19 entries in 0.747s
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i vaguely suspect that at this point, the other haroldmartins, entirely aware of the yellow dots, have burned their piles
asciilifeform: phf: i dun need to post 'the dump' with the bloody yellow dots.
mircea_popescu: phf the yellow dots is specifically a reference to http://qntra.net/2017/06/reality-winner-arrested-for-leaking-to-omidyar-and-greenwalds-fake-qntra/
mircea_popescu: phf this is the republic not the guardian ; there's no yellow dots.
a111: 13 results for "yellow dots", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=yellow%20dots
asciilifeform: !#s yellow dots
mircea_popescu: it's still on my fucking liver, that episode. so whistleblower goes to "media", they publish her fucking pdfs with the yellow dots untouched, she gets sent to jail, at which point the ENTIRE fucking faux establishment somehow still does not end. how thje fuck!
asciilifeform: the typewriter thing lives on, as the famous yellow dots.
BingoBoingo: "failure to mirandize" isn't going to get the fuckers off for leaking the yellow tracking piss dots
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 05:04 ben_vulpes: you can tell it's artisinal asymmetric warfare gear by the vintage yellow dots on the manual
ben_vulpes: you can tell it's artisinal asymmetric warfare gear by the vintage yellow dots on the manual ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-29 01:02 kanzure: i do not have a sample of yellow printer dots in academic papers to work from. if you have a sample, i'll be happy to debug that.
kanzure: i do not have a sample of yellow printer dots in academic papers to work from. if you have a sample, i'll be happy to debug that. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: kanzure ftr, does your pdfparanoia thing also wipe the yellow printer dots ?
a111: Logged on 2014-05-04 02:21 asciilifeform: kgb typewriter fingerprints, the famous yellow dots in colour laser printer, this crap - 'history does not repeat, but it rhymes.'
n6: Now when i'm trying to boot from the usb it gets me to 2nd loading green just has red and yellow dots, and seems to stall
kakobrekla: << usgtron with elaborate graph ad < meh i checked the yellow dots but there is everybody but bitbet. even jurovs coinroll is there
asciilifeform: nubbins`: does yours have the evil usg yellow dots ?
asciilifeform: kgb typewriter fingerprints, the famous yellow dots in colour laser printer, this crap - 'history does not repeat, but it rhymes.' ☟︎