
danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net', is not identified.
iang: hmm maybe. Not sure who
danielpbarron is tho
BingoBoingo: iang: Are you the person
danielpbarron pointed here?
danielpbarron these numbers are i suspect based in biology. they're not about to change.
cazalla: rdymac, i believe that would be
danielpbarron BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Things exist this way because
danielpbarron is right and there is a vengeful old testament god. Jesus and mercy were a lie!
ben_vulpes: undata,
danielpbarron: things on the manifold of reality find trajectories of stability away from each other because niche specialization
danielpbarron: you just wanted to shout "bible is right!" eh?
danielpbarron: What are the criteria for something to be an intermediate species? How long does something have to have been around and how large does the population have to be for it to be classified as such? Seems like for populations that were at no time higher than the hundreds of thousands it would be very unlikely to expect to find fossils. Google tells me the peak population of neanderthals
danielpbarron: the bible can be wrong all on its own, though science can help
BingoBoingo: Well ben_vulpes trusts
danielpbarron, maybe he does so in a way that allows him to believe
danielpbarron's testimony that the pictures exist.
TomServo: ;;later tell ben_vulpes I just recently started down a path similar to
danielpbarron's, though I'm on 5.6. Only to block 216000 something so far, and also - frequently crashes.
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell
danielpbarron hey wouldja check in with me about your experiences with bitcoin on bsd?
danielpbarron: never torn a uscle?
danielpbarron: They didn't specify an area code, would be necessary. StL metro isn't that small
danielpbarron: Now you sound like maryjane
danielpbarron, even Indiana Jones knew God's name is Jehovah (yes, they cherry picked shit like that)
danielpbarron: what other gods are there?