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danielpbarron: !v assbot:
danielpbarron: !v assbot:
danielpbarron: !v assbot:
mircea_popescu: lol buttcoin engaging
danielpbarron over gpg etc was pretty lulzy to read.
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 22:01:13;
danielpbarron: and I "wasn't allowed" to watch ren and stimpy (had to sneak it)
danielpbarron: heh me too re: ren & stimpy
danielpbarron the only show i wasn't allowed to watch was wwf wrestling
danielpbarron: glad it worked out for ya
danielpbarron: that appears to be in need of my patch
danielpbarron lotta people are sorta like that, really. the hope and expectaton of a "greatness of the people" is hard to shake.
danielpbarron: man, he's a socialist? that's disappointing.
danielpbarron: When NVida "works" on opensource it is largely due to binary black boxes like 'cg'
chetty: sounds cool hope you have chance to try it soon
danielpbarron thestringpuller:
danielpbarron: i see. I wonder if that guy made good on the bounty.
danielpbarron: yours + 2 is my response, might've gotten overlooked
danielpbarron: lemme know how your experience goes; and shinohai I thought you had bad ram or something
danielpbarron: the script is written to be read and edited to personal fit
danielpbarron: use my thing!
danielpbarron: Well you have to make sure it is copying over as the right filesystem then. I forget what it's called that has an actual disk filesystem layered over the CD iso, but probably that is missing
danielpbarron: I wouldn't give the guy one-off answers like that
danielpbarron: ok cool
danielpbarron: wait what? 'MPEx1' hasn't tweeted since 2013
danielpbarron: wait till the os update is mandatory
danielpbarron: ascii_field>
danielpbarron ? << wasn't it like 20k?
danielpbarron: you ever read "Ready Player 1"? Eulora will probably be that.
pete_dushenski: lol i kinda like imagining
danielpbarron with an army of click slaves.
assbot: Logged on 17-08-2015 18:37:20;
danielpbarron: the whole piece reads to me like "this is how to be good obiedient tax cattle"
danielpbarron: what did you expect it to be? a magical recipe for escaping the cattle corral ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Book also has
danielpbarron's endorsement
danielpbarron: thanks for trying to help me
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 19:22:41;
danielpbarron: hahha yeah right i'm gonna play some game that isn't eulora
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 19:12:10;
danielpbarron: there are like.. 12 players right now. wouldn't make much sense for us to start killing each other (not that death has been implemented yet)
danielpbarron: that's the best time to kill each other. don't you play minecraft?
mike_c: I'll start poking again and see if
danielpbarron can make use of me. He seems to be king of the land :)
assbot: Logged on 04-08-2015 21:50:14; ascii_field:
danielpbarron: he was a relatively early 'computer sucks and must be rebuilt' person. sadly, i've no idea what he is up to these days.
mod6: <+
danielpbarron> can't you unmutilate by using gpg --decrypt ? <+jurov> mod6 just do gpg --decrypt and it undoes it
mod6: ascii_field: so does `gpg --decrypt` work for that as
danielpbarron & jurov said?
danielpbarron: yeah but you can do a sig in similar fashion
danielpbarron: we're not talking about encryed docs
danielpbarron: punkman has it; --armor --sign
BingoBoingo: Also if anyone with a bunch of power words (
danielpbarron) can identify either on any relevant Bitcoin related WoT I would appreciate a heads up.
danielpbarron: he was a relatively early 'computer sucks and must be rebuilt' person. sadly, i've no idea what he is up to these days.
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 03-08-2015 17:12:42;
danielpbarron: or gathering flotsam for me
danielpbarron: we're talking about money-one-could-live-on
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 21:28:52; jurov:
danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
☟︎ mircea_popescu: <
danielpbarron> the gnomes figured out a magic amount of bytes that got accepted by some but not all, except it seems their beloved bc.i got caught in the fire << bc.i gets caught in every fire.
danielpbarron: > Db::put: Cannot allocate memory << it's a bdb problem
danielpbarron: which node is that?
danielpbarron: And the one two later apparently set another
danielpbarron you got the actual function to select optimal usage/mixage of tools given a set ?
danielpbarron prolly should publishe the whole thing monday. it's not a trivial math problem
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu>
danielpbarron so you actually got the tools for sunday ? << i got 9 axes and 9 hoes and i'm just now working on adzes (which require a slightly different method)
danielpbarron so you actually got teh tools for sunday ?
cazalla: ah shit,
danielpbarron beat me to it
mircea_popescu: <
danielpbarron> for example, the mechanics are so poorly spaded that << re that "spaded", just you wait until you discover it's actually a noncomputable multivariate which doesn't even allow stable solutions in the real space.
danielpbarron sadly necro sucked in d2, ended up forced to do a cold sorc like everyone else (that wasn't a paly). but did a witchdoctor in d3, for the... month or so that survived.
danielpbarron: no reason to always render the whole 3d world << the 3d world serves no purpose at the moment if you ask me
danielpbarron> you tell the full node what inputs and what outputs, node says ok here's a raw tx to sign (it includes an extra output pointing at node's own addr) and now you sign and give back <-- this could work
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 13:45:16; decimation:
danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? like, they know they torah and tanakh but are too cool to follow them?
danielpbarron: decimation>
danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? << someone who believes in old testament stuff and not new testament. And yeah they also have some other books they add to scripture like the "oral tradition"
danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? like, they know they torah and tanakh but are too cool to follow them?
☟︎ shinohai:
danielpbarron: I think it is wrong to ban a person just because they hold different beliefs. I have plenty of Xstian friends.
shinohai: I'd rather say "I'm an atheist" and be wrong, than be one of the hypocrites
danielpbarron describes.
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 19:12:18; mircea_popescu: *
danielpbarron too << maybe solution then is ask 7 yo kid if they should be killed and do the opposite.