31 entries in 1.358s
a111: Logged on 2014-06-05 12:19 mircea_popescu: the icbc is quite present here, to the point they do consumer advertising either. yet the argentines don't seem to have created any sort of synthetic debenture based proxy for the chinese currency
mp_en_viaje: just because ~not reported~ by ustards means jack. ~exact same situation as ICBC, which is only mentioned re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612073 but which in fact http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-05#703768 ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-05-23 14:58 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall the thread about the ICBC that's about as large as the sum total of us banks yet trades in ny on the pink sheets ?
a111: 6 results for "icbc pink sheets", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=icbc%20pink%20sheets
pete_dushenski: !#s icbc pink sheets
pete_dushenski: in other shadowy existences, icbc lives! (it dominates us repo market) http://archive.is/KyKZ0
mircea_popescu: apparently apple could buy russia ; but icbc, which not only "could" but ACRTUALLY BUYS america (not the fucking us shithole, THE WHOLE CONTINENT), that dun exist, never happened, etc.
mircea_popescu: remember when the icbc had no listing in reich paper mills, except for something tiny in the pink sheets ?
a111: 21 results for "icbc", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=icbc
mircea_popescu: !#s icbc
mircea_popescu: "apple COULD buy russia ; meanwhile icbc bought south america"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the us still pretends it doesn't know who or what the icbc is, as discussed last year and etc
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall the thread about the ICBC that's about as large as the sum total of us banks yet trades in ny on the pink sheets ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall the lulz i had in the logs when it was discovered the icbc, an economic institution with a sheet larger than the entire us banking sector, was actually NOT EVEN TRADED in the us ?
mircea_popescu: "didn't happen in bezzle-land, didn't happen at all. icbc trades on pink sheets. world exists in my asshole"
mircea_popescu: it is not their job to care. retardo-us may imagine all it wants that icbc only exists if they say it does, and gs is best whatever because so sayz washington post.
mircea_popescu: they aren't nor shoudl; they be. lemme tell you something : the largest bank in the world (icbc) trades in the states on pink sheets
mircea_popescu: i suppose every single entity in online finance, from paypal to icbc will now come and leave a comment on trilema saying "sorry, we're fucking stupid, you're right"
bitcoinpete: benkay: <mircea_popescu> mike_c stop opposing progress and an end to oppression. // hey have you guys heard about this ICBC auto insurance monopoly in BC? << i think only bc is socialist enough to do this
mircea_popescu: benkay: hey have you guys heard about this ICBC auto insurance monopoly in BC? << kinda why i was so lulzed out at the entire "icbc is in pink sheets" nyse debacle.
benkay: pediwiki: "By law, any vehicle registered and driven or parked on public streets in British Columbia must purchase ICBC's basic insurance package from an independent broker. "
benkay: icbc
benkay: <mircea_popescu> mike_c stop opposing progress and an end to oppression. // hey have you guys heard about this ICBC auto insurance monopoly in BC?
mircea_popescu: fluffypony you should see the hq ICBC has here.
mike_c: ok, so icbc is on the list then.
mircea_popescu: http://www.icbc-ltd.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/ICBC/Resources/ICBCLTD/download/2014/FirstQuarterlyReportof2014.pdf << the icbc statement
mircea_popescu: i still can't quite believe icbc is listed as a pink wtf bbq
mircea_popescu: and icbc is actually listed... on the fucking pink sheets. idcby
mircea_popescu: also icbc maybe
mircea_popescu: the icbc is quite present here, to the point they do consumer advertising either. yet the argentines don't seem to have created any sort of synthetic debenture based proxy for the chinese currency ☟︎
jurov: haha nice: The ICBC bank system failure comes trouble "money shortage", inevitably lead to speculation that many people guess the bank is not money.