21 entries in 0.891s

mircea_popescu: confiscate javascript from w3c by writing a subset from the pov of the republican lord, not from the pov of the bankrupt usg
remoras trying to pretend like they're "online companies" "making money"
mircea_popescu: basically, a vast majority of weblink
remoras are simply wordpress / etc spambots trying to find the xmlrpc.php on kiwiirc.com
assbot: Logged on 10-07-2015 14:46:24; asciilifeform: what do we need the idling
remoras for ?
decimation: how about a policy of randomly kicking people who are
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] asciilifeform: but for
remoras - the swiftest possible discipline. << eh, it's best to fix problems well after rather than well before they're problems. << it's a problem now.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: but for
remoras - the swiftest possible discipline. << eh, it's best to fix problems well after rather than well before they're problems.