22 entries in 0.666s

trinque: ascii_field: ah yep, read that. and it wouldn't surprise me if A was an intentional
kill switch, even less so with the hypothetical "failed project"
ag3nt_zer0: Today I was looking at LoperOS and one of the things I read was his article about the
kill switch... searched the logs for commentary but didn't find too much. But I thought maybe I had read something addressing it on Trilema... is that right?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Build did not require the OSsuX ifdefs, but had to
kill one linux ifdef and
switch a boost lib called for another.
mircea_popescu: here's an idea for a
kill switch : everyone in the pentagon is hanged.
assbot: Loper OS » On the fact that Bitcoin has a
Kill Switch; and how to disconnect it.
mircea_popescu: which is, if this
switch can either
kill me or
kill the world, throwing it is even odds.
mircea_popescu: there is no nor can there ever be such a "
kill switch".
francis_wolke: asciilifeform: Control, with respect to bitcoin, would be whoever has their hand on the '
kill switch'. Assuming that the guy with a nuke is stable.
ozbot: California leaders push for smartphone
kill switch - Wire Technology - The Sacramento Bee
BingoBoingo: If the FBI every raids Linode and takes their private keys that will be you know the Jig is up and that
kill switch is imminent asciilifeform
mike_c: until your dog hits the
kill switch BingoBoingo: After next week I might be able to GPG or address sign a
kill switch statement to that effect, if I won't publically connect my identities by XX date Lex pressure is probably a contributing factor, but I should be in a moar tolerant jurisdiction by then as everyone is a tourist nowadays.
thestringpuller: either that or have a red phone to your isp to pull a
kill switch on the bad requests