500+ entries in 0.05s

mp_en_viaje: now that said, i'm still thinking about how the fuck to get
mp-wp working on two machines best.
pizdi: lobbes: I am
MP-WP bot version 598170.
lobbes: To lay it out, my convoluted process last time of getting you the data you needed was: 1) Pulling logs from my Postgres database to a flatfile 2) importing that into
mp-wp's MySQL database 3) getting a mysql dump of *that* 4) altering said dump with e.g.
sed escapes, etc. then finally 5) I give it to you
billymg: mp_en_viaje: agree. ugh, yeah, i've really been meaning to publish a roadmap for
mp-wp that others can comment on
billymg: at least as an interim until proper theming in
mp-wp is solved, just so the correct select mechanism is at least included in the package on first press
billymg: as for vpatching the server side select mechanism, since
mp-wp ships with two base themes a patch could at least be made to include the select mechanism in those. seeing as how most people copy/paste one of the included theme directories to customize/create their own
mp_en_viaje: the whole "theme" thing is iffy, and part and parcel of why this particular tree (
mp-wp) is so deeply misbehaving is that it rests upon a large pile of intricate design errors and failures.
deedbot: dorion rated billymg 4 << he's doing good
mp-wp work, writes at billymg.com
mod6: jfw: aside from a possible
mp-wp (future) solution to the issue; several clicks notwithstanding, I mearly worry that somehow, the gardener may simply overlook or miss one.
lobbes: if I ever get the
mp-wp logger complete.. well it interfaces with the
mp-wp database already so theoretically possible to hook that up to what billymg is doing down the road
BingoBoingo: Maybe not all of it, but with the lobbes bot that logs into
mp-wp, there's space
BingoBoingo: The second biggest problem is that
mp-wp is growing, billmg is putting work into making
mp-wp do code hosting more cleanly, and the mailman software the mailing list used is an awful, poorly documented thing. If an IRC patchbot is the way to go, hooking it into
mp-wp seems like the better direction to go.
mircea_popescu: billymg, in the original example i looked at, line
149 reads : "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_POST)) ? true : false;"
billymg: it's also on my todo list to eventually create a reference theme for
mp-wp. this should be an opportunity to better support the code "content type" within the context of a blog
billymg: hanbot_abroad: if you want to take a look i just published a
draft of the vpatch. i think more can be done in terms of cleanup of the old code but i wanted to get some eyes on it before doing another pass
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 08:56:47 mircea_popescu: footnotes plugin original, one, only, etcetera, is the one on
mp-wp. what other garbage idiots did is garbage idiots did.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-27#1957403 << and this is the one, in
mp-wp, that currently includes code that actively writes options to db. i was proposing to remove any remnants of this completely and only leave what would essentially be some constants at the top of the file (though it sounds like even predefining some of these values at the top of the file is unnecessary and can be removed as well
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 08:55:58 mircea_popescu:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957366 << how about your preference immediately becomes working on
mp-wp as opposed to falsely claiming to be working on
mp-wp while in fact trying to stick random unrelated garbage in there under this guise, because at the rate you're currently going im just about ready to set the bozo bit on whatever it is you do altogether.
mircea_popescu: footnotes plugin original, one, only, etcetera, is the one on
mp-wp. what other garbage idiots did is garbage idiots did.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957366 << how about your preference immediately becomes working on
mp-wp as opposed to falsely claiming to be working on
mp-wp while in fact trying to stick random unrelated garbage in there under this guise, because at the rate you're currently going im just about ready to set the bozo bit on whatever it is you do altogether.
mircea_popescu: (but to answer trinque 's original comment : stolen cookies atm not useful on
mp-wp because only specified ips can wp-admin anyway)
mircea_popescu: steall all the cookies you want ; and
mp-wp can even dispose with the htaccess ip lockdown mechanism currently in place.
mircea_popescu: the way
mp-wp session handling should work is as following :
mircea_popescu: so you know, for having had useful users,
mp-wp-footnotes matured. and for the opposite, crystal space not yet.
mircea_popescu: and in general, this is how "offering options" even works : sometimes portions of code function can't be figured out by the writer, has to be figured out by the user. thus things like the eulora gfx engine scriptable parts, or the
mp-wp footnote options.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 17:38:38 billymg: mircea_popescu: do you see any use for UI-set and DB-stored "options" in the footnotes plugin? the version in
mp-wp has most of that commented out but it's still storing/referencing them which is causing weird behavior (and makes it so the only way you can override the options is to manually edit the db)
billymg: mircea_popescu: do you see any use for UI-set and DB-stored "options" in the footnotes plugin? the version in
mp-wp has most of that commented out but it's still storing/referencing them which is causing weird behavior (and makes it so the only way you can override the options is to manually edit the db)
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-06 21:50:34 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956654 << this week I've commited to getting a Gales install and report complete, however next week I was indeed going to work on the final setup and testing for the
mp-wp logger. If all goes well I should be free to give it another shot on around the 20th of this month
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956654 << this week I've commited to getting a Gales install and report complete, however next week I was indeed going to work on the final setup and testing for the
mp-wp logger. If all goes well I should be free to give it another shot on around the 20th of this month
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: makes sense; atm though there's still a lot of "posts" all over
mp-wp and it's annoying because it makes me trip over and go "post" when I mean article, myeah; a lot of cleaning left to do on that but irc billymg was on it so I shall refrain currently from further trespassing :P
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-28 23:48:45 lobbes: what's left: publish outstanding related vpatches, get base
mp-wp and then the bot installed on server, import the remaining logs > 28th march 2016
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-28 23:48:45 lobbes: what's left: publish outstanding related vpatches, get base
mp-wp and then the bot installed on server, import the remaining logs > 28th march 2016
lobbes: what's left: publish outstanding related vpatches, get base
mp-wp and then the bot installed on server, import the remaining logs > 28th march 2016
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-26 19:03:31 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-11-26#1953620 << sounds good to me. The
mp-wp bot needs to be completed/delivered this week (which I will have some extra time to do so due to upcoming US holidays). Once I get that and the auctionbot work estimation complete, I will propose a deadline for my ebuild 101 homework.
lobbes: and with that, I'm going back to the workbench for said
mp-wp bot.
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-11-26#1953620 << sounds good to me. The
mp-wp bot needs to be completed/delivered this week (which I will have some extra time to do so due to upcoming US holidays). Once I get that and the auctionbot work estimation complete, I will propose a deadline for my ebuild 101 homework.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-13 03:01:41 lobbes: I'm aiming to get remainder of
mp-wp logger complete in under two weeks. Then rest of Nov I want to tidy up auctionbot. So Dec 1st should be a good starting point for me
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-13 03:01:41 lobbes: I'm aiming to get remainder of
mp-wp logger complete in under two weeks. Then rest of Nov I want to tidy up auctionbot. So Dec 1st should be a good starting point for me
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-13 03:01:41 lobbes: I'm aiming to get remainder of
mp-wp logger complete in under two weeks. Then rest of Nov I want to tidy up auctionbot. So Dec 1st should be a good starting point for me
lobbes: mircea_popescu: In trial-by-fire updates, it turns out that
mp-wp appears to barf on unicode such as " 😀 "
diana_coman: aha, that auto-complete of
mp-wp is very useful indeed.
mircea_popescu found it through the
mp-wp process of ossasepia.com/aspa aka "put in the first few letters of title after domain,
mp-wp finds for you".
mircea_popescu: in other news, i'm considering getting an upgrade for
mp-wp, wherein comments marked as spam are displayed for as long as the ip they were made from is loading the page
lobbes: I'm aiming to get remainder of
mp-wp logger complete in under two weeks. Then rest of Nov I want to tidy up auctionbot. So Dec 1st should be a good starting point for me
mircea_popescu: the first lol, i'm not dragging the whole
mp-wp logger on forever.
mircea_popescu: this is stupid, if
mp-wp becomes the de facto platform we'll be stuck with timeless logs. ;/
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-07 21:31:42 lobbes: just to remind,
it was decided that the bot itself would be on the stan logbot tree. And indeed, that is what the current
mp-wp-bot.kv.vpatch rests on right now
mircea_popescu: there he sat, the fuckhead, FOR YEARS, "oh, one day will
mp-wp, hurr durr". one day, rite. then, when push came to shove, DID NOT KNOW what didn't know. because hadn't done. because etcetera.
lobbes is aiming to get the
mp-wp bot fix out by tonight. Then needs to get the auctionbot in better shape.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-06 12:39:33 mircea_popescu: billymg, what's the
mp-wp story, did i miss some updates ?