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Mocky: BingoBoingo, take the paperwork out of the oven first!
Mocky: such a tender moment
Mocky: trinque, works thank you
Mocky: trinque, I think I did something wrong but I don't know what ^
Mocky: i haven't got one in #mocky this whole time, figured they don't bother with just one
Mocky: that's on hold still until the summer air fare drops
Mocky: asciilifeform, thx
Mocky: oh hey, thepiratebay comes out of the closet. page footer: "By entering TPB you agree to XMR being mined using your CPU. If you don't agree please leave now or install an adBlocker"
Mocky: laser useful in the field for range finding
Mocky: ^ circa '96 "The goal of this binding is to make scripting language features, such as associative arrays, regular expression matching, and execution of OS commands available to an Ada programmer and to allow a Tcl programmer to use Ada in place of C where needed"
Mocky: whoa, haven't seen that trilema.com header before
Mocky: anyone can reg a key and rate, neh
Mocky: sounds like spam vector
Mocky: seems like mircea_popescu tends to !!v in private. everyone sees intent, nobody knows when concretized
Mocky: mod6, why not customer today?
Mocky: !!rated lobbes shinohai
Mocky: mircea_popescu: ok
Mocky: phf, good info, thanks. looks like cheapest flight in august is bouncing around $1250 to $1350, haven't seen the $1150 sighting again. If I push it out past labor day looks like $950
Mocky: talking neighborhoods
Mocky: BingoBoingo, is Prado where you are?
Mocky: asciilifeform, raleigh durham international
Mocky: copa's 2700 or more for any time in august, from what I can see
Mocky: oh that sux, i'd totally do a layover in miami
Mocky: i need to find one with 23hrs in cancun and 23 hours in jamaica, lol
Mocky: man, these flights are a hoot. looks like getting below $1900 requires 2 to 3 long layovers. cheapest one i see $1153 9 hours in JFK, 16hrs Bogota
Mocky: i left and never went back. i should have know by how nice the place was. too nice.
Mocky: last year doc referred me to specialist for one specific issue. specialist ordered 2 dozen labs, bone density scan, ultrasound, said come back in 2 weeks. came back, said looks all good but want another test. went to lab, blood draw chick whips out 7 vials for blood collection. I said, let me see what labs were ordered, was 4 dozen more!
Mocky: BingoBoingo, what are pharmacies like there, do you know? like mexico: basically walk in and ask for what you need, or more sticklers for note from doc?
Mocky: really? i guess I shouldn't be surprised
Mocky: but stack frames are allocated *before* so can' be arbitrary size
Mocky: BingoBoingo, I've just read through your real estate posts, what was your best source of info re: rentals, was it agencies?
Mocky: i have a nephew who tried to get me to cr last summer and I agreed, but then he backed out. he was raving about the place
Mocky: more trails within city limits than you could get in some states
Mocky: the hiking there is mind blowing
Mocky: BingoBoingo, yeah I've been thinking. Spent better half of last year travelling southern usa and mostly finding places I would *not* want to live until landing in Austin, which I quite liked. But then later snapped back to east coast. I've developed a pretty good sense of my (pretty minimal) quality of life needs recently.
Mocky is grandfather and also other unlikely things
Mocky: i've also been on both sides of make / break protections (although break for fun not pay). if hash is used as protection, i see that as valid objection
Mocky: asciilifeform, assume for the sake of argument diana_coman said 'dun care about make use difficult, let them use whatever works', do you still have objection to that?
Mocky: asciilifeform, i get that. I read your 'realistic description' statement to mean referrer string is promisatronic protection, was asking what referrer string is protecting.
Mocky: asciilifeform, what's being protected?
Mocky: can 'break' so why bother?
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835572 >> does it change your pov if the hash is no form of protection or implied protection but merely an accounting convenience. like say
http 'referrer' on phuctor page links to pizarro. maybe pizarro uses referrer to track where customer comes from and if came from known ad placement then counts customer for that ad. is referrer string now promisatronic protection since anyone
☝︎ Mocky: or maybe not. i still have software from the 90's that I use on a daily basis, install straight from orig 90's cd
Mocky: if there turns out competition between clients, maybe i want to do something to get more market share
Mocky: seems theres a general level of good enough, that's rarely hit first release
Mocky: if shortwave repeater was in l1 confidence and one day i became l1, i wouldn't see having to keep that secret as a burden.
☟︎ Mocky: i don't see it as a problem for the client writer. to the contrary i would expect clients to get regular updates and older versions less useful relatively over time. but maybe asciilifeform doesn't care about eulora at all, why involve when only possible involvement 'suspected of leak'?
Mocky: there's no way toknow, obviously. but if i wrote a client under this l1 confidence model, and it leaked not by me, i would suspect someone in l1... who else?
Mocky: if in the case of a confirmed leak, pointed questions could be asked even of those who never so much as looked at it. and i'm not saying answering questions is a big burden, but alternately not being suspected in the first place could be considered a benefit
Mocky: this makes sense to me. the only thing i have against it is asciilifeform and mod6 argument about the burden of keeping secrets. while I don't see the proposed method as actually burdensome, i see the argument in the general case
Mocky: asciilifeform, i dont' even see it as an issue of paying for software: the paying or not doesn't need to differ from the case where minigame writes the official client
Mocky: my understanding is minigame wants there to be 3rd party clients, but would want access to the src and be assured binary matches src. but if src fully available then good client gets forked so what incentive to write client?
Mocky: they do, but gotta coordinate with other rowers inthe galley
Mocky: correction, let me consider how i can make it happen
Mocky: sounds like an adventure, let me consider
Mocky: white onthe inside!
Mocky: asciilifeform, not everywhere if you don't see cute in asian or african
Mocky: def not wanting to move to china, lol
Mocky: i've been meaning to learn spanish. they got cute girls there?
Mocky: oh yes, that was good. but i never read the original
Mocky: could have a special item in game that will spit out a secret once per day, if you can figure out how to use it...
Mocky: what if someone in l1 wants to one day make eulora client, has access to src of all clients to date. If it was me in l1 and it were another who was client author, I think I would hesitate to make my own client
Mocky: maybe share only with those who have specific interest / aligned interest
Mocky: revisiting upstack, why share secret code with l1? to keep author honest re: binaries, have conversation if something seems off?
Mocky: newer xbox will play older xbox games provided you get "online update"
Mocky: you'll get games that will always work, for next n years when next console version comes out
Mocky: xbox game bought today will run on every xbox. no requirement to hook up to the net and get updates.
Mocky: re: ~DELIVER~ right around the fence: there's a lot of zeks employed working around the appleness to make new shiny for the epsilonians. part of the chumpatron
Mocky: asciilifeform, zackly: compounded expense now beyond paying
Mocky: and moreover, a compounding expense (for software lines) forcing extra expense for future modifications
Mocky: trucker tits, opening bid 0.02
Mocky: so then the auction would go like a buy order for $1025 USD, with an opening bid of 0.15 BTC. Then a bid of 0.14 BTC overbids. This seems like all around a pretty convenient thing.
☟︎ Mocky: re: nerve agent qntra, nice archive.is link... BaRrf
Mocky: grayed out o in count, mircea_popescu, nice touch
Mocky: so much butt hurt on that return of kings page. and those ads, lol