41 entries in 0.572s

mp_en_viaje: as far as the public network's concerned everyone's stuck with some version of
postel's nonsense for the obvious reasons
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-02 11:23:06 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-02 11:23:06 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-02 11:23:06 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:23 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:23 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:23 asciilifeform: the '
postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at the dusty disused corners of the protocol, enabling there to even ~be~ such a thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-22 16:40 asciilifeform: gnat has a deliberately brittle behaviour re the restriction pragmas -- if you use one it doesn't know about, it barfs. ( and i'm not even convinced that this is wrong. half of the appeal of ada is that it takes '
postel's law', rips off its head, and fucks the stump )
a111: Logged on 2016-06-14 14:25 asciilifeform: did we ever do a '
postel's law not only considered harmful but a disaster of epic proportions, quite comparable to leaded petrol' thread ?
a111: Logged on 2016-01-11 17:02 ascii_butugychag: the few precious things that ACTUALLY WORK, consistently, every time - your cpu's adder, the bus, etc. SHIT on
a111: Logged on 2016-06-14 14:25 asciilifeform: did we ever do a '
postel's law not only considered harmful but a disaster of epic proportions, quite comparable to leaded petrol' thread ?
a111: Logged on 2016-01-11 16:56 ascii_butugychag: for n00bz, '
postel's law' went something like 'be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept.'
a111: Logged on 2016-06-14 14:25 asciilifeform: did we ever do a '
postel's law not only considered harmful but a disaster of epic proportions, quite comparable to leaded petrol' thread ?
mircea_popescu: what
postel thinks'd be chaos, much like what jwz thinks'd be chaos, much like clinton or whoever other of these niggers and jews thinks to be "chnaos" is actually human life.
mircea_popescu: and from thence it all progresses - no, the place to look up needn't be "one across all the internet", because "otherwise
postel thinks it'd be chaos".
mircea_popescu: they built usg in not for any reason than because they WERE usg.
postel's "oh noes - otherwise CHAOS" is exactly symptomatic. just like the arab mind can't quite comprehend how one who doesn't give a shit about allah may manage to drink from a cup, just so usgtards can't comprehend how one who isn't a socialist can at all live.
a111: Logged on 2014-02-02 17:21 asciilifeform: '
Postel's Law,' that historic mistake.
mircea_popescu: da fuck. am i going to call it a rfc ? if not, why not, if yes am i going to follow the "guidelines" ? which ? the most recent ? who the fuck is "Internet Architecture Board (IAB)" that i should care, nevber heard of 'em. the original ? seriously,
postel ?
mircea_popescu: "The basic formatting conventions for RFCs were established in the 1970s by the original RFC Editor, Jon
punkman: "
Postel tarpit (n.) - A system that has tried so hard to accept all possible input that any change becomes backwards-incompatible"
ascii_butugychag: the few precious things that ACTUALLY WORK, consistently, every time - your cpu's adder, the bus, etc. SHIT on
☟︎ ascii_butugychag: for n00bz, '
postel's law' went something like 'be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept.'
☟︎ ascii_butugychag: re: malleus thread: did mircea_popescu ever write an article about the error of '
postel's law' ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually
postel's is great for the web. it's just that the web is NOT great for "anything"