26 entries in 0.715s

mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well yes, because the free strings they can get hands on were written in 1980 by gosplan as quoted, rather than in 2000 by
perianne boring aspie
mircea_popescu: what's gavin dressed up as this time ?
perianne boring ?
mircea_popescu: yeah,
perianne boring is a product of a process, rather than a person.
mircea_popescu: i think this was best discussed in relation to the
perianne chick and my old class mate recently.
mircea_popescu: omfg hannah minx =
perianne boring's secret camho identitty ?
Perianne Boring: Regulators Will Decide Bitcoin's Fate Within 18 Months
mircea_popescu: i guess it works fine for most blogs, which really aren't much deeper than that, and definitely for most
perianne borings, which... yeah.
ThickAsThieves: “I give bitcoin 12 to 18 months before its fate will be decided by lawmakers. We don’t have a lot of time to tackle these issues, and if we don’t, bitcoin will be narrowed down to a hobbyist niche and not a true industry.” ~
Perianne Boring
Perianne Boring - Boring Economics - Forbes
thickasthieves: "The Chamber of Digital Commerce announced itself on Saturday at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Chicago. The group is registered as a 501(c)(6) nonprofit, which allows it to act as a lobbyist, and is being led by
Perianne Boring, a former journalist and Congressional staffer. It has early backing from RRE Ventures and Tally Capital, which are leading a seed-round of fund
mircea_popescu: so did y'all teach
perianne how to make moneyz shorting bitcoin or what.
Perianne Boring - Boring Economics - Forbes