38 entries in 0.612s
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-09#1840621 << a random sampling of your dropbears reveals them to huawei ( e.g. is a HG8247H , -- a HG8045A ) , and ubiquiti ( -- 'air os' ) ☝︎
ckang: most of the Ubiquiti routers use a form of VyOS (which is a forked version of vyatta)
BingoBoingo: The Ubiquiti or the Biostar
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Even Ubiquiti makes at least one
a111: Logged on 2015-04-07 02:35 asciilifeform: 'From my conversations with Ubiquiti, I have found that they claimed that it's alright to refuse to provide source code to GPL-licensed software if "This decision was taken with the security of the users in mind". Furthermore, my conversations were endlessly delayed by the supposed necessity to forward my query to another, unnamed, team.' << now we can probably say what.
a111: 31 results for "ubiquiti", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ubiquiti
asciilifeform: !#s ubiquiti
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-21#1646687 >> >> ye olde 'ubiquiti' !! ☝︎
assbot: Amazon.com: Ubiquiti Airrouter Ar. Hp Ieee 802.11N Ethernet Wireless Router . 2.40 Ghz Ism Band . 1 X Antenna1 X External) . 656.2 Ft Indoor Range . 150 Mbps Wireless Speed . 4 X Network Port . 1 X Broadband Port . Usb . Fast Ethernet . No Desktop "Product Type: Wireless Devices/Wireless Routers": C ... ( http://bit.ly/21ndYcf )
shinohai: this is like 0.25 from china http://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-Airrouter-Ethernet-Wireless-Broadband/dp/B00V5EJS0I
BingoBoingo: "airrouter" in one of the unfortunate ubiquiti things that does not quite have the run whatever you want ability possessed by "edgerouter lite" but for toy purposes It is hard to beat the range it offers for anything close to its price.
asciilifeform: reminds me of my crackpot hypothesis that the 47 megabux '419sp4mz0red away' by ubiquiti corp. is actually a secret fine levied by nsa star chamber
asciilifeform: 'What you can infer here (since Ubiquiti won’t comment) is that the scammers spoofed an employee communication from a fake email account, instructing an employee to wire funds to a “vendor.” In its laziest form, it’s an attack that anyone could mount with an Internet connection and about 5 minutes — the B2B version of the old “Nigerian prince” email fraud, except the prince purports to be your boss.'
asciilifeform: http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/10/technology/ubiquiti-hacked
assbot: 21 results for 'ubiquiti' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ubiquiti
asciilifeform: !s ubiquiti
asciilifeform: http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/08/tech-firm-ubiquiti-suffers-46m-cyberheist << awwww poor buggerz
ascii_field: in other nyooz, https://www.incapsula.com/blog/ddos-botnet-soho-router.html << yes, same ubiquiti that made 'edgerouter'
assbot: FreeBSD 10.x on Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite ... ( http://bit.ly/1IvDDt4 )
decimation: asciilifeform: reading more about the ubiquiti thing, it's not obvious to me that replacing with freebsd would do anything
assbot: Logged on 07-04-2015 02:43:33; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the ubiquiti example dovetails nicely with the thread re: unemployed reversers. if persians happily buy turdware, they either haven't many, or haven't any competent ones, or they are all occupied with something else (what ?)
assbot: Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite ERLite-3 – Internal USB Storage Failure | hilo90mhz ... ( http://bit.ly/1GGhG9q )
asciilifeform: http://hilo90mhz.com/ubiquiti-edgerouter-lite-erlite-3-internal-usb-storage-fail << phison !!!
assbot: Lost password? - Ubiquiti Networks Community ... ( http://bit.ly/1GGgS4k )
assbot: Logged on 07-04-2015 01:27:30; BingoBoingo: http://libertybsd.net/ubiquiti/ << Incredilol
asciilifeform: i think i can see why ubiquiti was picked for this particular role in the usg shitgnome muppet theatre
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the ubiquiti example dovetails nicely with the thread re: unemployed reversers. if persians happily buy turdware, they either haven't many, or haven't any competent ones, or they are all occupied with something else (what ?)
asciilifeform: 'From my conversations with Ubiquiti, I have found that they claimed that it's alright to refuse to provide source code to GPL-licensed software if "This decision was taken with the security of the users in mind". Furthermore, my conversations were endlessly delayed by the supposed necessity to forward my query to another, unnamed, team.' << now we can probably say what. ☟︎
asciilifeform: and, '...anyone with physical access to the end of the Ethernet cable to your Ubiquiti airOS-based device... ...can obtain the plain text configuration while leaving behind no trace that they dumped your configuration ...'
asciilifeform: ut Ubiquiti remains under review by the Department .... '
asciilifeform: 'It said in its prospectus that certain of its products were sold to Iran, Cuba, Syria, the Sudan and North Korea and that some of its encryption components were sold without the appropriate export authorization… A review of Ubiquiti's sales to Iran by the Department of Commerce's Office of Export Enforcement earlier this year resulted in a warning letter, but no criminal or administrative prosecution or other penalties -- b
asciilifeform: 'Ubiquiti “demonstrated reckless disregard for U.S. sanction” law, and allowed its wireless equipment to be exported into Iran through distributors located in the United Arab Emirates and Greece, according to a release from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control. The firm had no compliance program at the time, according to the release. And even after Ubiquiti learned that the transactions broke U.S. law, the company all
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://libertybsd.net/ubiquiti/ << i can't believe whoever wrote that seriously thinks linking to unitedagainstnucleariran.com bolsters whatever point they may wish to make. << Oh, you caught the third layer lulz there. http://qntra.net/2015/03/private-lawsuit-dismissed-because-of-state-secrets-privilege/
mircea_popescu: http://libertybsd.net/ubiquiti/ << i can't believe whoever wrote that seriously thinks linking to unitedagainstnucleariran.com bolsters whatever point they may wish to make.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: mega-lulz. i must admit that i never tried to use ubiquiti's linux in earnest
BingoBoingo: http://libertybsd.net/ubiquiti/ << Incredilol
assbot: FreeBSD 10.x on Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite ... ( http://bit.ly/1BiW8MC )
bdk_kluge: Wonder if you could just chain the balloons to something physical. I never measured wattage draw of Ubiquiti radio.... wonder how reasonable this is.