417 entries in 0.665s
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: You are entirely welcome to.
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: Long time no see
BingoBoingo: !up HeySteve
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Mikayla!~W@ Trust relationship from user HeySteve to user Mikayla: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=HeySteve&dest=Mikayla | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Mikayla | Rated since: never
fluffypony: HeySteve:-P
fluffypony: HeySteve is super dodgy
mircea_popescu: HeySteve mod6 Mikayla i dunno, i kinda feel bad for the bankers.
mircea_popescu: HeySteve not really, for one thing, and more likely to wring his own neck than anything.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user HeySteve has changed from 1 to 1.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate HeySteve 1 Fairer sex connoisseur
gribble: You rated user HeySteve on Mon Jun 23 12:50:37 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: cryptocoinsnews reporter..
mircea_popescu: ;;rated HeySteve
Mikayla: hi HeySteve
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: I really want to do it if/when I get property in the country
Mikayla: HeySteve link?
thickasthieves: <+HeySteve> I'm listening to Antifragile audio book atm. heard it mentioned bitcoin is antifragile, could it be said to be antifragile to price action? /// yep, pretty much everything is good for bitcoin
mircea_popescu: HeySteve it's the approach not the topic that grates.
assbot: 1161 results for 'heysteve' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=heysteve
TheNewDeal: !s heysteve
danielpbarron: HeySteve, I think I heard thst they did
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: But that one is spelt with a space and a Capital D
mircea_popescu: HeySteve now that's gotta be impossible.
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: seems most efficient animals (fish & chicken) are 1.2 to 2 pounds of input per pound of meat
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: seems they're 20% efficient at converting waste to protein/feedstock it seems
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: that setup looks quite great
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: and into harvesting stations?
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: do you have more info on this fly thing?
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: that's quite cool
ben_vulpes: HeySteve: i mean i bought mine, and gpg sign it.
The20YearIRCloud: HeySteve: i'm pretty sure they can, since they've talked alot about contracting via blockchain
fluffypony: HeySteve: Zuma is no worse than Obama signing off on what the NSA does - at least what Zuma does is blatant and obvious, and not sinister and hidden
mircea_popescu: HeySteve learn a language, it won't kill ye.
xmj: HeySteve: kleptocracy is yet another name for democracy
mircea_popescu: HeySteve that's a complicated argument. the scant examples for your azn theory, for instance, all come from mobsters.
xmj: HeySteve: tldr asia will domnate once they get their shit together.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask usagi!~tsukino22@unaffiliated/tsukino. Trust relationship from user HeySteve to user usagi: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -3 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=HeySteve&dest=usagi | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=usagi | Rated since: Mon Jun 18 12:33:55 2012
Vexual: !up Heysteve dinosaw
mircea_popescu: HeySteve universal is much better than "international"
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell Heysteve Have you thought about taking your reporting talents elsewhere or going independent? The general quality of this thing you are writing for seems to be tanking and an exit plan is probably advisable.
BingoBoingo: You know the relationship between this outlet HeySteve writes for and this one mining hardware company seems way to cozy http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/gawminers-introduces-hashlet-shopify-crashes/2014/08/16
cazalla: HeySteve, i did
usagi: !up HeySteve
kdomanski__: HeySteve: I read an article once about registrars who preemtively register domains that people check for availability
mircea_popescu: giving people like HeySteve all the tools they need to just make their game.
mircea_popescu: HeySteve my point being that this is just one example. you need a coder to know the things that are obvious and well known that you don't know.
mircea_popescu: HeySteve the tech involved seems very naive. stuff like "Red text installments will always include a password-protected file containing a description of the optimal choice. The password will be revealed in the next installment, ensuring a pre-determined answer unaffected by the value of bets placed or other factors. You’ll have to trust me not to play my own game or leak the right choice to my cronies before voting e
BigBitz: !down HeySteve
BigBitz: Hey HeySteve.
BingoBoingo: !up HeySteve
mircea_popescu: HeySteve: I think so, yeah. not sure why Web of Trust hasn't been more widely adopted over CAs << because CAs come with master keys.
DreadKnight: thanks HeySteve
DreadKnight: HeySteve, I knew it had something to do with hardware, but that certificate made the real money?
fluffypony: hey HeySteve
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: WoL actions happen as a result of blockchain events
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: Or life in general
BingoBoingo: HeySteve: Ah, that
ben_vulpes: why not actually play btc the game though, HeySteve ?
BingoBoingo: You are welcome HeySteve
BingoBoingo: !up HeySteve
thick_as_thieves: <+HeySteve> ;;tell thick_as_thieves ThickAsThieves: something like turn namecoin in a wot <- was working on exactly this /// how's it going?
BingoBoingo: !up HeySteve
fluffypony: HeySteve: nfi
fluffypony: HeySteve: is the gpg auth being weird again?
DreadKnight: !up HeySteve
mircea_popescu: HeySteve well some people keep fillies for their private entertainment.
DreadKnight: HeySteve, noticed your comment late
DreadKnight: !up HeySteve
DreadKnight: HeySteve, squishy units that either do a lot of damage or are meant for support and really tanky units that are meant to protect others and take damage
DreadKnight: HeySteve, so basically you have the whole moba type of game team under your own management instead of having to rely on random idiots and hope they're doing the right thing;
DreadKnight: HeySteve, keep in mind higher level units cost way more, there's a cost formula
DreadKnight: HeySteve, there's setting for limiting number of units; they're pretty big compared to HoMM games anyway; combat field gets more crowded easier, especially in 2vs2
DreadKnight: HeySteve, hopefully that makes sense to you; will show you wip document design next week, hopefully you'll have more questions about things not clear enough
DreadKnight: HeySteve, well, no mana as there is no magic; there's plasma to protect Dark Priest (summoner) and also make units (so more / better units = less protection, it's a tradeoff); each unit has it's own energy stat, abilities require energy, there's also meditation to replenish that, but if an unit gets damaged in a round above a treshold (more than endurance stat), then the unit gets no regen it's next turn (regrowth for health and m
the20year1: HeySteve: how did you fix it?
mircea_popescu: <HeySteve> ok. I know they shoot people in China << notrly, they have a van arrangement.
asciilifeform: HeySteve: traditional civilian execution in russia involves a single bullet (firing squad is seen as 'military', not befitting a common criminal)
BingoBoingo: <HeySteve> hmm, how do they put animals to sleep? that mix seems to work well and is presumably humane << Depends on the animal and its size.
nanotube: fluffypony: the20year's problem was his browser was caching the old encrypted otp. heysteve's is probably same?
mircea_popescu: !up HeySteve
kuzetsa: HeySteve: I prefer to err on the side of sterile and verbose where being "less wordy" might result in ambiguity or leave room for interpretation
mircea_popescu: HeySteve she doesn't say men because saying men would imply they have to be fucking men, and she doesn't want to nudge a bunch of pussies towards maturity.
fluffypony: HeySteve: ping nanotube about it, you're not the first person
fluffypony: HeySteve: are you seeing the same error as the20year was?
benkay: !up HeySteve
DreadKnight: HeySteve, might be
mircea_popescu: HeySteve you mean the people who already got paid ? scroll down on the article.
DreadKnight: HeySteve, bumped into a website where chicks get naked for btc a while ago
mircea_popescu: HeySteve it is.
DreadKnight: HeySteve, s/raper/rapist xD
DreadKnight: HeySteve, ha, I kept telling people that, especially as advice to avoid online insults or even rape, but a lot of people insist in "I can dress the way I want, nobody should care; the raper is always the guilty one!", so I'm like "ok, good luck with that mentality"
fluffypony: hah hah - HeySteve right at the beginning, and it's already classic - I wanted to do a movie that would give the people that took LSD at that time the hallucinations that you get with that drug, but without hallucinating. I did not want LSD to be taken, I wanted to fabricate the drug's effect."
kuzetsa: HeySteve: I'm a social idiot, quite arguably
kuzetsa: HeySteve: the "had it coming" defense about agressing on somebody verbally or otherwise, to their face or otherwise isn't one I consider to be valid
DreadKnight: HeySteve, it worked :D
DreadKnight: !up HeySteve
nubbins`: HeySteve :0
DreadKnight: HeySteve, I agree; I'm keeping pay to win totally away from free to play; hated that I played Ancient Summoner (now called Rise of Mythos) and I was pawning most players, but everytime I was fighting a noob that put a few bucks in the game, I was getting humiliated, I eventually quit playing because of that
ThickAsThieves: HeySteve i thought it was retarded at first, turns out its way less retarded than raiding for 80 hours to make your hero look dope
mircea_popescu: HeySteve the url is really your keyid
mircea_popescu: HeySteve you don't mean dk2 do you ?