35 entries in 0.547s
mircea_popescu: alternatively, you could do a mocky, but @shenzen.
mircea_popescu: they didn't fall in shenzen from mars.
BingoBoingo: Kev: Shenzen is a big place
mircea_popescu: Kev ok, so you're a guy, living in shenzen (where ?), and you'd like to work for the republic.
BingoBoingo: Next drill will probably be from Milwauke Electric Tool company of TTI of Hong Kong's Shenzen factory
a111: Logged on 2016-06-08 16:45 trinque: how bout the valley is the shenzen of useless apps and ponzis
trinque: how bout the valley is the shenzen of useless apps and ponzis ☟︎
ben_vulpes: wow 40-footers going for 1.3k from shenzen to la
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I mean how else does Samsung get container boats from 2nd Korea to Shenzen?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: who needs catfish when you can eat cat! in shenzen! << I've heard rumours that the groundhog crop has been excellent this year
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: who needs catfish when you can eat cat! in shenzen!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: out of curiosity, what's so hot about shenzen in particular
mircea_popescu: so asciilifeform shit thinner, faster, be a shenzen-er today!
mircea_popescu: come to shenzen, we make 10k fit.
mircea_popescu: shenzen is, roughly speaking, detroit of 1920 or new jersey of 1880
trinque: shenzen is not the south pole lol
trinque: nobody ships to Shenzen?
BingoBoingo: Why Shenzen and not the Democratic Congo of Ferguson?
mike_c: 22 hours from jfk to shenzen. ouch.
kakobrekla: so wait, next ba meet is in shenzen?
mircea_popescu: mats go to shenzen rent a flat for me.
mircea_popescu: honestly i've been tempted by shenzen for a while now.
jurov: they surely are doing things that need hard vacuum in shenzen. maybe even more than in wash dc
jurov: not even chinese in shenzen eat rotting rice anymore
jurov: people did relocate to shenzen and seem to be happy there without atomic dirigibles. how so?
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-03-2015#1069800 << shenzen
bounce: well, that's why you order the things built in shenzen
bounce: some bezzle, gather together the people that can do the block-building, ship'em off to shenzen, open-source the results
Vexual: a week in shenzen might be a goos use of time
assbot: 4 results for 'shenzen' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shenzen
Vexual: !s shenzen
Mexual: shenzen?
fluffypony: he moved to Shenzen for 5 months to get the manufacturing sorted
bounce: loved $article about shenzen though. made me wish for actual EE skill.
the20year2: The powered risers he has now are the only ones on the market with their features. He has a guy now in shenzen going to factories to review products