14 entries in 0.498s
mircea_popescu: Mocky he has a point, "library" is
oreilly-ism. before the free/open source struggle for power, it was rather a teaching tool.
mircea_popescu: tbh,
oreilly was minnow back when oop started, just tried to wave a ride.
mircea_popescu: rich murphey ? he didn't get "hired" by intel from redhat and didn't get to work on debian and didn't get invited by
oreilly to eat rubber chicken so he doesn't exist as per wikipedia.
BingoBoingo: <othernubs`> compact disc took most of the basic colors <<
Oreilly and pick an animal
BingoBoingo: You know it's fitting that
Oreilly's animal department sorts Andreas's work as the "Ant Book"
BingoBoingo: I wonder if
Oreilly would actually commision that title though. I'd buy it.
cads: com/2014/03/malignant-computation.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+
cads: "The Skynet hypothesis is a boogeyman intended to scare the young and the paranoid. The real threat from AI is that it will become so good at the pointless tasks that we have given it that those pointless tasks will become a black hole of resources." I am reading an article about a concept the author calls malignant computing - computing that increases itself and hurts the market in an effort to perpetuate itself.