32 entries in 0.651s

mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo is
zcash even big enough to warrant qntra ?
shinohai: (keybase allows signing of
zcash scam addys)
pete_dushenski: in other ambitions, just reviewing top search keyphrases for contravex and 'why is
zcash crashing' and 'vitalik buterin autistic' are topping the list
phf: holy shit,
zcash team is literally every single kind of degenerate assembled together. каждой тваре по паре
a111: Logged on 2016-10-29 22:05 asciilifeform:
https://archive.is/Djt8g << meanwhile, at the circus, 'This is not a “normal launch” like any other altcoin, because
ZCash required a so called “trusted setup”. During this setup, some secret (public) parameters were generated based on a “master private key”. These network parameters are needed to create the so called “zero-knowledge proofs”, which is the anonymizing mixer on the
ZCash network. The “master private k