1300+ entries in 0.15s
mircea_popescu: especially. minigame is working on adding some fg code to eucrypt as it is, she'll prolly include your stuff if she can, so there you go. make it small, make it readable, start with one thing at a time and so on.
mircea_popescu: yes, it was. to summarize, careful what you do with your patches, in the following sense : if diana_coman doesn't CONTINUE your patch, it will have to be reground later. as she's a human being with other problems and interests than folding in your alt universe, it helps IMMENSELY if you make your patches small and readable. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "did she really abduct four 12yos !?"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, some dood, thought she did something or the other in crypto
mircea_popescu: you understand this ? your car ALSO doesn't expose injector timings to you. i don't care you think you'd do a better job by hand. the direction's been away froim the fucking clutch, even. i personally own a car running tiptonic gearbox and girl who's an excellent stick driver, and she STILL prefers the autoclutch. because the machine does it way the fuck better, what.
mod6: Hehe, she printed them off, three-hole punched 'em, and put em in a binder, no less.
mod6: I was going through my mom's stuff yesterday, she kept all kinds of trilema clippings.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 18:26 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if he was so fucking bad, where was she/he/whatever AT THE TIME ?
ckang: ill find it ;) give me a min, she was pretty straight forward with things
ckang: she had text messages and stuff of him strung out crying
ckang: asciilifeform: yea, she said he would watch her get fucked by the neighbor boy
ckang: she spilled a bunch of stuff about him
ckang: she dipped out before she could before but got back with me
mircea_popescu: ckang, she's not been paid ?
mircea_popescu: spyked, by making the first dir that's not specifically world-visible or his own whatever she wanted it to make.
ckang: ah thats good lol, would be pretty awkward if she didnt, for me anyways
trinque: and yeah ckang, she talks to me even
mircea_popescu: so she managed 500 lines but still no "hey, i'm here to show my tits" huh.
ckang: she might have stepped out i can try and get her back, give me a min
mircea_popescu: doesn't she carry a frown worth a thousand bucks. what do you do for a living lilmzthang , accounts collecting ?
douchebag: mircea_popescu: She wasn't registered when you did !!pay Sandiiiiii
douchebag: she texts me the pic via text, and I send her the link the upload in chat
mircea_popescu: lol. so basically your process is she sends you the pic in chat and you upload it and send her the link ?
mircea_popescu: douchebag, so why is she posting your desktop ?
trinque: so how'd she send a screenshot of your desktop
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, you asked her if she hangs out in bars. "alllll the time!"
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, came from as in flesh. the animals were created separately; woman was different in that she was made specifically from man's flesh
danielpbarron: ah. ook. woman was created to be a help for man. she should be subserviant to her husband. an effeminate man allows his wife to rule over him
mircea_popescu: so could xtina9 be a man if she wasn't cowardly and took her dressing style off trilema headers ?
mircea_popescu: !!rate xtina9 1 who knows, maybe she makes bishopress. NUDE bishopress
mircea_popescu: she has a good point there... if you're right you're right, but if you overlooked something... look out below.\
mircea_popescu: ckang, so far she's lively enough, but it's not clear whether substance behind it or not.
ckang: kloecat seems like she has an ok head on her boobs
ckang: rittah has irccloud on her phone btw so she can check it later
hanbot: mircea_popescu> ask hanbot she loved it lol << oh man visinata was great. and ckang no, not really --who gets drunk on cordials?!
mircea_popescu: !!rate rittah 1 pretty good she says, though she still can't take athene.
mircea_popescu: but she wasn't saying inherently anything. she saying it didn't work for her.
mircea_popescu: trinque, i actually didn't confirm it as she came in after i was off to bed.
trinque: ckang: that one she's got a withdraw sitting there waiting for OTP
mircea_popescu: ask hanbot she loved it lol.
mircea_popescu: no further than earlier over coffee, girl proposed that during her stay in $us.shithole she "tried getting into beer" because well... gotta have an activity and there was no good alcohool available, except for this beer that didn't utterly suck. so i said, "why not make a still", and she said "baring divine intervention...."
lobbes: well, she'd have had to write either the string or have had the tattoo mirrored when creating
ckang: she couldnt figure out how to upload
ckang: yea she got an earful, may have scared her off lol
mircea_popescu: ckang, or she couldyou know, write under rahter than over tattoo.
trinque: at least she's pretty
ckang: i told her to get a black marker and face but she had to run off
Melissalmao: she calls herself a pimp but shes not like most pimps
trinque: so then I go find out what she fucked up about her key, and so on.
douchebag: hey trinque, that is occuring when she tries to check her balance
hanbot: look at the log where i linked it, for example. the girl registers, the bot confirms she's registered, ---you announce that you got her registered---. a few lines down you've got four lines to announce that there's a problem with a picture, after the picture's been posted. how many times yesterday did you ping mircea_popescu and then do it ---again--- to ask if he's around? etc.
douchebag: here she's going to retry
douchebag: she's a crackhead
douchebag: to tell her she accidently resent the same photo
douchebag: She said she fixed the code
douchebag: mircea_popescu: she's ready
mircea_popescu: in other obscura, "Koresh had an affair with the then-prophetess of the Branch Davidians Lois Roden, while he was in his late 20s and she was in her late 60s. "\
douchebag: you did !!pay before she was registered though
mircea_popescu: nope, she blew her chance.
douchebag: she wants to show her tits
douchebag: mircea_popescu: She's another discord girl
douchebag: alright trinque she's all good
mircea_popescu: "A couple weeks later, I get accosted by some drunk chick who heard from a friend that I “think women shouldn’t be allowed to speak.” She argued with me alongside one of her friends — that is, I argued some perfectly valid points, while she got increasingly beligerant; much to the friend’s dismay, who even expressed that I was coming off as the victUAL". jeez this guy's saturday nights!
douchebag: but she's ready
douchebag: im still getting her gpg setup, so obv don't pay her until after she gets that all registered
douchebag: mircea_popescu I'm talking to thatbitchlola right now, apparently she got paid before she registered her PGP key
douchebag: she texted it to me
douchebag: here she is
shinohai: hey mircea_popescu that Trixxi girl messaged me on telegram and said she made a gpg key in kleopatra
douchebag: hey I was away when she didn't know how to get revoiced
mircea_popescu: by the time some waitress somewhere's willing to try just about any chemsludge in the hope she might extract herself from the imposition of the world as she perceives it, you'd be at serious pains to show her much of a sinner.
mircea_popescu: notrly, but she could make her own neh ?
mircea_popescu: and if my slut eve in the other room is listening in, she can distinguish the case where i sent 0 from the case where i sent 8 ?
mircea_popescu: ideally by getting her genesis pressed once she puts it out.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes lmao she smokes ya
ckang: sashahsas was too but she is @ work, told me she could sneak off and do it though
mircea_popescu: oh, btw, whatever happened to that trish chick ? did she ever find me my cartoon artist ???
mircea_popescu: it's hard, you know, middle class parents keep telling girlie she's valuable and important and in charge and whatnot, when none of those are the case. then as adolescence is drawing to an end, all those kited checks of "safety" and "better not have unprotected sex with random people if you're not 100% sure they know your name" come to be paid and well... there's nothing to pay them with.
douchebag: but she'll be here in about an hr
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo doesn't she want titmoney ? << Maybe? I am inclined to wait until she tires of paying for things to present the opportunity or I get bored. She's español as a single language and does not understand technology.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo doesn't she want titmoney ?
mircea_popescu: now, it's evident where this misrepresentation of intellectual process comes from -- the inept notion of caregivers kid should be "responsible". kid shouldn't be nor is responsible in that sense ; if one of my girls sets the house on fire through unforeseen effect of reasonable application of item, she may feel guilty as a residual side effect of the sexual abuse her parents and broader society put her through, but she won't
mircea_popescu: it's still on my fucking liver, that episode. so whistleblower goes to "media", they publish her fucking pdfs with the yellow dots untouched, she gets sent to jail, at which point the ENTIRE fucking faux establishment somehow still does not end. how thje fuck!
mircea_popescu: you know im pretty sure she can self-voice.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-10 21:26 trinque: y'know, if every chick that comes through withdraws her coin immediately, she's being paid ~USD~ for tits.
trinque: entirely possible; I'm just telling cassidy3 here to hold onto her coin a while, and buy a house in 2020, or w/e she likes.
ben_vulpes: trinque: assuming she goes and sells it
trinque: y'know, if every chick that comes through withdraws her coin immediately, she's being paid ~USD~ for tits. ☟︎
ckang: but no worries ill just look if you are around and she can wait ;p
ckang: i knew another girl that was interested but she works and is in school
ckang: mircea_popescu: yea she has free time during the day and is normally wondering somewhere around the internet, new to irc though
mircea_popescu: half my googling today has been "wtf did she just say to me ?"
ckanggirl: i would be more embarrassed if she knew what this irccloud was tbh
cassidy3: Certainly, she may be interested in the picture stuff as well, I am going to dinner tonight with her I will see if shes interested 😃
cassidy3: What did you have in mind? My best GF does sketches all the time for tattoos I can see what she comes up with.
mircea_popescu: anyway, and she wanted to put me under! and i was naw, go ahead. took some convincing, and by the time she was halfway through she was sweating profusely and had the shakes. "but doesn't it hurt ?!?!"
douchebag: She might be interested
douchebag: or whenever she gets on