38 entries in 0.612s

ckang: most of the
Ubiquiti routers use a form of VyOS (which is a forked version of vyatta)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Even
Ubiquiti makes at least one
a111: Logged on 2015-04-07 02:35 asciilifeform: 'From my conversations with
Ubiquiti, I have found that they claimed that it's alright to refuse to provide source code to GPL-licensed software if "This decision was taken with the security of the users in mind". Furthermore, my conversations were endlessly delayed by the supposed necessity to forward my query to another, unnamed, team.' << now we can probably say what.
assbot: Amazon.com:
Ubiquiti Airrouter Ar. Hp Ieee 802.11N Ethernet Wireless Router . 2.40 Ghz Ism Band . 1 X Antenna1 X External) . 656.2 Ft Indoor Range . 150 Mbps Wireless Speed . 4 X Network Port . 1 X Broadband Port . Usb . Fast Ethernet . No Desktop "Product Type: Wireless Devices/Wireless Routers": C ... (
http://bit.ly/21ndYcf )
BingoBoingo: "airrouter" in one of the unfortunate
ubiquiti things that does not quite have the run whatever you want ability possessed by "edgerouter lite" but for toy purposes It is hard to beat the range it offers for anything close to its price.
decimation: asciilifeform: reading more about the
ubiquiti thing, it's not obvious to me that replacing with freebsd would do anything
assbot: Logged on 07-04-2015 02:43:33; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the
ubiquiti example dovetails nicely with the thread re: unemployed reversers. if persians happily buy turdware, they either haven't many, or haven't any competent ones, or they are all occupied with something else (what ?)
bdk_kluge: Wonder if you could just chain the balloons to something physical. I never measured wattage draw of
Ubiquiti radio.... wonder how reasonable this is.